Педагогические  науки/ 5.Современные методы преподавания

Omarov B. S.

International Kazakh-Turkish University by named H.A.Yassawi,

Turkestan city, Kazakhstan


The diversity of knowledge about objects and phenomena in a given area of activity can not be used if the knowledge they are not in order, if terms and their definitions do not correspond to modern volume and value. Theory and methodology of physical culture & sport represents an activity in which diversity especially pronounced and presents us with the need to strive for structural location of many sites of action: methods, principles, tools, exercises, etc.   The correct address issues of classification and taxonomy of knowledge on theory and methodology of physical culture & sport is of the utmost importance for the development of this discipline. Successfully compiled classification is convenient for storage and retrieval of information, orientation, in practice, programming, etc. But this is not its main feature. Good classification - a kind of compass for theoretical and practical activities specialists theory and methodology of physical culture & sport.   In this methodical manual deals with the basics of theoretical methods of physical education, the terminology classification system of physical exercises and their application in the activities corresponding to modern requirements of physical culture. The subject of  "Theory and methods of physical education" is the main carrier in terms of academic training of physical education in special schools, as well as mastering the content theory and methodology of physical culture & sport provide the necessary theoretical basis for the development of knowledge and skills of teaching sports and disciplines. In turn, the successful study of the foundations of the theory and methodology of physical education requires knowledge of philosophical regularities, anatomy, psychology, physiology, education, sociology, questions of organization and management of physical culture and sports, etc. Currently seems extremely topical formulation of innovative approaches to improve the system of knowledge in training highly qualified physical education. In the transition to a market economy has become necessary to transform the conceptual position solvable problem. Methodology training should aim at improving the professionalism and competence, physical education specialist, graduate to be competitive in the labor market, quickly absorb innovations and adapt quickly to changing circumstances activities. Solving the problem requires creative rethinking of accumulated years of theoretical and practical experience and on that basis contributes to the search for untapped reserves further growth skills. In doing so, the effectiveness of training in the field of physical culture is defined set of criteria that reflect the various sides of trained professionals. When writing a textbook author relied on the principle of modern methods and the theory of physical education XXI century. It addresses the problem of relations authoritarian and humanistic education, the transition from rationality to the realism, continuity theory and practice, freedom and responsibility of teachers and pupils at his own personal growth. In accordance with the above problems training specialist refocused on building individual plan of the educational process, allowing each party to realize its educational program, according to abilities, needs, values of modern man.   The manual on "theory and methodology of physical education and sport" author constructed in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards, specialty 01.01.04 - Physical Culture and Sports, and the third level, specialty 05.07.20 - Physical Culture, the second level. Academic Discipline theory and methodology of physical culture & sport - Leading in the important problems of formation of the students a holistic view of the profession in the field of physical education and sport. The author was guided by the following provisions: first, fundamental changes in public and economic order, secondly, the negative change in environment, in third, leading the value of a healthy lifestyle. Theory and methodology of physical culture & sport course is designed to provide deeper knowledge, comprehension of theoretical foundations of physical education and sport, develop skills of the students practical implementation of its main provisions in its activities in the various agencies and sports organizations. When writing a training manual on theory and methodology of physical culture & sport take into account current trends in improving the training process. The desire to move from substantive learning, which leads to a fragmented image of physical culture, to learning based on the modular approach, built on the principles of the development of teaching knowledge, which pose a systemic in gaining knowledge, leads to the integration of learning content, providing holistic education and holistic view of the future profession and work in the field of physical culture and sports. The modular approach promotes creativity of the students, permission forms skills training in dealing with contradictions, situational professional objectives. The manual sets out the main issues, reflecting technology training for Physical Culture and Sport, as well as logically linked issues of sports and teaching disciplines (SPD) with the course teacher sports improvement (PFSS) on the basis of their subject, in an integrated form which sold for the period educational and pedagogical practices. This manual deals with the training of physical education, teachers in secondary schools. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of physical education techniques preschool and school children. There is a special section on the terms of physical education. Listed terminology and classification system of physical exercises and their application in the activities corresponding to modern requirements of physical culture.   In the manual also outlines goals, objectives pedagogical practices in the system of physical culture teacher training, are examples of planning documents, recording the activities of trainees. The main purpose of benefits - maximum cooperation integral preparation of future teachers. The book is intended for a wide range of professionals, students, coaches and physical education teachers secondary and higher education institutions. The author of the book, Ivankov Chingis Tagirovich, Doctor of Education Sciences, professor, member of the Board Federation national struggle "At belt" Russia, Head. Chair TMFViS (Theories methods of physical education and sport) Moscow Institute of Physical Culture.   Born in 1939 in Moscow, in 1969, graduated from Central State Order VI Lenin Institute of Physical Education (Moscow). Master of Sports of the USSR, Russia Silver prize for the Greco-Roman wrestling, repeated champion of Moscow.



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