Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Kazakhstan

           natural Sciences Sadykov D.S., Second year master Burumbayev A.K.


The Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpaev

Institute "Geology and Petroleum"

Department «Development of Oil and Gas Wells»




Ecological problem of humankind since ancient times. And with the growth progress, respectively, pollution, environmental issues are becoming increasingly important. Protection of the environment from pollution - one of the most important issues of today. It is not enough to focus only on the protection of the atmosphere, because the environment is an extremely complex system consisting of a myriad of interconnected systems of subordinates. Water and soil with their properties and the inhabitants are also part of this system. Some believe that the pollution - the inevitable consequence of progress, while others wanted to return to a purer past. These arguments were always and will continue indefinitely.

The main sources of pollution by oil and oil products are mining companies, pumping systems and transportation, oil terminals and storage facilities, storage of petroleum products, rail, river and sea oil tankers, filling complexes and station. Volumes of waste oil and oil pollution, accumulated on individual objects that make hundreds of thousands of cubic meters. A significant number of oil sludge and waste storage facilities built since the early 50s, became a means of preventing oil pollution in a permanent source of contamination.

Sludge composed of three distinct fractions: water, oil and solids. In addition, they differ in their composition and properties depending on the quality and composition of the original crude oil.

For the processing of sludge use biotechnology himiotehnologii, acoustic, thermal and fire clean technology, and combined technologies.

General shortcomings of these technologies and processing of sludge disposal is their low productivity and high material, energy and money. In addition, they do not allow for complete processing and disposal of oil sludge and ensure the environmental safety of the environment. Here are the main methods used oil sludge recycling and disadvantages:

Advocacy is a slow and inefficient process that requires large areas for tanks and large doses of expensive chemicals.

Filtration through a sludge press divides into two parts - separates impurities from the liquid component, and has a low bandwidth. In addition, this process leaves unsolved the problem of disposing of the material and the separation of the filtered water.

Burn oil sludge with water and mechanical impurities is an expensive process in which valuable hydrocarbon component irrevocably destroyed. [1]

Utilization  of acid tars. Acid sludge are resinous highly viscous mass varying degrees of mobility, containing a variety of organic compounds, free sulfuric acid and water. Fresh acid sludge (current generation) containing sulfuric acid is very unstable product. During storage, it sulfonation reactions of polymerisation, polycondensation and other acid sludge in ponds in their chemical composition are significantly different from the current generation of acid tars. Furthermore, due to leaching of acid atmospheric and ground water in the acid number of tar ponds are much lower than fresh.

During storage, due to the effects of precipitation (snow, rain) content ponds divided into three layers:

• upper - acid oil (light oil of tart products);

• medium - acidic water, consisting of rainfall and sulfuric acid;

• bottom - bottom acid sludge in pasty state and concentrated sulfuric acid.

Process of these acidic tars comprises the following steps:

Neutralization. It results from the interaction of acidic products (free sulfuric acid, sulfonic acid, asfaltogennye acid) with calcium hydroxide by the usual mechanism to form calcium sulfate and water as end products. It should be noted that during the neutralization of acid tars deep observed more intense foaming process is accompanied by a significant release of heat. All this makes it necessary to manage the process with the use of defoamers that reduce or even completely eliminate the foam. These differences are due to the higher acidity of the deep samples.

Air oxidation. Oxidation of 1 kg of neutralized acid sludge after the distillation of water is held when the air from the compressor at 2 liters per minute at a temperature of 190 - 200 ° C. for 2 - 4 hours.

There were no significant differences between the oxidation of deep samples and samples of the upper layers were found. It should be noted that the deep acid sludge (3 - 3.5 m) are oxidized at a faster rate, which can be explained by the high content of sulfur compounds are high in comparison with the upper layers of acid sludge. [2]

Regeneration of waste industrial oils. In enterprises metalworking and mechanical engineering is widely used cutting oils, water and organic frameworks, and industrial oils.

When operating, they lose their functional and performance characteristics and must be disposed of. Such waste oil are divided into two groups.

The first group includes industrial waste oils, which can be recovered and purified. This group, in accordance with current regeneration and cleaning fluids are two subgroups.

The first subgroup includes waste oil, used for maintenance needs: Undercoating 611/36, oil from mud tanks drives industrial waste, oil circulation systems of supply of lubricating fluid based concentrates.

The second subgroup includes waste oil: after polishing, oil collected after the destruction of emulsions quenching oil.

The second group is a mixture of waste oil to be processed at the refineries. These petroleum products are: kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, mineral spirits.

For the effective utilization of oil waste and protect the environment necessary to carry out the following activities:

• development and implementation of advanced technologies for processing and disposal neftemasloothodov recycling and use of products in the economy of the region;

• the creation of specialized processing plants, recycling neftemasloothodov and eliminate sources of pollution;

• elimination of pollution of soils and groundwater neftemasloothodami, restoration and preservation of sustainable ecological conditions in the affected areas. Special attention should be given to the elimination of local pollution and recycling neftemasloothodov stored on the premises.

The complex system involves a network of specialized stationary polygons (areas) for handling, storage and processing of oily waste and accounting system objects produced and accumulated oily waste.

In economic terms, the implementation of a comprehensive system for the collection, treatment and disposal of oily waste can significantly reduce the charges for waste disposal of natural resources and the costs of cleaning and remediation of contaminated land, reduce the cost of waste transport



1)Docent Kuzmina I.V. The problem of disposing of waste oil, or "what to do with black gold."

2) Magazine "Ecology and Industry of Russia"