Экономические науки/8. Математические методы в экономике

Abatov N.T, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, docent

A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University, Kazakhstan


Analysis of the statistical population means

Microsoft Excel


Summarized aggregate statistics are calculated on the basis of analysis of variational series of distribution, time series. However, the package Microsoft Excel allows you to calculate many of these parameters directly from the raw data observations using the tools available add-ins "data analysis", as well as statistical functions of the instrument "Function Wizard".

Add-in "Analysis of Data" command is called "Data Analysis" menu "Data" and contains in its structure such aggregate statistical analysis tools: variance analysis, ANOVA with repetitions, ANOVA without repetition, correlation, covariance, descriptive Statistics, exponential Smoothing, moving average, Rank and Percentile, bar chart, regression, sampling and other.

Window add-in "Analysis of Data" is shown in Picture 1.


Picture 1 – Window "Data Analysis"


Consider, for example, how to use an instrument for the "Descriptive Statistics".

Descriptive statistics is a tool for the statistical description of the data representing the entire observed population as a whole.

The purpose of descriptive statistics - getting the summary (summarizing) indicators of the original data set as a general (and not as a sample of some other set of larger size).

For the numerical evaluation of general indicators together, so-called descriptive statistics, which are single-valued functions on a set of observed data, determine the value of the estimated aggregate indicators together.

Descriptive statistics are calculated for non-grouped data and implement the exact functional dependence of the values ​​of indicators on the input data.

The indicators are calculated using descriptive statistics can be divided into 3 groups - performance options positions of characteristic values​​, characteristic variations and features of the shape of its distribution.

The dialog box tool "Descriptive Statistics" invoke a command add "Data Analysis" menu "Data" and has a view that is displayed in Picture 2


Picture 2 – The dialog box tool "Descriptive Statistics"


The dialog box tool "Descriptive Statistics" contains the following parameters:

1. The «Input interval» – Enter link to the range of cells that contain the values ​​of the analyzed trait.

2. Switch "Grouping: by columns / rows"– is set to a column or row, depending on the direction in which the data are analyzed in the input range 

 3. Check "The labels in the first row"– is set to active, if the first line in the input range contains the headers.

4. The "Output Interval"– Enter link to the header cell of the first column productive output tables.

5. Switches "New worksheet" and "New Workbook"– installed in the active position when the need to open a new worksheet, respectively, or a new book.

6. Check "Summary statistics"– is set to active, if the input data necessary to calculate the range of key indicators.

7. Check "The level of reliability"– is set to active, productive if the table should include the line to assess the limit of sampling error with a given confidence level.

8. The flags "K-th smallest and the K-th largest" – activated when the table must include productive line, respectively, for the k-th smallest and the largest k-th values ​​of the elements in the sample.

The indicators can be calculated for multiple rows of data in accordance with the specified input range of cells.



1.       Козлов, А. Ю. Статистические функции MS Excel в экономико-статистических расчетах : учеб. пособие для вузов / А. Ю. Козлов, В. С. Мхитарян, В. Ф. Шишов ; под ред. проф. В. С. Мхитаряна. – М.:ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2003.

2.         Макарова, Н. В. Статистика в Excel : учеб. пособие / Н. В. Макарова, В. Я. Трофимец. – М.: Финансы и статистика, 2002.