Педагогические науки / 4.Стратегические направления реформирования системы образования

Kudryashev Alexander Fedorovich, Doctor of Philosophy , Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Bashkir State University, Russia;

Elkhova Oksana Igorevna, Doctor of Philosophy , associate professor, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Bashkir State University, Russia


In the model of higher education in Russia half a century ago pawned the purpose of specialist training in a specific area of professional activity with a stock of basic knowledge. This store of knowledge should be enough to ensure that the university could graduate to continuously improve the level of knowledge and to ensure their continuing education. Currently, graduates have enough static set of skills. Existing technology is continuously being improved and continue to evolve , and this knowledge quickly becomes obsolete and require constant updating. From college graduates must have the ability to actively pursue learning and dynamically adapt to changing circumstances, it is inconceivable without the creative part . Among the students were always talented people who are prone to creativity and self- discoveries.

The essence of higher education in this model lies in the fundamental knowledge taught. The specifics of fundamental education is that it provides its continuation. The combination of classic, now traditional knowledge with the knowledge of modern scientific achievements ensures the necessary basic level of education. The depth of knowledge acquired during the training, provides the breadth of vision of the graduate and the amount realized in the subsequent years, the life of his creativity.

The fundamental nature of the required level should be provided by a solid training academics, especially the faculty. University teachers should be knowledgeable in the most pressing questions of his subject and in existing approaches to solving them. They are called to be creative individuals who are involved in the development of science. This was to witness the various qualification certificates, such as the awarding of academic degrees, the presence continually replenished list of scientific publications, participation in conferences and other academic activities. People who are included as elements in the educational process humanize them have the fact of his presence, inspiring educational process. The system of university education permeates the human factor at different levels: at the level of learning objectives, the number of students, the teaching staff, administrative and managerial level, and finally, at the level of the content of the subjects taught and the prevailing tradiytsy. Necessary part of the educational process is traditionalism, the rejection of traditionalism entails grave consequences. Namely, produced radically reform may lead to a decline in the quality of education and cause chaos throughout the education system.

Now there is a reorganization of the system of higher education in Russia, which resulted in the transfer is a two-tier university system of training: Bachelor's and Masters Degree, introduced testing and is spreading rapidly rating system work students and teachers. Every innovation is a complex, time-consuming process that requires serious reflection. Under the innovation should be understood targeted innovations that cause the formation of a transition from one qualitative state to another, higher level. Innovations in high school should be a sort of repair old buildings, such repairs allows the system to function effectively in a changing environment

The reforms, which are produced in higher education in recent decades, is estimated by some researchers as its destruction. Tragically, many of the innovations, made in Russia in the system of higher education at the moment, are not well developed in the methodological sense. The most common mistakes in the design of reforms: the goal is often an end in itself with no problem. A very important phase of evaluation of the reforms: to track changes made to carry out a deep analysis of the effectiveness of innovation. It is clear that reform without a clearly defined goals is a harbinger of the big problems. A very important phase of assessing results of the reforms: to track changes made to carry out a deep analysis of the effectiveness of the reforms. Need to focus on long-term development, and only on this basis that simulate new changes. However, unfortunately, most innovations in higher education are made almost spontaneously, without objective peer review of previous reforms.

Higher education in Russia at the present time is in a deep crisis: the level of training of graduates is falling, it is significantly lower than in the past. Now, graduates do not get fundamental education that would guarantee them a real possibility of its continuous extension, specification and specialization. This is evidenced, for example, statistical research in recent years.

Delivered a few years ago at the heart of the Russian education thesis is to «bring the consumer who is able to enjoy the benefits and technologies developed by others» only aggravates the situation. This thesis was initiated in the last decade, the statement «consumer society» dominated by material needs. We refer here to the words of the former Minister of Education A.A. Fursenko: «The disadvantage of the Soviet education system was an attempt to form a human creator, and now the challenge is to nurture a qualified customer, able to skillfully use the results of the creativity of others» [quoted by 1, p.4]. The above orientation has the effect of a number of negative factors, which lead to immediate problems in the sphere of education, people-to-consumer to replace the man-creator, which is unlikely to take place in a rapidly changing professional world today.

What will a higher education? In the end, the preparation of consumer wealth. Classical universities as prestigious educational institutions that provide the most fundamental education, its leading position in the higher education system must give technical institutes. It seems to be the most gifted young people may well find itself in the field of technical creativity and prestige should be the appropriate specialty applications. But the general trend of development of Russian education casts doubt on this perspective. It seems that it was not technical colleges, and universities such as service institutions will be a guide for applicants.


1. Шаракшанэ С. Авторы стандартов не видят будущего страны. Уточнение предмета экспертизы // Российская философская газета, № 4(54), апрель 2011.