E.V.Duvanskaya , Zh.V.Gornostaeva , N.A.Dmitrienko

Institute of service and business (branch) Federal State

The concept and nature of the information service

Today, in all countries regardless of the level of economic and social development is restructuring associated with the growth of the information sector of the economy and therefore entails significant social, political and cultural changes in society. A striking manifestation of this trend is the significant increase in the number of people employed in the field of information services. Information service – it is activities to ensure the maintenance of information and processes in society.

For the first time the term « information service» was introduced in the scientific revolution in 1989 by the soviet scientist D.I. Blumenau in his book «Information and information service».

In the information service a long history, but modern qualities he gained with the advent of powerful computers on the processing and transfer of information. Currently, under the information service refers to activities related to the production, processing, storage and dissemination of information. [1 ]

Modern production is impossible without information service. In a market economy, independent, independent producers of goods and services, as well as all those who provide the continuity of the cycle science - technology - production - distribution - consumption will not be able to operate successfully in the market, without information. Legally the term «information» is defined as follows: «The information - the information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation» [2].

For business need information on other manufacturers about potential customers, suppliers of raw materials, components and technologies , the prices , the situation in the commodity markets and capital markets , the general economic and political environment , not only in their own country , but around the world, about long-term trends in the economy , the prospects for the development of science and technology, etc.

In this regard, information service has attracted more and more businesses. The information needs of different levels are rising rapidly, expanding opportunities for information sharing, leading to the emergence of all new information products - a collection of data generated by their manufacturers for distribution. Here are the main features of an information product that is fundamentally different from other commodities information. First, the information disappears when consumed, and can be used multiple times. Product retains the information contained therein, regardless of how many times it has been used. This property information is illustrated by the well-known parable Shaw If you have an apple and I have an apple and if we exchange these apples then you and I will remain one apple. And if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. Second, the information product eventually undergoes a kind of moral deterioration [3]. Although the information and does not wear out with use, but it can lose its value to the extent that , as provided her knowledge ceases to be actual aging process information can last from five to fifteen years. Third, different consumers of information goods and services are convenient ways to provide different information, because the consumption of product information effortless. This is the property of the targeting information. Incidentally, due to this property as well as the aging property, the need for product information can never be satisfied forever. In - fourth, production information, as opposed to the production of material goods is costly compared to the cost of replication. Copying of any information product costs are generally much cheaper than producing it.

New information technologies, as opposed to traditional, involves the supply of information to the user, not only the product but also the means of access thereto of search, processing, presentation, etc. These tools allow the user to not only visualize the contents of a computer file , which is embodied in the product information but also to obtain information in the amount and format of which correspond exactly to their needs . Ideally, the means of access to the search and presentation of information corresponding to the user's needs, wherever it is found. This possibility is traditionally associated with the concept of an information service.

With the high level of development of modern information technology the consumer is able to make a choice between traditional and non-traditional ways of providing information. For example, in a library, you can use a manual or an electronic catalog to request copies of important journal articles or search full-text databases, etc.

Great interest as a technological means of obtaining information is the Internet. Survey of more than twelve thousand Europeans in ten countries in Europe by the European branch of the company " Microsoft " has demonstrated the priority of modern sources of information: 60% of respondents believe that the Internet is more important than television , which is trusted only 13.8 %, while the newspaper as a means of mass media, relying only 9.7 %.

As a global telecommunications system the Internet is a convenient tool for the rapid exchange of business correspondence, including the exchange of internal company with branch offices, with a high degree of reliability and confidentiality.

The development of information services is changing the rhythm and quality of life, business organization, blurs the boundaries between the countries.


1. Molev, M.D. Efficient service sector in the basic factors of sustainable development in the region : monograph / M.D. Molev, E.V.Duvanskaya, E.S.Alehina. Mines : HPE «SRSUES», 2009 . – 133 p .

2. The Federal Law «On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information» on 27.07.2006 . ¹ 149- FZ / computer reference and legal system under the legislation of Russia and Belarus «Consultant Plus»

3 . Blumenau, D.I. Information and information service . - Leningrad: Nauka, 1989 . -192 p.