Degtyarev S.N.


Tyumen State University, Russia


Complex development of convergent and divergent thinking as pedagogical technique



         The system of education (school, professional) significantly contributes in the development of pupils’ thinking. However, the modern system of the Russian education shows the vivid tendency of its one-side development, the decline to the development of logical thinking, its algorithmisation, formation of convergent abilities, i.e. skills to find correctly and quickly the single right solution of clearly defined task (due to the introduction of the unified state exam). Such decline, connected with knowledgeable approach in education, weakens the creative component of thinking (its divergent, irrational components). The development of the divergent thinking moves aside. However, such divergent abilities are the basis of creative thinking and they are expressed in the introduction of different ideas about one and the same object during carrying of one and the same task.

         Such disruption of balance in the development of thinking defines the problem of direction  of the content and technique of the pedagogical process to complex and harmonic development of thinking of pupils in the process of studies.

         Taking the difficulty of  the problem of formation of pupils’ thinking into account, it is possible to declare the technique of formation and /or development of thinking only with some degree of relativity. It would be better to speak about the concept of the development of thinking. However, proposed complex approach, based on definite principles, includes some technique elements (algorithms, recommendations, guidelines and didactic means), that allows us to speak about technique of complex development of divergent and convergent thinking.

         The most important principles of construction of the complex development of convergent and divergent thinking are the following:

1). The principle of interrelationship and mutuality of the content of education and pedagogical technique. It is necessary to take into account that any education has some potential of development that should be in demand in order to develop thinking in complex.

2). The principle of interrelationship of logical and intuitive experience of a person. Intuition (based on divergent, associative thinking) allows to discover new ideas and logic (convergent thinking) helps to form.

3). The principle of interrelationship of conscious and unconscious results of any activity. Such principle is based on the that fact  that results of school activity of pupils contain not only conscious products of thinking, appearing in accordance with the aim of such activity, but some additional products arising apart from conscious aim [1, p.434]. The presence of such additional product gives an opportunity of appearance of something new, original due to its connection with creative thinking (that is based on divergent thinking).

4). The principle of fixed connection of thinking with creativity. It is impossible to develop a really creative personality without thinking. [1, p. 430].

5).The principle of construction of the process of studies on the basis of creative invariant of the pedagogical activity that means the sum of obligatory components in the activity of a teacher, which interrelationships are the core of construction of the strategy of creativity development that allows to direct some pedagogical (didactic, methodical and technological) systems on effective development of creative potential and creative abilities of pupils.

         The most obligatory components are the following:

-The wide use of tasks of divergent type in the process of studies (creative, researching, variable in content and actions), actualizing productive interrelationship of divergent and convergent thinking, realized in the form of creative products of school-cognitive activity

-The activity of a teacher on formation of pupils’ individual creative strategies on the basis of creative and heuristic methods of activation of creative processes of thinking.

-The use by a teacher of didactic means and methods of visualization, logical-graphical structuring, systematizing of knowledge and personalized experience of pupils. Such means supplies associative-logical integrity and mobility of personalized and intuitive  experience, directed on the formation of cognitive, mental structures of an intellect as the basis of creative potential.

         The American psychologist J.Guilford was the first who paid attention to qualitative distinction of divergent  and convergent thinking. He also gave the definition of divergent thinking as thinking in different directions that gives an opportunity to the great number of the correct solutions. Thanks to J. Guilford the following topic began to be actively studied and became very important for diagnostic  of creative abilities of a person and for solving practical educative problems.

The thought about the cognitive process (including a creative one) is not new. Both types of thinking are very important. S.Mednick shows in his investigations that convergent and divergent parts are present in the process of creation. Moreover, the division of the cognitive act into several parts are incorrect and describes the cognitive act inadequately. So, we can present divergent and convergent thinking in only strong interrelationship.

The activity of convergent or divergent part of thinking will be defined by the character of solving teaching problems, by the character of pupils’ activity (external management or free without internal restriction).

The tasks of problematic character with indefinite context having variability of carrying out, demand actuality of divergent thinking, possess such kind of a content according to which a creative character of thinking can appear.

The tasks directed to the development of convergent and divergent thinking, must satisfy to definite requirements. Some of the below mentioned requirements are rather known and used in practice, some of them have definite degree of newness and in spite of its importance we have found a necessary reflection in the work of a teacher.

The task will be considered directed to the development of divergent and convergent thinking if one of  the conditions is fulfilled:

1). The context of the task consists of extra data. In this case a pupil has an opportunity to combine a complex of context and choose the most suitable variant of carrying the task (typical and non-standard variants are possible).

2). The context of the task has not enough data for its carrying out. In this case it is necessary to include some additional information or some contexts have vague data (i.e. nothing is mentioned about the pressure of air but this experiment takes place in natural conditions; it is not mentioned directly but the constant temperature, volume and pressure in gas process are supposed ). It is necessary to find limited parameters, to define needed complex of parameters for optimal carrying out of the task.

3). A combined variant of the context is possible. There are extra-data for a search of unknown in the context (but they are not used in carrying out of the context or they can give the wrong way). And at the same time there are no necessary data for finding parameters and you should search them yourself.

4). The task has several variants of carrying out (minimum two variants, e.g. graphical and analytical; deductive and inductive; analytical and synthetic, etc). Taking into consideration the detailed description of context of the task, a pupil  finds his/her own method of carrying out (it is better to find several methods and to choose the most rational and effective). In spite of the fact that the task has only one correct answer, the task will be a divergent one because there are a lot of variants of its carrying out.

5). The task must have several answers that according to the context of the task have the right to exist. It is possible even in exact sciences if parameters are not defined exactly.

Complication for a pupil is the following: to find all the answers to the task.  Pupils often find one answer thinking that the task is carried out. Such kinds of tasks are especially not carried out (or pupils give a partial answer).

6). The task must have a possibility of changing and transformation of its context keeping the initial sense and it can stimulate the birth of additional minds, another view on analyzing the task, the appearance of unusual analogues, etc.

 And all above mentioned will promote the use of creative and heuristic methods developing creativity of a personality.





1. Psychology of creation: school of Y. A. Ponomarev. /Edited by D.V.Ushakov . –M.: Publishing house of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Science, 2006.-624 p.