Economy/ 2. Foreign economic activity

Yermolina M.B.

Bukovina state financial academy

European perspective of Ukraine

The future of Ukraine is firmly connected with European Union. Membership of Ukraine in EU is fully authentic in a next decade. If the perspective of Ukraine of joining the European Union consider from the spect of both sides’ preparedness it will mean that there is a possibility for Ukraine to join EU in 2020. The process has to be structured and three-staged. If these stages will be done successfully, so there will be a chance to reach the goal - the membership in EU.

Only Euro-integrated policy can ensure our country the worth place among European people. For Ukraine the integration in European Union – is the movement of country to the standards of the real, operating democracy and civilized socially oriented market economy.

Obviously, that modern weak Euro-integrated positions of Ukraine and disparity to the political and economic criteria for the joining EU is the appropriate result of inconsistence and delay in the reforms realization - the years of marking time left Ukraine behind those countries of Central and East Europe, that made complex market transformations. Weak institutional and functional consolidation of the policy priority of European integration in everyday activity of the government, non-effective mechanisms of interdepartmental co-ordination and monitoring of the implementation of the accepted decisions, low level of professional preparation and knowledge of civil employees even of the highest level negatively influence on this process [5, 8].

There are similar threats and uncertainties in the sphere of economy. Present legal sphere and institutional infrastructure do not provide sufficient safety for investors and creditors, assist trade disputes and limit the potential of regional economic collaboration. Strategy of Ukraine integration in EU with the consideration of macroeconomic indexes is the complex economic, political and legal problem [1, 36-37].

According to the stated facts it is possible to formulate the basic strategic directions of external economic policy of Ukraine in the relationships with the countries of EU:

1)        to follow the  general principles of trade and economic collaboration with the countries of EU;

2)        to realize timely and complexly the economic and political tasks that are essential for creation of free trade area with the countries of Western Europe;

3)        to provide unimpeded access of main export commodities and services of Ukraine to the markets of member-countries of EU [6, 2].

Surely, it would be unjustified to set all these tasks simultaneously as there is a risk of unfulfilling of one of them. So it is necessary to separate the stages of the mutual economic relations development. There are, at least, three of them.

First stage is the forming of pre-conditions development of collaboration that Ukraine entered in 1994 and, unfortunately, has not yet overcome. On this stage attention must be concentrated on the resolving of such tasks:

1)       successful leading the internal economic transformations in Ukraine with the aim of creation the market environment that has the ability to mutual collaboration with EU and its member-countries and integrations in European economic structures;

2)       creation of organizational macroeconomic pre-conditions for future including in the European economic structures (to encourage firms’, financially-industrial groups formation able to international co-operation).

The effective decision of main tasks of the first stage will raise new, more complex tasks on the second stage - stage of speed-up adaptation and the beginning of entrance in European economic structures, that can take 6-10 years, and to which Ukraine must come in the nearest years.

Finally, on the third stage - stage of complex integration in European economic structures (possible duration - 10-20 years) - the most complex problems of the integration of Ukraine economy in European economic structures might have been settled [2, 124].

As a conclusion it can be noted that nowadays the Euro-integrated position of Ukraine is weak enough. That is why Ukraine faces the task of adjusting the dynamic relations with EU and resolving such strategically necessary tasks as:

1)       strengthening of stability and efficiency of authorities that provide democracy and supremacy of right;

2)       gradual approaching of legislation, norms and standards of Ukraine to the legislation, norms and standards of European Union;

3)       strengthening of capability of administrative and judicial authorities.

Choosing the European vector of integration, Ukraine objectively is on the way to the high-efficient socially-oriented market economy.  Course to EU is the way to democracy, world peace, progressive development of high standards of living, high level of social defense.


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