Bogunov L.A.

North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev




Specificating the category of “economic thinking” and first of all the questions of its formation, we would like to determine the principle difference between definitions of economic thinking and economic awareness so that the deference, according to our opinion, contributes to perception of dual nature of economic thinking as well as the approaches to its formation. 

Economic awareness is the essence “reflection” of economic reality, while economic thinking together with the reflection, suppose the formation of economic reality. The difference of such economic categories if accentuate the attention namely on this question in general, we find in works both of native and foreign authors, devoted to economic awareness and economic thinking.

In this concern the question of correlation economic thinking and economic reality requires special attention. We proceed from the point of view of mutual influence of the given facts. Such an approach, not contradicting the problem of research of antecedence and derivativeness of the given phenomena towards each others, as it seems to us, is more flexible and effective in the questions of formation of economic thinking.

Illustrating the approach to the mutual influence of economic thinking and economic reality, we consider it is necessary to note the following.

At first, it is possible to denote two variants of developing of national economics, where in one case dynamics of socio-economic processes are defined by natural market transformations, and in the other case, the State undertakes large power in regulation of   social- economic processes. The last situation, as we understand, more characterizes the situation of economic crises. 

Correspondingly the model of economic person in economic environment can be represented dually. From one side, economic person – is an active thinking subject, who in the conditions of natural market relations determines his own place and role, his own competences, strategies and it means in  majority, his own incomes  and expenses. 

And in the second case, economic person needs to determinate and navigate directives, reactively responding to external motivations which in its turn determine his place and role, competences, strategies it means incomes and expenses. And the last variant may be more comfortable for someone because it supposes less responsibility for his own activities and thus for possible mistakes but nevertheless is less effective and less competitive, whereas in this case less freedom of economic thinking and self realization is presented.

So such dual understanding of the model of economic individual is second aspect.

Thus specificating the categories of economic thinking and economic awareness separation of generating beginning in the content of   economic awareness, and also in the above presented approaches to the interpretation of strategies of national economics developing, to the understanding of the model of the person in the economic system, we can denote the actual duality and mutual stipulation of reality and thinking in the formation of the latter.

So, analyzing the approaches to the formation of economic thinking, from one side it is necessary to devote adequate consideration to the influence of objective economic conditions to the formation of economic thinking. Because in many cases the economic thinking is determined by actual social economic processes. It means the change of these circumstances, determinated by the state economic policy, which changes the economic thinking of the citizens. However, using the category “in many”, we mean that the content of economic thinking of individuals also depends from himself.

To form such an active role of economic person to the relation of his own thinking with more success as we see it, can be the corresponding economic education, which by word in the context of formation of economic thinking should be not so theoretical but practically orientated, but aimed at  the formation of awareness of self active economic role of economic person.

And this is the second component of formation of economic thinking in which according to our opinion, the main priorities of content of the economic thinking of economic person are concluded, and which can stipulate the formation influence of economic thinking on the economic reality.  

This is the result of dual nature of economic thinking: mutual influence of economic reality in the form of social-economic processes, determinating by the state policy and objective global economic conditions on the economic thinking and personal as well as the social economic thinking, determining, forming economic reality.

On this basis the formation of modern market thinking, according to our opinion will be realized more advisedly and effectively.