Экономические науки/1. Банки и банковская система

Маер О.И.

Университет международного бизнеса, Казахстан

“The credit system of the state: the essential characteristics and evolution of treating the categorical apparatus”


A stable credit system gains particular importance for national financial systems in the changing global economy. It should correspond to the needs of the population, enterprises and the state. In order to assess the importance and understand the meaning of the term “credit system” it is necessary to carry out the chronology of developments in the interpretation of this concept in domestic and foreign economic literature.

The term “credit” is one of the most commonly used in the economic lexicon of the population, second only to concepts such as “banks”, “money” and some others. In the current theoretical sources the notion of credit is treated differently. The main types of theoretical concepts characteristic of the notion “credit” are presented in Table 1.


Table 1. Interpretation of the concept “credit”


School of economic thought


Interpretation of the term “credit”

1. Naturalistic theory of credit

A. Smith, David Ricardo, and others

Credit is a form of movement of productive capital, using the relative independence of the loan capital and the regularity of its movement

2. Capital creative theory of credit (“credit expansionist theory”)

J. Lo, G. McLeod, I. Shumpetter, R. Hawtrey, A. Hahn and others

Credit is able to set in motion all the unused production capacities of the country, and create wealth and capital

3. The Keynesian school

John Maynard Keynes, the followers of (neo-Keynesians) P. Samuelson, L. Lerner, S. Harris, E. Hansen and others

Consider credit as a factor in stimulating consumer demand, the impact on the economy through changes in interest rates on credit

4. Russian Economic School

N.S. Mordvinov, I. Kaufman, M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky, A.A. Isayev, etc.

Credit is the ratio, resulting in the movement not only temporarily available (prazdnolezhaschie) financial capital, but also the main income population

5. Kazakhstan views of economists

N. Khamitov, V.D. Melnikov, A. Abishev etc.

Credit is a relationship involving a refund of the money issued to the borrower for temporary use associated with a profit obtaining by the lender


Credit in today's financial dictionary is represented as a distinct financial and economic category, which expresses the possibility of providing temporary free funds in terms of maturity, repayment and interest payment. The objective conditions of the loan are:

¾  mismatch of the production cycles of individual producers, which leads to the need for companies to attract financial resources from outside to the continuation and renewal of their production cycles and of the expanded reproduction;

¾  the possibility of individual and corporate accumulation of funds, which allows to compensate losses due to inflationary pressures in the economy and increase the capital by the interest received;

¾  the existence of temporarily non-used budgetary and extra budgetary resources in terms of demand for the latter by economic entities and population, which greatly simplifies the cash flows of the financial system.

In the economy, credit is a form of loan capital movements, i.e. money capital, suggested for loan; it ensures the transformation of money capital into the loan, and expresses the relationship between lenders and borrowers. It is able to actively influence the amount and structure of money, payment transactions and to influence the velocity of money circulation. It is through the functions that the essence of the loan as an economic category is manifested.

The main functions of the loan are:

¾  accumulation and mobilization of monetary capital;

¾  redistribution of money-capital;

¾  cost savings;

¾  accelerated concentration and centralization of capital;

¾  regulation, promotion and stabilization of the economy.

The second component of the “credit system” term notion is a categorical interpretation of the concept “system”. This category “system” is often operated in different fields of knowledge. This concept has several meanings, described by scholars of different time and space. According to the author Smirnov E.A., system is a certain integrity, consisting of interdependent parts, each of which contributes to the performance of the whole. A similar concept is offered by a Russian scientist Vesnin V.R.: “System is an aggregate interrelation of existing elements”.

In economics, the most reasonable definition runs as follows: “System is a set of institutions that are homogeneous in their tasks, or institutions, united in one organizational unit”. Moreover, most economists tend to believe that such a thing as a “system” should have a number of characteristics, traits and distinctive features.

The key elements of any system, including the economic or credit systems are:

1)    the variety of its constituent elements, which can be incorporated into the subsystems according to similar criteria, or to their functions;

2)    the main goal for all elements included in the concept of “system”;

3)    the links between elements, the nature of which can vary and be either dominant or secondary;

4)    presence of a structure and hierarchy, which can be used to describe the system itself and its main features;

5)    the relative independence of each of the components of the system, the ability to change the properties of the system in case of retirement or on the contrary, addition of various elements;

6)    the presence of the management of these elements, the allocation manager and managed objects.

The defining properties of the system are:

1)    connectivity - is realized in the combined action of its elements, otherwise the effectiveness of the activities - sequence is sharply reduced;

2)    the emergence – is manifested in the presence of at any of the special properties that are not inherent in its subsystems and units, as well as the fact that properties of the system cannot be reduced to the sum of the properties of its components;

3)    self-preservation - is implemented in an effort to maintain its structure and function unchanged in the presence of disturbances of internal or external nature;

4)    organizational integrity – is evident in self-organization and self-government of the system.

Most researchers believe that the credit system should be characterized in the broad and narrow senses. Below there are some definitions suggested by some economic scientists.

The credit system is:

1)    The set of credit relationships, forms and methods of financing (functional form) (Starodubova N. Ovchinnikov E.N.);

2)    The set of financial institutions, accumulating surplus funds and giving them a loan (institutional form) (O.I. Lavrushin);

3)    The assortment of the credit relationships, forms and methods of credit available under varying socio-economic structure (in the broad sense) (Beloglazova G.N.);

4)    The set of banks and other financial institutions engaged in the mobilization of free money capital and income, providing them as a loan (Maksimova L.N.);

5)    The set of institutions that organize credit relations (Zhukov E.F.)

6)    The assortment of the credit relations in the country, forms, and lending practices of banks or other lending institutions, organizing and implementing such relationships (Borisov A.B.)

Thus, we can say that despite the disintegration of the views and opinions of economists, the authors agree that the credit system is a functional institutional system, which includes several components, i.e. elements.

The modern credit system is a combination of not only various credit relationships, forms, and lending practices, credit and financial institutions operating in the market and offering loan capital accumulation and mobilization of monetary capital and controlling their bodies, but also the regulatory framework governing the functioning of the credit system.

Summarizing, we note that the credit system of the state now consists of two main concepts: a set of credit and settlement and payment relations, which are based on certain specific forms and methods of credit, a set of operating credit and financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, etc.). The first concept is usually associated with the movement of loan capital in various forms of credit. The second means that the credit system, through its numerous institutes accumulates free cash flow and sends them to businesses, communities, government. The number of ranges, types and forms of credit varies depending on the degree of economic development of any state.


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