G.N.Danilchenko , Zh.V.Gornostaeva , N.A.Dmitrienko

Institute of service and business (branch) Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Educational «Don State Technical University»

The role of information in modern society

From the second half of the twentieth century in the civilized world, the main determining factor for socio -economic development is the transition of «the things economy» to the «knowledge economy», there is a substantial increase in the value and role of information in addressing almost all of the world community. This is due to the fact that the scientific and technological revolution is gradually turning into an intellectually and information , the information is not only the subject of communication but also a profitable commodity , unconditional and effective modern means of organization and management of social production , science, culture, education and socio- economic development society.

For the development of human society required material, tools, energy and other resources, including information. Currently characterized by an massive increase in the volume of information flows. This applies to almost every part of human activity. The largest increase is observed in the volume of information industry, commerce, finance and banking, and education sectors. For example, growth in the industry of information due to the increase in production , the increasing complexity of products , materials , equipment , expansion of internal and external economic relations of objects as a result of the concentration and specialization of production . [1]

Information is one of the main deciding factor that determines the development of technology and resources in general. In this connection, it is important to understand not only the relationship information industry development, computerization, information technology to the process of information, but also to determine the level and degree of influence on the process of information management and intellectual human activity.

The problems of information management in general and how the information is given to process a lot of attention due to the following objective processes:

- humanity is experiencing an information explosion. The growth of circulating and stored in the Information Society came into conflict with individual human capabilities for its assimilation;

- development of mass - communication processes;

- the need to develop a general theory of information;

- development of cybernetics as the science of management;

- penetration of information technology in the areas of social life;

- research in the natural sciences confirm the role of information in the processes of self-organization of animate and inanimate nature;

- update the challenges of sustainable development , the emergence of the information economy , the main driving force of which is the potential of information , information resources;

- problem prospects of mankind as integrity does raise the question of the necessary criteria of progress in the modern world.

The exclusive role of media in modern scientific - technical progress has led to the understanding of information as a resource, as a necessary and important as energy, raw materials, financial and other resources. Information has become an object of purchase - sale, that is information product, wich is on par with the information in the public domain, forms an information resource of society [2].

As product information can`t be disposed of like the physical products. It`s sale is conditional value. Moving on to the buyer, it remains the seller. It doesn`t disappear in the process of consumption.

The formation and development of the information sector, the movement of many types of information as a commodity affected the formation of a special market - the market information.

Currently, the dissemination of information in the information sector of the economy is impossible without the use of information technology, which under the law as the processes , methods, search, collection , storage , processing, supply, distribution of information and ways to implement these processes and methods . [3] Has already passed the point in time when new information technologies have been developed mainly for the domestic needs of an organization. Now information technology became an independent and quite profitable type of business that aims to meet the diverse information needs of a wide range of users.

The use of modern information technology provides almost instant connection to any electronic information files (such as databases, electronic reference books and encyclopedias , various operational reports , analyzes, laws and regulations , etc.) coming from international, regional and national information systems and use them for the benefit of a successful business.

By combining a variety of information networks made possible the creation of a global information system Internet, allowing to deliver information services on an " anytime, anywhere: 365/366 days and 24 hours a day anywhere in the world."

Due to the rapid development of new information technologies, is now not only has appeared open access to the global flow of the political, financial, scientific and technical information, but also has become a real possibility of building a global business in the Internet.


1. Gornostaeva, Jh.V. A brief overview of the current role and prospects of development of electronic services in the domestic economic system / J.V.Gornostaeva, D.A.Kulachenko / Academia students XXI century: proceedings of the international student extramural scientific -practical conference. Extras. edition, December 6 . 2011. - Novosibirsk: . «Siberian Association of Consultants», 2011. – 76 p .

2. Alekhine, E.S. Particularly information management of marketing activities in the field of regional service 115-119 : Information Technology , Systems Analysis and Management - Its' 2012 / Proceedings of X All-Russian scientific conference of young scientists and students . - Taganrog: Publisher of Southern Federal University , 2012 - T.4 . - 200 p.

3. The Federal Law «On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information» on 27.07.2006 . ¹ 149- FZ / computer reference and legal system under the legislation of Russia and Belarus «Consultant Plus»