Kachalova S.V.

Gymnasium ¹ 192 city of Minsk Belarus

Methods and tecniques of development of training of speaking foreign speech

Modern ways of studying speaking foreign speech at schools with the profound studying of foreign languages demand from a teacher of active usage of optimum meth­ods and techniques for successful mastering of speaking foreign speech by pupils. But in daily school practice there is a number of serious methodical mistakes. For example, one of serious lacks of training of foreign languages, we think teaching of all things which may be unnecessary for pupils. How many useless details fall upon consciousness of a pupil! And the teacher wants the pupil to be under a cargo of knowledge, and the pupil will know he has been given all information. Practice shows: a person is given the main thing which is necessary to give, “from what to dance”, and the rest he will notice him­self.

One more reason that Russian people do not always communicate fluently in English or in German is that Russian is far from the characteristics of German or Eng­lish. Both the previous mentioned languages are related to the German language group and as it is necessary to relatives, have much in common. Therefore, for example, to the German to learn the English it is much easier, than to the Russians. The Russians study languages which, as a rule, strongly differ from the native language. However the me­thodical idea generates new ideas.

Many techniques are developed during the process of studying of a concrete lan­guage material. Now there are various ways of development of thinking and memory of training subjects for successful mastering speaking foreign lexis. All of us remember, as far as it was simple or difficult for us to remember names of days of the week in a for­eign language. Certainly, all people used to learn by various ways: learned by rote, hanged out names in all places of staying, built their own associations, compared to be­forehand acquired lexis. For learning a theme “Days of the Week” we have been using the following methodical technique for seven years at school.

We begin an explanation with etymological interpretation: Monday – the first moon day MOON, Tuesday - the second day of the week, from the English word TWO, Wednesday - the day of weddings of gods WEDDING, Thursday - in honour of the god THOR, Friday - in honour of the goddess FRIDA, Saturday - in honour of the god SATURN, Sunday - in honour of the god SUN. Thus, in an associative number of days of the week the precise structure is built, and the learning of the names of each day is as­sociated at pupils with a concrete image - explanation. We have been compelled to re­sort to the given way of learning to avoid mess at the use of the correct name of days of the week, in particular TUESDAY and THURSDAY. After using such a technique pu­pils haven’t got any problems in a lexical field of the shown theme.

The same technique is used in an explanation and learning of a word TEEN­AGER: TEEN-AGE-ER. Numerals: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eight­een, nineteen contain the same root TEEN, the word AGE in translation means age, and the suffix ER tells about somebody’s work, occupation so in order to describe people, f. e.  doctor, teacher, worker, engineer, swimmer, runner.

The French scientist Andre Trevise in a system of training of a foreign language invents the concept of interlingua level INTERLANGUE. Interlingua level is the use of knowledge of the native language for studying a foreign one. If it is more difficult to the Russians to understand the English speech the Belarusians are in more profitable condi­tions. In conditions of two languages in Belarus associative techniques of adequate lexis are used, basing on earlier known words in the Belarusian language: ÌÀÁÛÖÜ - MAY BE, ÐÀÇÛÍʲ - RAISINS, ÏÀÏÅÐÀ - PAPER, ÄÎÊÒÀÐ - DOCTOR, ÊÎËÅÐ - COLOUR, ÇÐÓÉÍÀÂÀÖÜ - RUIN, ØÀÏ²Ê - SHOP, ÔÀÉÍÛ - FINE, ÖÓÊÀÐ - SUGAR, ÃÎÍÀÐ - HONOUR, ÏÀÃÀÍÑÒÂÀ - PAGAN, ˲ÒÀÐÀ - LETTER, ÍÀÒÀÒʲ - NOTES, ÌÝË¨Í - MELON, ÀËÅÉ - OIL, ÑÒÐÀ¡Í²Ê - stomach, ÂÀÍÒÐÎÁÛ ventriculus, ÀÐÒÛÊÓË - ARTICLE. Besides to this in the Belarusian and in the Russian languages many words have come from English. We can safely base on them in training: meeting, the warrant officer, jam, fate and others.

What method is the most effective?

For all history of mankind the great variety of various educational techniques has been developing. Initially all systems were copied from the programs developed for training so-called to "dead languages" - Latin and Greek, studying of which practically led educational process to reading and translation.

The method "Grammar-translational" has appeared.

According to the given method, the mastery of a language is possession of grammar and the dictionary. The process of perfection is understood as movement from one grammatical circuit to another. Thus, the teacher planning a course on the given method, at first thinks of what grammatical circuits he wants to cover. Then under these themes the texts are given. Separate sentences are singled out and everything comes to a final translation.

The traditional method of training of foreign languages now can be abused ruthlessly: teaching of it is slowly and incorrectly. Usual idea about it is those: a heap of boring and difficult grammatical rules which are necessary to learn by heart.

The basic lack of the method is, certainly, that the traditional method makes ideal preconditions for occurrence of a so-called language barrier as the person during training stops to express himself and starts not to speak, and simply to combine words by means of some rules.

However, despite of some minuses, a traditional method possesses a number of advantages. Firstly, it really allows to use grammar at a very high level. Secondly, this method is rather good for people with strongly advanced logic thinking for whom it’s naturally to perceive language as a set of grammatical formulas. It is known, that all ingenious and phenomenally educated interpreters have recently been trained in such a way.

Method "Silent way". The knowledge of the language is initially incorporated in that person who wants it to study, and the most important - is not to prevent the pupil and not to impose the teacher’s point of view .

Following the given technique, the teacher initially does not speak anything. Training on a  beginning level of pronunciation, he uses complex colourful tables on which each colour or each symbol means the certain sound and in such a way he explains the new words. What are the advantages of the given method? Probably, that the level of knowledge of teacher’s language practically does not influence the level of knowledge of student’s language, and, eventually, it can be so, that at the end, the pupil will know the language better than his teacher. Besides during training the student is compelled to express himself freely enough. It is necessary to note, that the given method is very good for amateurs of high technologies.

Method "Total-physical response". The key rule of this method says: it is impossible to understand what you have not passed through yourself. According to this theory, the student at the first stages of training does not speak anything. Firstly, he should receive enough knowledge which is goes to passive. During approximately first twenty lessons the pupil constantly listens to foreign speech, he reads something, but does not speak any word in this foreign language. Then during training there comes the period when he has already reacted on heard or read - but to react only by action.

Everything begins with studying the words, meaning physical actions. So, for example, when study a word "to stand", everyone stands up, "to sit" – sits down and so on. And only then, when the student has saved up a lot of information ( had listened, then moved), he becomes ready to start to speak. This method is good, because the student during training feels very comfortably. The necessary effect is achieved because the person passes all received information through himself. It is important also that during studying of the language on the given method students communicate (directly or indirectly) not only with the teacher, but also among themselves.

Method "Sugesto pedia". According to this technique to study a foreign language it is possible, to become (even for the period of training) absolutely other person. Studying language thus, all students in a group choose themselves new names, think out new biographies. Due to it in an audience there’s an illusion of that they are  in the other world - in the world of a creative language. All this is done that any person during training could relax, reveal completely, and speech of his has become maximum similar to original. Thus he has spoken as invented "John".

"Audio-lingual method". Its main idea consists of the following: at the first grade level the student repeats which he has heard after the teacher or a soundtrack. And only since the second level, he is allowed to speak one - two phrases from himself, the rest consists of repetitions.

Communicative method. According to the given technique to achieve a high level of mastery of a language it is possible, training the person in so-called natural conditions - natural, first of all, from the point of view of common sense. So, for example, the question of the teacher "What is it?" pointing at the table can be considered natural only in the event that he really does not know, what it is. That method which refers to communicative, now, as a matter of fact, it is not so, though covers the same purpose - to teach the person to communicate.

A set of training methods, used by us in daily pedagogical process, gives us good positive results in mastering pupils’ speech skills and habits of the foreign language. In our opinion, the modern communicative method represents a harmonious combination of many ways of training of the foreign languages, being, probably, at the top of an evolutionary pyramid of various educational techniques.