Karmanova Zh.A. Satybaldina R. B., Sharzadin A.M.

The Karaganda state university of academician E.A.Buketova, Karaganda

Need of development of theoretical and organizational and methodical aspects of system of health saving training of school students


Need of development of theoretical and organizational and methodical aspects of system of health saving training of younger school students is predetermined by a number of contradictions between:

• needs of school for need of change of approach to formation of a healthy lifestyle of children;

• the importance which has increased in modern conditions of preservation and strengthening of a state of health of pupils and low level of the solution of problems of the improving, zdravotvorchesky direction in an education system;

• declaration of health saving training as one of the priority directions of educational process and insufficient use of potential educational organizations [1].

The revealed contradictions allowed to define a problem of the real research what actions of health saving training of younger school students at which at children knowledge of means and ways of preservation and health strengthening will be purposefully formed?

Objective living conditions and need following from them for multidimensional internal and external changes testify to the ripened need of strategic changes for the organization of teaching and educational process for elementary school at which at children knowledge of means and ways of improvement of health will be purposefully formed.

In the circumstances there is a need of association of teachers, medical workers, psychologists for the purpose of creation of system of psikhologo-pedagogical, medical care. Physical and mental development of the child have to be recognized as the priority.

Inevitable complication of the content of education is now serious risk factor for health of school students. We investigate questions of strategic changes in the organization of teaching and educational process at elementary school at which at children knowledge of means and ways of improvement of health will be purposefully formed. However for the solution of this problem it isn't enough one theoretical knowledge: formation at younger school students of practical abilities for a conscious choice and use by them of various means, methods, receptions in specific conditions is necessary.

Relevance of this research is caused by need of the person, society and the state for health saving education. Many years of people spends in the educational organizations and therefore the valuable relation to health can't be formed without participation of teachers. Long time our education didn't pay due attention to preservation, strengthening and health development, left from estimates of influence of pedagogical process on a mental condition of trainees, didn't consider educational technologies from the point of view of a health saving orientation. At the best everything was reduced to sporting events and improving rest during vacation [2].

In the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the Law "About Health Protection of Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan", in annual Messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev importance of the solution of the tasks connected with preservation of health of citizens of Kazakhstan, which realization, undoubtedly is emphasized, has to begin with school. Therefore problems of health of pupils in a context of quality management of education rise in a number of normative and conceptual documents (The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education", the Concept of formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2015, the Concept of arts education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Concepts of the 12-year secondary general education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Provision on high comprehensive school of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.). So in the Concept of formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2015, the attention to need "… carrying out optimization of academic, psychological and physical activity of pupils and creation in the educational organizations of conditions for preservation and strengthening of health being trained, including for the account is focused:

a) real unloading of the maintenance of the general education;

b) uses of effective methods of training;

c) increases of specific weight and quality of occupations by physical culture;

d) organizations of monitoring of a state of health of children and youth;

e) improvements of catering services of pupils in the educational organizations;

e) rationalization of leisure activity, vacation time and summer holiday of children and youth;

g) promotion of a healthy lifestyle [3].

At the same time, in pedagogical science and practice it isn't paid sufficient attention to promotion of a healthy lifestyle and a problem of formation of health saving educational space in the conditions of high comprehensive school. This conclusion is confirmed by researches of a state of health of children at modern high comprehensive school in which it is noted that the tendency of increase in number of children experiencing resistant difficulties in training, connected with deterioration their physical and mental health in recent years is revealed. It is caused by a number of factors among which scientists note:

• deterioration of an ecological situation in the country and in the world, connected with the technical progress which is negatively reflecting in human health, especially children;

• decrease in attention of society to preservation of health of younger generation;

• gap between generations in acceptance of spiritual and moral values, in denial of national traditions and customs, in insufficient following to the principle of nature conformity in education and training;

• use of the technologies directed on achievement of good results of training, but pupils not fully considering psychophysiological opportunities.

The analysis of the reasons of growth of incidence of children of school age, led to the conclusion that pedagogical process of school not fully meets the requirements of the health saving principle of training and education which is shown in:

• discrepancy of used pedagogical techniques and technologies of training and education to psychophysiological and age opportunities of school students;

• inadequacy of conditions of teaching and educational process of school to sanitary and hygienic requirements;

• lack of system work on formation of the valuable relation to health;

• decrease in medical control of a state of health of school students;

• imbalance of a food of school students;

• insufficient development of level of culture of a family in questions of preservation of health;

• absence of psychological comfort at lessons [4].

One of ways of overcoming of the above-named and other reasons of deterioration of a condition of physical, mental and spiritual health of school students is, in our opinion, formation of health saving educational space of the school, connected with updating of the maintenance of the general secondary education and the relevant organization of activity of subjects of this process.

Studying and the analysis of scientific literature testifies to existence of the teoretiko-methodological sources promoting the solution of a studied problem.

Theoretical bases of health saving approach to design of the content of education are developed in Smirnov, L.M.Kuznetsova, T.V.Akhutina, V.I.Kovalenko's researches and others [5-8].

The analysis of a condition of a studied problem in the pedagogical theory and practice we allocated the following contradictions: between needs of society for the healthy, educated citizens capable effectively to master modern high technologies and insufficient formation of health saving educational space in the conditions of high comprehensive school which would provide such preparation of the majority of school students; between need of formation of health saving educational space in the conditions of high comprehensive school and its insufficient readiness in the theory and practice of the general secondary education of system of pedagogical conditions of its formation.

Permission of these contradictions defined a choice of a subject of the research "Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions of Preservation of Health of Pupils in the General Education Organization".

Theoretically to prove the purpose and experimentally to check efficiency of the offered organizational and pedagogical conditions of preservation of health of pupils in the general education organization.

Object of research – training and education process at elementary school.

Object of research – organizational and pedagogical conditions of preservation of health of pupils in the general education organization.

Research hypothesis: if in educational process of school to create effective organizational and pedagogical conditions of preservation of health of pupils, it will affect as a whole progress and health of pupils as the general tone of a condition of their health will raise.

The purpose and hypothesis of research defined the following tasks:

1. To consider modern approaches to preservation and formation of health going to school.

2. To analyse the principles of preservation of health of school students at comprehensive school.

3. To define organizational and pedagogical conditions of realization of zdorovsberegayushchy training of school students.

4. Experimentally to check a research hypothesis.

Research methods: the theoretical analysis of available literature on a research problem, synthesis of the best pedagogical practices, supervision, conversation, methods of mathematical data processing of research.

Methodological and theoretical basis of research are the theory of the personality, the development theory, psikhologo-pedagogical researches on a problem.

Sources of research are works of teachers, psychologists on a studied problem, normative documents of RK.

The theoretical importance of research consists in identification of pedagogical bases of creation of the health saving environment of the general education organizations (the purpose, functions, the contents, forms, methods, means, criteria).

The practical importance of research consists in creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions of realization of zdorovsberegayushchy training of school students.

Base of research: gymnasium No. 9 of the city of Karaganda.

Results of the master thesis will be published in materials of the subsequent conferences.



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