PhD, Associate Professor, Belgibaeva G.K.

Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A.Buketov, Kazakhstan

PhD, Associate Professor, Beysenbekova  G.B.

Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A.Buketov, Kazakhstan

2nd year undergraduate degree, "Pre-school education and training" Nygymetova Z.T.

Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A.Buketov, Kazakhstan

Moral education children in the family and  kindergarten
  The content of moral education is the formation of the moral qualities of a preschooler, as respect for elders, friendships with peers, respectively ability to respond to the joys and sorrows of others, to achieve an effective manifestation of humane feelings and attitudes of their community programs, education began responsibility. Among them are the two areas: creating the conditions for the formation of practical experience and proper moral values. As a result of the moral education of the child begins to act, not because he wants to win the approval of an adult, but because it considers necessary to respect the very norms of behavior as an important rule in the relations between people. The personality of the child occurs initially in the family. After all the family - it's a small team , based on the principles of cooperation and mutual assistance, where children learn the art of living among people who love them , feeling for myself and showing consideration for others and a good attitude . An important role in the education of children playing overall way of life of the family : the equality of spouses , the organization of family life, the right relationships between family members , the general tone of goodwill, mutual respect and caring atmosphere of patriotism , hard work , the order and family traditions , the unity of the requirements adult to child. Family life must be organized in such a way as to fully satisfy and developed not only the physical needs but also spiritual needs.

Moral education of children occurs throughout their lives, and of decisive importance in the development of morals of the child played by the environment in which it develops and grows. Therefore overestimate the importance of the family in the moral education of preschool children is impossible. Behaviors adopted by a family, very quickly absorbed by the child and they are perceived as generally accepted as the norm.

There are several types of families and patterns of family relationships. There are dysfunctional families, single-parent families. Often these families created unfavorable conditions for the development of the child, his moral qualities, and so most of the functions of education and training of children in the family takes on preschool educational institution. Kindergarten, replacing the family, or rather, instead of the family began to solve the problem of socialization. At the present time, even full, harmonious family -organized, well-off , with wealth can not always give proper time to their child. For the education of a child's moral qualities, it is necessary to work closely and cooperate with the family. The cooperation of educational institutions and the family, one of the most important tasks of the socialization of the child in society. You need to create conditions so that the child, based on examples from the experience evolved awareness and understanding of what is good and what is bad, that it can independently create and have no conception of moral qualities such as greed, friendship and many others. This attitude to the basic concepts of our lives continues to be shaped in the future as they grow older.   Chief assistant to a child in this way is an adult that the specific examples of the behavior and lays the baby in the basic moral norms of behavior. If the examples of the child's experience, his inner circle are negative, then expect it developed high moral qualities are not necessary. The primary task of parents is to help preschoolers to determine the objects of his senses and make them socially valuable. Allow a person to experience a sense of satisfaction after the right action or make us feel guilty if ethical standards were violated. The basis of such feelings just in childhood, and the task of parents to help in their child. Discuss with him the moral questions . Seek to achieve a clear system of values ​​that the kid knew what actions are unacceptable and which are desirable and praised by society. Effective moral education is impossible without discussion with the kid moral aspects of other people, characters, works of art, expressing their approval of his moral behavior in an understandable way for the baby.

One of the important tasks of kindergarten on social and moral education is to establish a close relationship with the family. Family and preschool - two important institute of child socialization. And although their educational functions are different, for the full development of their child's need interaction (application number 1 "Algorithm interaction with the family"). The need to connect the family to the process of familiarization with the social environment of preschool children due to special teaching abilities possessed by the family and are not a substitute preschool: the love and affection to the children, emotional and moral richness of relationships, their social rather than selfish orientation. All this creates favorable conditions for the education of the highest moral feelings.

Kindergarten in his work with the family to rely on parents not only as a helper of the institution, but as equal participants in the formation of the child's personality. Therefore, it is important close relationship of the teaching staff, children and parents. It is from the collaboration of a consensus on the major issues of education of children depends on how the child grows. Only under this condition may nurture the whole person.

Because, as it develops, the child tries on a variety of social roles , each of which will allow him to prepare for the implementation of various social responsibilities - a student, a team captain, a friend, son or daughter. Each of these roles is of great importance in the formation of social intelligence and involves the development of their own moral values​​: fairness, responsiveness, kindness , tenderness , care for loved ones. And the more varied repertoire of roles will toddler, especially with a lot of moral principles he met and the richer will be his personality.

Collaborative ways of working parents of kindergarten and the formation of moral qualities.

Working with the family - an important and difficult aspect of teacher and other staff preschool. It aims at achieving the following objectives:

- The establishment of unity in the education of children;

- Pedagogical education of parents;

- The study and dissemination of best practices of family education;

- Familiarize parents with the life and work of the preschool.

Unity in parenting ensures the production of correct behavior of children , speeds up the process of learning the skills, knowledge and skills, promotes the growth of authority of adults - parents and caregivers in the child's eyes. The basis of this unity are the pedagogical knowledge of parents, their awareness of the work of preschool institutions.

The family is the primary institution of socialization. Kindergarten is part of the indirect, or formal environment of the child and is an institution of secondary socialization. All stages of the socialization process are closely linked.

At present, the need for public pre-school education does not cause any doubts. Relationships with family day care should be based on cooperation and interaction provided a kindergarten inside (the involvement of parents in the educational process kindergarten) and outside (DOW cooperation with those located on the territory of social institutions: general education, music, sports schools, libraries).

Involve parents in activities which support the joint activity of parents and children. Should be widely applied both group and individual forms of work with parents:


advice: "Education of independence and responsibility," "How to organize the work of children at home";

joint calls: "Gifts of Autumn ", "My herbarium " crafts from natural materials , articles made of vegetables, seasonal exhibitions of joint work " Christmas Toys";

joint work of children and parents on the topic : "My family," " sports family ", "How I Spent My Summer" . Issued photo album, to which the guys then constantly turning , show each other pictures of their families . Children share their experiences and learn to listen to each other , are interested in the other party . It can get reinforcements in the form of a family project activities on the theme " Me and my whole family ." This child- parent refers to a long-term project and includes : " My Family Tree ", "The Tree of my family ," " Coat of arms of the family ", " family motto ," the customs and traditions of the family. The main goal is to educate the love for his mother and family; leisure, holidays, " Mother's Day", "Mom, Dad and I - happy family" , "Merry Starts"; instructions to parents;

For the staff of parents organized general counseling, group and general parent meetings, conferences, exhibitions, lectures, mugs, made out information and case stands, montages , evenings of questions and answers of the Round Table .

In the older group, possibly a diverse organization of joint work of teachers, children and parents. In folklore festivals and entertainment, where the thrill of the parents. Thanks to these events and entertainment, and children, and the parents are attached to the roots of folk art and the history of its people, its traditions. Perhaps the creation of a mini museum , for example, " Kazak yurt " Puppet Museum," where children can meet with national costumes, antique furniture , housewares , tools , thus understand the origins of popular culture.

The most active parents for the year at parent meetings handing letters, thank you letters from the administration of pre-school institutions.

Also promote knowledge about the social and moral education through a system of visual aids:

Education and awareness: through information booths familiarize parents with pre-school institution itself, especially his work with the teachers involved in the upbringing of children. Outreach: aimed at enriching the knowledge of parents about the features of the development and education of children of preschool age.
In groups draw "Corners for parents" put advisories.


1. «Samopoznanie» №7, 2011.- 30-31 page

2. «Samopoznanie» №8, 2012.- 77-78 page

3.  «Samopoznanie» №1, 2013.- 26-27 page

 4. «Samopoznanie»  №9, 2012.- 77-78 page

5 «Children and child garden» №3, 2013.- 4-5 page

6. «Children and child garden» №2, 2013.- 10-11 page