Ìàòåìàòèêà/1. Äèôôåðåíöèàëüíûå è èíòåãðàëüíûå óðàâíåíèÿ


Ismagul R.S.

Kostanay State University Ahmet Baitursynov, Kazakhstan






This article gives a review of finding a solution of a countable system through shortening method. It describes necessary and sufficient conditions for uniqueness of an almost multiperiodic solution of integrodifferential equations in partial derivatives.
        Let’s introduce some notations and definitions:
 - The class of n-dimensional -functions,  -satisfying the conditions.

 and almost multiperiodic in  ñ  - vector- almost period , where  when ; countable-dimensional vector, where; Wm è Vm - functionals that assign  vectors Wm = ( φ1, …, φò, 0,…) è Vm = ( 0,…,0, φm+1,φò+2, …) to the vector φ = (φ1, ..., φt, ...).

 Let’s consider a system of integrodifferential equations of the form
, (1)
          where x, Q, R are n-vectors-columns; P (t,
φ) is a matrix of dimension n × n, φ = (φ1, ..., φt, ...) is a countable vector, and , >0 are small parameters.
       Let’s consider that the conditions
[1,c.168] è () are met if:
      1) vector-function    
is bounded and contiguous with all
variables, and has limited contiguous derivatives of first order in
,; diagonally - almost in period, belongs to -class evenly relatively to;  

2) continuous function  provides improper integral, where  is permanent.

Let’s contemplate the differential operator:


To reduce the record we’ll take . It should be noted that the coefficients of Lipshitce enhanced condition for vector-function are .

 Let’s contemplate the linearized equation:

.                                                    (2)

 Let be the characteristic function of the functional, which satisfies the integral equation

       For characteristic function
there are rates analogous to relations of the form I(a-b) è 10-90 [1].

Let’s consider the functional Ò, representing each vector-function  in vector-function

              , where

which is known from [1].

We will study

Considering that , we can write . From rates III(a-d) [1,c. 171] we can conclude that there is such a number , for which with all  there are the following relations:

      1)   ,

      2)   ,                                       

      3)   ,

      4)   .

Thus, we come to the statement of theorem 1.

 Theorem 1. If the conditions ,  are met for the equation (1), than for all the meanings,  equation (1) has a single almost multiperiodic solution from the class  , converging in a zero vector with .

Let’s consider a system shortened in φ, obtained from (1):

,                (3)

where  is a shortened differential functional. Then  is a characteristic function of the functional   . 

Then we can see that an almost multiperiodic solution of the basic system (1) can be evenly approximated by an almost multiperiodic solution of the system in  of the form (3).

Theorem 2. If the equation (2) is uncritical and the conditions ,  for the quantities  are met, then the equations (1) and (3) with  and with  have a single almost multiperiodic solution,  respectively, and at that we have the relation

in the sense of convergence in the form [2], where     .



1. Umbetzhanov D.U. Almost periodic solutions of evolution equations. Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1990, 188 p.

2. Ismagul R.S., Ramazanova A.T. About a countable system of some differential equations in partial derivatives //  Materials of international scientifically-practical conference of students, graduates and young scientists "Lomonosov-2009" .- Astana, 2009, .51-53.