Pedagogical sciences/4. Strategic directions of education system reform

Candidate of Philological Sciences Kungurova O. G., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kudritskaya M.I.

Kostanay State University, Kostanay State Teacher Training Institute, Kazakhstan

Stages of the continuous education concept formation

The category of continuous education initially characterized two phenomena - the pedagogical concept (paradigm) and the practice area. In our opinion, exactly in the middle of the 20th century the idea of a continuity of education starts finding a conceptual basis that is to develop into a paradigm. And it was certainly connected with an era of scientific and technical revolution. Confirmation of this thought we find in the works of a number of researchers.Being guided by the stage periodization offered by V. Osipov [1] and specified by V. Anoshkina and S. Rezvanov [2], we will plan stages of continuous education idea development in a paradigm option.

1 . In the 1960-s the first stage of formation of the concept of continuous education is planned, which can be designated as comparative (in V. Osipov's periodization - a statement stage), when the understanding comes that continuous education is something different, other than the developed "discrete" forms of education, even with their big variety and that it cannot be reduced to self-education either, even to the systematic one. Such works, as "To permanent education"by  A.Gartung (France) and "Consequences of continuous education" J.  R. Kidd (Canada), it is possible to designate as top of theoretical development of this stage.  In the researches scientists operate with the following concepts:

1). Permanent (from French "permanent") is a concept reflected awareness of insufficiency of traditional education and designated everything that was over and out of this education. 2). Lifelong - ("throughout all life") - this term was treated in the beginning as a literal translation of the French term "permanent", and then in its literal sense - "the education, lasting all life".

2. Approach of treatment of continuous education to its humanistic sources is an essence of the second stage in formation of the concept of education (in V. Osipov's periodization – a phenomenological stage). At the boundary between 1960 –s and1970-s a person, a human being became the center of attention; optimum conditions for abilities development throughout all his life should be created (A.Korrea, P. Langrand, P. Shukl, E.For, etc.).

With such understanding traditional division of human life into the periods of study, work and professional disactualization loses its sense. At this stage the term "continuous education" is used for the first time in materials of UNESCO (1968).

3 . At the third historical stage in the mid-seventies there was a need of specification of the main concepts, purposes, factors, ways and conditions of realization of continuous education - an essence of this stage of formation of the concept is methodological (R. Dove, K.Dyyuk, A.Kropley, M. Karelli, B. Sukhodolsky, etc.). UNESCO publication of an extremely important document "The Forr commission report" [3], in which basic provisions of the continuous education paradigm were given became a fatal event of this stage.

4 . Development of the main ideas of continuous education, its signs gave the chance to go on to the following stage of the concept development, designated by V. Osipov as a stage of theoretical expansion and a specification. At this stage research was conducted applicable to all main links of system of continuous education (X. Hummel, F.Koombs, G. Parkin, V. Mitger, Ts.Karelli, La Böll T. etc.). There is a process of adaptation of the developing concept to the current educational situation. The stage showed plurality of approaches to the theory, and also attempts of adaptation of the theory to practice.

5 . The fifth stage of formation of the concept of continuous education begins in the 1980-s and is characterized by aspiration to apply practically idea of continuous education, to realize it. Specific of this stage is that, in fact, for the first time there is a possibility of studying and judgment of practical experience of continuous education. These tendencies are well noticeable in works of scientists-researchers R. Okhsa, L.D.Henon, U.Hilton, etc.

6 . Dynamic disintegration of the socialist commonwealth of the states couldn't but be reflected in the condition of continuous education paradigm which in these countries was still related to politics. The key moment of this stage, the beginning of which could be dated 1991, in our opinion, is the development by a number of a former communist block countries and the republics of the USSR including sovereign Kazakhstan, of a national model of continuous education at the state level. In accepted in 2004 of "The concept of education development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" education is defined as a national priority, a basis for the state development of educational policy and modification and additions in the legislation, financing system, the content of education, education system structure, structure of education management, personnel and social policy. The main objective of this concept is "definition of strategic priorities in education development for the formation of national model of the multilevel continuous education integrated into the world educational space and satisfying needs of the personality and society". [4] The Kazakhstani national model of continuous education paradigm is aimed at transition from the principle "education for the rest of life" to the principle "education for all throughout all life".

Thus, it is possible to note that the paradigm of continuous education is in condition of development today.  And it is already possible to assume that this formation will be also continuous, as well as the idea the concept is based on.



1. Osipov V. Social and philosophical analysis of the modern concept of continuous education. – Yerevan, 1989.

2. Anoshkina V. L. Rezvanov S.V.Obrazovaniye. Innovation. Future. M., 2001 .

3. Faure E. To learn to be. – Paris – M, 1972.

4. The concept of education development of RK till 2015. -http://www.unes...koncepcia.htm