
Usachev V.A.,Shamkalovich A.E.

Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mikhailo Tugan-Baranovsky

Socio-economic and political development of Ukraine in the early twentieth century

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, Ukraine remains divided between the two empires - the Russian, which included land east of Zbruch (Eastern Ukraine), and Austria-Hungary, in which there were Eastern Galicia, Northern Bukovina and Transcarpathia (Western Ukraine). Under the rule of the majority of Ukrainian population of Russia. At the beginning of XX century in the eastern Ukraine rapidly developing industry and agriculture. It was a period of intense penetration of capitalism into all areas of the economy. The most important centers promyshlennostistali Donbass and the Dnieper. In 1900, Ukraine gave 69.5% coal, 57.2% iron ore, pig iron 51.8% of the total market of the Russian Empire.

Since the end of XIX century in the Russian economy, as in other countries, significant changes begin. Increases the concentration of the industry, there are monopolistic industry associations (cartels, syndicates, trusts, corporations), opened numerous banks, in particular, the Azov-Don, which increasingly affect the development of production. Merging of bank capital with industrial led to the formation of financial capital.

Thanks to the rich minerals, as a result of Russian and foreign investments Eastern Ukraine in this respect was ahead of many Russian regions. Already in 1887, in Kiev, the Sugar Syndicate formed in the early XX century rose syndicates "Prodvagon" (1901), "P" (1902), "Truboprodazha" (1902), "nail" (1903). It was pretty powerful combination. In particular, it was established in 1904 syndicate "Produgol", which consisted of 18 separate joint stock companies controlled 75% of the coal production in the Donets Basin. However, bringing the bourgeoisie profits even in a crisis, while monopoly hindered economic development, obstacles to technological progress, narrowed the scope of the regulatory impact of market relations.

In eastern Ukraine are located 21% of the industrial enterprises of the Russian empire, but much of it held by foreign entrepreneurs - the Germans, the French, the Belgians and the British. While there has been progress in the economy observed phenomena that hindered its development. First, you need deposed attention to the uneven development of agriculture in different regions of Ukraine. So, on the left bank were the elements of feudalism (labor-service system), in the South West region of petty-bourgeois farming existed in the south - a developing capitalist agriculture.

In Western Ukraine, first of all there have been some significant extractive industries (oil, wood). At the beginning of XX century the dominant position in the industry in Eastern Galicia, Bukovina, Transcarpathia took monopolistic associations. Increased concentration of production. From 1902 to 1910 the number of workers Galicia increased by a third, and the number of enterprises decreased by almost half However Galicia, Transcarpathia, Bukovina remained agrarian and raw material appendage of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

In the social sphere, the main consequence of capitalist development was the growth of the working class, which in the beginning of the century was more than 500 thousand people. Compositionally, the working class was multinational. By enterprises in Ukraine worked not only Ukrainian, but also Russian, Belarusian, Polish, Jews, Latvians, and other nationalities.

Growing social tension, which was due to the economic crisis of 1900-1903, increased exploitation of the working class, the poor harvest of 1902, the existence of large landed estates and the corresponding lack of land and land hunger of the vast majority of peasants. Public discontent engendered numerous labor strikes (general political strike of 1903), the revolt of the peasants in the Poltava and Kharkov in 1902, demonstrations and performances of students in Ukraine.

At the beginning of XX century Russia was the focal point of all social contradictions, the focus of brutal exploitation of workers and the national and colonial oppression, intertwined with the tsarist police despotism, lack of representative government and the absolute insecurity of civil rights. The need for radical, changes realized almost the general population. The gradual increase of the revolutionary crisis caused the emergence of different political parties. In 1898 established the RSDLP, which later in 1903 was split into two wings - the Bolshevik (radicals) and the Mensheviks (moderate). Heirs populists formed Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs). During the revolutionary events of 1905-1907.

Ask the party that defended the interests of the bourgeoisie and the bourgeois intelligentsia (Octo, cadets, etc.). Landlords and the big bourgeoisie united mainly around the Progressives and the various monarchical parties.

In Ukraine, apart from organizing parties in Russia, there were national parties. Among them: Revolutionary Ukrainian Party (RUP), National Ukrainian Party (NUP), Ukrainskayademokraticheskaya Party (UDP) and the Ukrainian Radical Party (SRS).

The last two in 1905, united in the Ukrainian Radical Democratic Party (URDP). which put Ukraine's autonomy revenge in the bourgeois Russia. Just on the eve of the Russian Revolution in Ukraine, there were about 50 parties.

Thus, the characteristic feature of this period was the advantage of the left in the Ukrainian national-socialist forces. Ukrainian liberals and conservatives were not able to join its organizational strength on a national basis, and therefore focused on the national political parties, the conservative and liberal trends.