Современные информационные технологии/3. Программное обеспечение


Zhuaspaev T.A

A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University, Kazakhstan





Introduction and use of corporate information systems involve risks, which are caused by the presence of a number of previously unforeseen uncertainties. Plan for a corporate information system is characterized by a series-parallel implementation of the multiple stages; with the effects of the individual steps have a big impact on both the implementation of the system in general, and on the implementation of the next stages. Therefore, the negative results of manifestation risks during the implementation of investments have all chances to occur a few times, this increasing loss of their implementation.

Economic evaluation of the project is key in making decisions about the advisability of investing in it.  At the very least, such an assumption seems to be correct from the point of view of common sense as well as from the point of view of the general principles of economics. Despite this, the evaluation of the effectiveness of investments in information technology often occurs either at the level of intuition, or do not perform.

The criteria for determining the cost-effectiveness of the implementation of information systems in the company, include:

– the difference between the stated and the actual complexity of work;

– resource savings by optimizing the process of resourcing;

– changing the speed of passage of the same events in resources;

– a more rapid response to events;

– increase the investment attractiveness due to more strict control over the use of resources;

– increase motivation;

– significant computational capabilities for processing large amounts of information;

– better use of business opportunities through environmental monitoring and process efficiency.

The effectiveness of an information system is determined by its content and quality of implementation, that is the result of the implementation of information systems on the quality of the business model.

The principles of cost-effectiveness must be translated into concrete indicators to measure economic performance. To do this, the system requirements are formulated evaluating the economic efficiency of the implementation of information systems:

1.       The system of indicators should include both financial and non-financial indicators of the condition of their relationship with each other, and between organizational levels in the company. The number of indicators should be limited to the timely evaluation and decision-making.

2.       The system of indicators should take into account the past and current state of the business.

3.       Indicators should be useful for predicting the future of the company - the cost or market capitalization, growth in sales and earnings.

4.       The system of indicators should be linked to company strategy and the strategic objectives at the same time as the change in strategy may change as the values ​​of performance, because the system itself.

5.       The system of indicators should take into account the interests and needs of its stakeholders - shareholders, senior management, customers, and others.

6.       The system of indicators must be meaningful, adequate, consistent and stable, that is, contain a logical sequence to change the system to employees of the company have the ability to track changes and adapt. Short-term indicators should also meet the long-term.

7.       Should be possible to combine the figures in the summary and detail in a private performance.

8.       The introduction of a system of indicators should not cause difficulties for the calculation of the availability of information and additional costs.

The system of economic efficiency evaluation includes a hierarchical view of performance indicators that reflect the conditions of the external and internal environment of the company. In accordance with this system are determined by the indicators of the performance of which is essential for achieving the set strategic objectives of the study.

Thus, the application of the proposed system performance evaluation of information systems can significantly improve the financial performance of the project implementation.



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