State Administration

M. Andrienko, Cand. Sc.





Managerial decision-making in the system of state administration in the field of fire safety (FS) is carried out by a manager according to his vested authority [1]. Thus, a person who makes a managerial decision (MD), ties his/her activities closely to the stage of the process of its making, implementing the known pattern: decision-maker  managerial decision  outcome of implementation of a managerial decision.

Results of the author’s research and analysis of the results of research conducted by such professionals and academicians as H. Atamanchuk, V. Bakumenko, V. Hluschenko and I. Hluschenko, L. Daft, A. Karpov, N. Nyzhnyk, L. Plankett, V. Sadkovyi, G. Simon, L. Sokolova, V. Tron, H. Hale, F. Shamkhalov, O. Shaptala, H. Schedrovytskyi, etc., showed the presence of dichotomy in the structure of the mechanism of managerial decision-making: goal-setting and goal-maintaining components. Goal-setting component is conditioned usually by the current or to-be-current situation, i.e. a set of factors and conditions, under which MD is made.

Goal-maintaining component provides ddefining of situational opportunities to meet the arisen need during the operation of the management subject or object. As a result of defining of the actual situational opportunities, the conditions for a particular formulation of a goal, which has to be achieved to meet the arisen need, are created [1-3].

Giving the dichotomy, we are to substantiate the structure of the mechanism of managerial-decision making in the system of state administration in the field of FS. The objective conditions of the current or to-be-current situation in the field of FS usually condition the manager in the system of state administration in the field of FS to have a need to perform certain activities: to draft a new legal document in the field of FS, to improve mechanisms of  implementation of FS policy, etc.

There arisen need encourages the manager and shapes the general limits of the goal – the outcome of actions: new level of FS provision, raise of public awareness in the field of FS, etc., and requires defining the subject of meeting the need, i.e. adoption of amendments to existing laws , reorganization of the field of FS, etc.

The process of defining the subject of meeting the need is carried out procedurally based on the values of the subject of the need with regard to their usefulness for the current or to-be-current situation. The values are considered to be quite essential for choosing the subject of meeting of the need. Values are determined usually by manager’s knowledge about this subject and should be based on the values of the Ukrainian society and his personal experience.

Thus, it is necessary to determine useful values of the subject of meeting of the arisen need, which characterize only those values of the subject, which are important in terms of the situation: improvement of the state of FS field, reduction of causality of fires, etc. Useful values of the object define the goal in general on the basis of the arisen need. Feasibility of the goal depends, according to the author’s research, on the available situational opportunities in the field of FS.

The goal-maintaining component includes the potential of the field of FS, which characterizes formal resource capacity: human, technical, economic, financial, etc., which is available and may come to life under conditions, necessary for its implementation.

Behavior pattern of a manager, who makes decisions, has a decisive influence on the setting of limits of situational possibilities with regard to the conditions of the current or to-be-current situation. This can be explained by the fact that behavior pattern of MD is a part of individual categories inherent to the management activity of a manager. For example, the negative consequence of indecision of a manager in the system of state administration in the field of FS may be the partial use or complete non-use of the available potential of the FS field, which may be conditioned by different dynamics of both positive and negative external or internal processes in the field of FS.

The goal-setting and goal-maintaining components should be consistent with each other. Due to the afferent synthesis of a manager, subjects of meeting the arisen need, which are in the area of his interest, correspond to the objective conditions of the current or to-be-current situation, which results in shaping of a specific goal, development of alternative ways for its achievement, and selection of criteria: economic or managerial efficiency, timeliness, cost of committed resources, possible losses, etc., which have to reflect the goal in a consistent manner.

Alternative ways to achieve the goal are calculated procedurally by the manager using the selected criteria and taking into account the available time slack. The calculations serve as the basis for choosing the best option and adopting the decision, under which it’s further refinement (planning, programming, etc.) is performed according to the structure of decision-making in the field of FS.

Thus, the mechanism of the process of managerial decision-making in the system of state administration in the field of FS is seen in the above stated way in general.



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2. Бакуменко В. Державно-управлінські рішення як предмет дослідження / В. Бакуменко // Вісник УАДУ при Президентові України. – 2000. – №3. – С.363-374.

3. Нижник Н.Р. Теоретичні аспекти державного управління / Н.Р. Нижник, С.П. Мосов. – Чернівці: Технодрук, 2011. – 248 с.