
Педагогические науки/1. Дистанционное образование  в высшей школе


Tamara Stefanovska, master's degree student

Tetyana Tarnavska, PhD, Associate Professor, scientific adviser

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Personal Information Security


In the global information society, more and more often people are conducting our personal affairs online. Doing things online can offer convenience and widen opportunities, but it can also lead to identity fraud or the misuse of the information. Therefore, research in the field of protection of personal information is of vital importance.

Personal information is information or set of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified.

Some websites offer users to provide personal information such as email address, name, home or work address, or telephone number. Demographic information such as zip code, age, gender, information about preferences, interests and favorite activities may also be collected.

Personal information is used to optimize the customer service performance, to simplify the use of web sites and services by eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same data for research and analysis aimed at improving our products, services and technologies, and to display content and advertising configured according to the preferences and interests of the users.

Some services allow the users to view or edit their personal information online. Other people won’t be able to your private information, if you first log in to the service. Methods of access to the personal information depend on the site or service.

Users can opt out of receiving emails from promotional materials from websites.

Some websites consider it their duty to ensure the security of personal information. To protect personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, a variety of security technologies and procedures can be applied.

Privacy and security are two things that are hard to find on the Internet today. Many debates have risen concerning the personal aspects of the Internet. Should we have privacy on the Internet? Or should companies have the privilege to gather information about us? I believe that our privacy and personal security should be top priority on the Internet. Companies should not be able to invade our private life simply because we visited their company website. However, privacy invasion has been commonly linked with Internet use. Many companies are able to gather personal information on those visiting their website, and also selling such information to others for profit. As extreme as this may sound, this has become a continuing trend on the Internet.

There are a lot of ways to gather personal information. One simple way is thought e-mail scams. E-mail scams are very similar to those that one receives over postal mail. They both promise some big reward and in order to enter in this “contest” you must send in your personal information. Other e-mail schemes include subject like “Get rich quick!”, which only promise money, but end up being scams.

Another type of tool companies use to gain our personal information is something called a cookie. A cookie gathers information on what site you visit frequently and what your tastes are. This can be a power tool for consumers, but severely invades our personal privacy.

On the Internet, our personal life is simply marketable data. This is what bothers most people. Some people feel threatened by every move they make on the web. They almost feel like one wrong step on the net can ruin they personal and social life.

Currently, Microsoft and other businesses are using a new form of technology to gather our personal information. Instead of having to input your name, age, ZIP code, and other facts, this information will now be stored on your hard drive. If any company decides to find out more about the visitor to their site, they simply access this personal information. This kind of technology could anger people.

Using today’s technology, people have access to one’s personal information via the Internet. This kind of information is readily available through certain websites. The Internet makes it possible to type in a person’s name and find their address. In return, this could be a potential tool for stalkers thus creating more fear in the minds of people. Even though this tool could be used as a way of finding an old friend, it can also result in negative repercussions.

New laws are being passed in order to bring personal security on the net. Without these laws, the future of privacy invasion could be devastating. For example, you go apply for a job and you get rejected simply because you visited a pornographic site within the last year. This example might sound extreme, but it could happen if the rules are not changed.



1.     Microsoft Online Privacy Statement [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http://privacy.microsoft.com/UK-UA/fullnotice.mspx, вільний. – Загол. з екрану. – Дата доступу : 15.10.12.

2.     Protecting Personal Information // Social Security – The Official Website of the U.S. Social Security Administration [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http://www.ssa.gov/payee/protecting_personal_info.htm, вільний. – Загол. з екрану. – Дата доступу : 10.10.12.

3.     Protecting your personal information online // ICO Information Commissioner’s Office, 2010 [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http://www.ico.gov.uk/upload/documents/library/data_protection/practical_application/protecting_your_personal_information_online.pdf, вільний. – Дата доступу : 01.10.12.