Филологические науки/9. Этно-, социо- и психолингвистика

Savitskaya I. P.

Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov, Kazakhstan


The notion of World Picture and its correlation with Cultural Peculiarities


In last decade linguistics turns toward to language learning in close connection with people. It has defined anthropological principle in linguistics when language studying become studying of the speaking person. The anthropological linguistics is understood, first of all, as research of the human factor in language. In the attention centre it appears two circles of problems: 1) how the person influences language; 2) how language influences the person, its thinking, culture. [1]

Language has been studied for many years and from different perspectives. Ancient Greek philosophers elaborated on its proper use and purpose, modern scholars analyzed how it is produced and perceived. [3]

Language reflects not only reality, but also interprets it, creating special reality where man lives. A.M.Haidegger, an outstanding thinker of the last century named language “The house of reality”.  Language is considered as a way by which we go through into nation’s mentality, into outlook of ancient people to the World and their society. Echoes of past times going through centuries are preserved in today’s proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, metaphors, symbols of culture and etc. They are “mirrors of the nation’s life”. [2] The meanings of phraseologies are closely connected with the background knowledge of the speaker, with his life experience, with historical-cultural traditions of his nation.

It’s known that person becomes person only when he acquires language and culture of his nation. All refinements of nation’s culture reflect in language, which is specific and unique. Huge part of information about the World comes to person through linguistic channel that’s why person lives rather in the world of concepts, created by him for intellectual, spiritual and social needs.

Every language creates the World in its own way also it has its way of conceptualization. Thereby linguists decided that every language has unique picture of the World and language speaker needs to arrange utterances in equivalence with its picture. Here we can observe the specific perception of the world fixed in language that represents itself what we call “language intervening world”, “language model of the world», or at last “language world picture”. According to wide usage we mostly choose the last term.  

World picture, which can be named knowledge about the world, lies on the basis of individual and social consciousness. Language fulfils requirements of informative process. [5] Conceptual pictures of the world at different people can be various, for example at representatives of different epoch, different social, age groups, different areas of scientific knowledge etc. People speaking in different languages, can have under certain conditions close conceptual pictures of the world, and the people speaking in one language, - different. Hence, in a conceptual picture of the world co-operates universal, national and personal.

According to W. von Humboldt, each language reflects some definite worldview. Consequently person’s attitude towards “objects” is completely defined by the language.[4] Namely V. Malakhov comments the thesis in the following way: ‘Our reasoning and superstitions are determined by the language we think at. That means that, firstly, our thoughts – at pre-predication level – are defined by the inner structures of the native language. Secondly, our reasoning – ‘the experience of reasoning’ is determined by ‘the experience of the language’ – by the history of the culture created in that language’. Similarly, according to the so called Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, language and mode of thinking are closely interconnected. [6]

Language world picture doesn’t comparable with other special world pictures (chemical, physical and ext.), it precedes them all and forms them, because person can understand surrounded world and himself grace to language, which fixes social- historical experience of common human beings and national.

Language world picture forms the type of persons treat to the world (nature, animals, to him as the element of the world). It sets the norms of people behavior in the world and defines their relations to the world. Every natural language reflects the defined way of perception and organization (conceptualization) of the world. Expressed their senses take shape of some united system of visions, like collective philosophy, which binds as obligatory to the whole bearers of the language.

Usually scientific and naïve pictures of the world are distinguished. The scientific picture of the world, in its modern condition is an ideal which constantly changes in process of change of a paradigm of knowledge and at revision of views and theories. Naïve world picture is reflected in language, which forms as an answer to practical needs of people, as necessary cognate basis of his adaption to the world. 

The naive picture of the world of orderly consciousness, in which the subject way of perception prevails, has interpreting character. Language, fixing collective stereotypic and reference representations, objectify and also does interpreting activity of human consciousness accessible to studying. [5]

One of the most interesting concepts explaining communication of language and culture belongs to W. Humboldt who considers, that national character of culture finds reflection in language by means of special vision of the world. Language and culture, being rather independent phenomena, are connected through values of language signs which provide ontological unity of language and culture. [4]



1.  Dell Hymes. Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Perspective. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1974.

2.  Апресян Ю.Д. Образ человека по данным языка: попытка системного описания // Избранные труды. Т.II. Интегральное описание языка и системная лексикография. М., 1995.

3.  Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура. М., 2005.

4.  Гумбольдт В. Избранные труды по языкознанию. М., 1984.

5.  Постовалова В.И. Картина мира в жизнедеятельности человека // Роль человеческого фактора в языке. Язык и картина мира / Ответственный редактор Б.А. Серебренников. М., 1998.

6.  Сепир Э. Избранные труды по языкознанию и культурологии. М., 2002.