V. Kassyanova

Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov, Kazakhstan

The use of interactive methods in teaching a professionally-oriented foreign language


       At present taking into account students’ future profession while teaching a foreign language is of prior importance at non-linguistic faculties. Under profession-oriented training we mean training based on the students’ needs to study a foreign language (FL) dictated by the characteristics of their future profession. Professionally-oriented approach in training FL provides the formation of students’ ability to communicate in a foreign language in specific professional, business, academic fields and situations, considering the peculiarities of professional thinking in organizing motivation and incentive, orientation and research activities.

       It should be noted that the process of training FL is focused not only on reading literature on students’ specialty, but on developing skills so that they could easily navigate in the flow of professional information and assimilate specialized vocabulary and terminology. It is very important to develop their communication skills in specific professional situations, their ability to share information in an understandable recipient level, i.e. be effective participants in cross-cultural communication. In the process of teaching FL the teacher should focus on the development of students’ skills to organize and maintain a dialogue, the ability to express their views on certain issues (using the available means of the language), to argue their point of view, and the ability to listen and hear the partner, to recognize and adequately interpret the intention of the partner. The effectiveness of communication depends on the ability of partners to understand the intention of the initiator of the conversation, as well as to bring own intentional meanings to the interlocutor. The ability to “enter” the situation of the partner of the communication is essential for achieving a meaningful contact, which is the basis of full dialogical relations and determines the success of a professionally-oriented communication in a foreign language. This is achieved through the use of productive educational technologies (interactive teaching methods of FL), the distinguishing features of which are: the highest level of consciousness and enhance thinking, perception and behavior of students, the high degree of involvement in the learning process and strict necessity of  students' interaction  with each other, high level of motivation and creativity in training, the effectiveness of the development of professional and applied skills in the shortest possible time.

Teaching FL in modern conditions is organized on an interactive basis, which assumes the maintenance of intentional dialogue interaction of the teacher and students, students in groups. This is achieved by modeling situations of real professional communication, creating conditions as close as possible to the activity of the expert in the field of students’ future profession. In created situations of a professional nature it is necessary to pay attention to the modeling of social and subject content of future professional activity that will help students to understand its essence and requirements for a specialist. The teacher should help the students mentally to construct the image of a specialist who can effectively carry out tasks, correlate this image with a student’s own "I" and develop the strategy. The main types of this work include playing out communicative situations, disputing professionally important problems, as well as discussions, role plays, dramatization and interviews. It is necessary to mention that the use of projects and presentations promotes mastering the language of professional communication. The use of interactive learning technology develops students' ability to apply independently previously acquired knowledge in a new situation, to find the solution of a given problem with the help of previously learned ways of working, learn to establish dialogic relations with partners in the professional communication.

When organizing role-playing games, dramatizations, real communicative situations (for example, a conversation with clients at the office, booking plane tickets or hotel rooms, the solution of a possible trouble with the delivery of goods, etc.) the teacher should pay attention not only to working out the necessary grammatical structures and vocabulary units, but also to explain the best in these situations speech tactics, creating a possible scenario of the communication. During training a foreign language a special attention is paid to the work with texts as sources of necessary lexical and terminological units, as well as the latest information on the profile of training. Since the purpose of education is to develop in the future specialist the ability to use the target language as an instrument of real communication in a multicultural environment, the texts should be of an authentic character. These are original texts which are used to create the conditions for real communication, valuable in cognitive terms and reflecting the characteristics of the profession, the life and culture of the country of the studied language. It is important to use pragmatic texts, articles from magazines and newspapers, the Internet resources  paying special attention not only to the tasks which allow the teacher to check understanding the content of the text ( for example, such tasks as: answer  the questions to the text; express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements on the content of the text; make tables or diagrams on the content of the text; retell the text, etc.), but also the tasks of the creative nature which will contribute to the development of students’ skills in understanding the main idea of the text, will enable the students to interpret the author’s intentional direction, to express own vision and attitude to the problems presented in the text. The tasks may include pre-reading activities (for example, the discussion of issues relating to the theme of the text, predicting the content of the text by the title, photos, pictures, etc.) and post- reading activities: give a summary of the text and  express your own understanding of the main ideas of the text; express your attitude to the problems existing in the text;  discuss in details the problems raised, not only in the framework of the information contained in the text, but find additional materials on the issues, etc.).

The effective way of the development of communication skills is organization of discussions of topical problems relevant to the professional and personal formation of students. Discussions may be based on the interpretation of texts and articles related to current professional situations. The teacher can also formulate questions for a discussion. Such questions do not usually require simple answers, but involve students in a versatile consideration of the affected problems and open up opportunities for the exchange of views in this regard. Besides the questions, the teacher can use the tasks where the students are required to express agreement or disagreement with the following statements, present their interpretation of the statements to justify their attitude to the problem. The teacher can also organize a discussion in small groups or ask the students to make a monologue on the subject, etc.

In the process of discussion and debate the students face a variety of value-semantic orientations, value positions. They get experience in public argumentation of their own point of view, the experience of listening to the arguments of partners in a dialogue, the experience of taking someone else's values ​​and purpose position, experience of group interaction, cooperation in the search for optimal solutions, etc. The use in the teaching process project tasks is another effective interactive tool which is very effective for formation of professional skills and personal qualities of future specialists.

      The project technology is based on the idea of ​​ students’ interaction in a group, in which they undertake individual and collective responsibility in solving problems. The use of project technology creates conditions for collaboration and cooperation of the teacher and students, students with each other, allows to step up training and cognitive activity and to enhance the student as the subject of this activity, to realize his personal capacity, to develop teamwork skills The project technology involves solving a specific problem, its detailed development and is aimed at obtaining and presentation of the results that can be applied in real practice. To achieve the desired results in the course of the project activities, students must think independently, using interdisciplinary communication, mobilizing the knowledge from different areas of their personal experience; it is necessary that the students should be capable to predict the results of the various solutions of the problem, establish cause-and-effect relationship. Of the various types of projects, it is reasonable to perform project tasks with professional direction which will represent the professional interests for students (for example, the preparation and presentation of the project of construction firms and companies, the development of projects of advertising companies and promotion of their products, etc.). The results of this work can be presented in the form of presentations with the use of computer technologies.

Foreign language today is not just one of the university disciplines, but it is an essential part of training and is aimed at the formation of professionally important traits and a comprehensively developed student. Teaching a foreign language based on professionally-oriented approach, combined use of active methods and interactive learning technologies, the selection of the studying material having a professional importance will contribute to the formation of competent professionals.



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