Bobkova S.A., Kazinina E.N., Makarenko V.N.

State Establishment "Crimea State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky ", Simferopol


Condition biochemical parameters of mixed saliva in orthopedic patients wearing bridge with implant supported

In recent years attention to the study of the unique properties of saliva and related diagnostic capabilities significantly increased. Alot of new data about the functions and composition of saliva in healthy subjects and in various dental diseases.


Is the  investigation of mixed  saliva  as  particular  interest  for  dentists   a biological  fluid that bathes the teeth  and  the mucous  membranes, as  a  supplier of various  compounds,  and thereby  affecting the condition of the   teeth. Accordingly, saliva is essential for maintaining homeostasis of the oral cavity and on the other hand, changes in saliva reflect the changes that occur in the dentition.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of bridges supported with the implant, made of acrylates, for prosthetic bed tissue.

Methods of study.

We studied the biochemical parameters (trypsin-like activity (TLA), the total antioxidant activity (AOA), anti tryptic activity (ATA) of mixed saliva).

26 people of both sexes were inwestigated. These people require orthopedic treatment of bridges.

The biochemical studies have been performed within the following periods: before orthopedic treatment, after installing bridges, after the 1,3,6 - 12 months of prosthetic repair.

Determination of trypsin-like activity of mixed saliva (TLA)

TLA  saliva of patients was measured by spectrophotometric  methods,

 based on the measurement of speed of cleavage of the N-benzene-L-arginina ethanol.

In 1 month after of orthopedic treatment a slight and statistically not considerable growth of TLA of mixed saliva has been observed, which accounted for 48,59 ± 1,63 mkmol / ml * min., that there was at 1,9% (P> 0,05) is more than control indexes.

After 6-12 months of mixed saliva TLA indexes did not practically differ from the previons ones and accounted for 47,95 ± 1,39 mkmol / ml * min.

Determination of anti tryptic  activity of mixed saliva (ATA).

It is determined with the help of method V.F. Nartikovoy and T.S. Paskhinoy. This method is based on determination inhibition  BAEE-esterase activity of trypsin saliva.

After 1 month after the installation of bridges to orthopedic patients ATA of mixed saliva statistically insignificantly increased by 3.5% and accounted for 150,12 ± 12,13 IU / ml. (P> 0,05).

After  3 month after a prosthetic repair bridge prostheses  ATA accounted     for 148,34 ± 13,16 IU / ml. (P>0,05)., that there was by  2.3%  than  the  control indexes.

After a 6-12 months ATA of mixed saliva did not differ from the control indexes and accounted for 146,61 ± 21,13 IU / ml.

Determination of total antioxidant activity of mixed saliva (AOA).

They were determined by the ability of biological material to inhibit  oxidation-reduction reaction system Pe (2 +) -2,6 - dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP).

Indicators control indexes 0,034 ± 0,003 mmol / l.

After 1 month indicator of total antioxidant activity of mixed saliva  statistically insignificant increased by  8.8% and amounted to  0,037 ± 0,004mmol/l. (P> 0,05).

Later 3 months of observation AOA of mixed saliva amounted to 0,036 ± 0,002 mmol / l., that there was at 5,8% (P> 0,05) above control indexes.

After even 6-12 months, total antioxidant activity of mixed saliva began to approach the control indexes and accounted for 0,035 ± 0,003 mmol / l.


Analysis of biochemical indicators of mixed saliva under the influence of dental bridges made of acrylates indicates that:

1)  Installing dental bridges with a an implant supported accompanied by changes of the enzymatic activity of mixed saliva.

2)  Orthopedic treatment with the help of bridges with the support of implants are cause marginal increase in indicator TLA, ATA, and AOA of mixed saliva in the first month after initiation of treatment and decreas normal indexes from the third month afterwards.