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Madibekova G.M., Mutaliyeva B. Zh., Aidarova S.B., Tuyginbayeva Zh.

International Kazakh-Turkish University (Shymkent, Kazakhstan)

Colloid-chemical principles of the deemulsifier action of water-soluble polymers in compositions with surfactants


         Questions of stability of dispersions, methods of its control and regulation draw attention both in theoretical aspect and in connection with necessity of the decision of the important practical problems, in particular of destruction of water in the oil, arising at oil extracting. Containing in oil plastic water with the salts (10-30%) dissolved in it, mainly chlorides, is not only a unnecessary impurity, but also causes strong corrosion of the oil refining equipment and worsens quality residual gas-turbine and boiler-houses fuel, raw material for catalitical processes, etc.

Creation highly effective deemulsifier is the important direction in an intensification of industrial processes. Search of new ways of increasing in efficiency depends on progress in the field of research of their colloid-chemical properties. Therefore we had been undertook research of influence of surface-active substances (SAS) on colloid – chemical properties of  water-soluble polymers (WSP), and also the processes connected with stability of emulsions and methods of its regulation are studied.

         Objects of investigation is hydrolyzed polyacrilonitril, received in laboratory conditions on known technology of academician of ANRUz Ahmedov K.S. [1], and were also water-soluble polymer unionic character polyacrilamid (PAA). As SAS  the sodium salt of oleic acids were used.

         On the base of known methods compositions of WSP with SAS [2] are received. From the figure 1 it is visible, that at decreasing in concentration of polymer, viscosity value are increases. From figure 2 it is visible, that viscosity of WSP-SAS system fallen below, than viscosity of components separately. Results of the given researches show, that viscosity of system at introduction in a solution of SAS decreases, that is connected with change PE conformity, caused by electrostatic interactions.

         However it is known, that at entering system PE-SAS in organic solvent, there is a deployment of a macromolecular ball and deemulsifier properties are increased  [2].


Figure 1- Concentration dependence of  resulted viscosity of solutions        PAN (1), PAN-2(2), Gossflok (3), PAA(4) è PAN-1 (5) in 0,2 N  NaCI solution


ηsp/c, dl/g


Figure 2- Dependence of resulted viscosity of compositions PAN-OlNa (1) è PÀÀ-OlNa (2) on relative polyelectrolytes concentrations. Initial concentration OlNa in system is equal              0,01 mol/dm3


It is carried out research of unfluence of surfactant on colloid-chemical properties of water-soluble polymers (WSP) ionic type (polyelecrolits) and unionic type, the role of conformed conditions of macromolecules and their compositions with surfactant in processes of their interaction with emulsions is revealed.

In the figures 3, 4 kinetic curve changes of a superficial tension of water solutions of hydrolyzed polyacrylonitril and its compositions with surfactants are presented.


σ, mH/m












t, min



Figure 3 – Kinetics of reducing of a superficial tension of water solutions, hydrolyzed polyacrilonitril in various concentrations 1- for water; 2-  0,01; 3- 0,0125; 4 - 0,02;                      5 - 0,05 base-mol/l


σ, mH/m


t, min


Figure 4 – Decreasing kinetics of surface tension of water solutions compositions of hydrolyzed polyacrilonitril with OLNa at various concentrations parity: 1- n = 0,1; 2- 0,2; 3- 0,25; 4- 1; 5- 0,5. The polymer concentration is 0,025 base – mol/dm3


It is visible, that compositions WSP and SAS reduce a superficial tension more effectively, than separate components. This fact speaks about formation polycomplex, possessing greater superficial activity.

Influence of WSP and SAS compositions on stability of the return emulsions is investigated. Dependence of deemulsifier actions of WSP and SAS compositions from a parity of their concentration, caused by influence of this factor on conformed condition of WSP and SAS compositions in solutions is established.

We alongside with studying of processes of stabilization on straight emulsions oil/water had been undertook researches of laws and the mechanism of processes of destruction of the return emulsions with use of compositions WSP and SAS. Researches were spent on modeling emulsions in comparison with industrial emulsions of water in oil, in the first case the maintenance of chloride salts has made – 176 mg/l, waters – 6,1%, in the second case – 189 mg/l, waters – 13,7%, in the other test -200 mg/l, waters – 9,2%.

         Deemulsifier action of composition of polyelectrolits with SAS at destruction water-oil emulsions was estimated on decrease in the maintenance  of chloride salts in oil after processing by its solutions of compositions [3].

The data describing deemulsifier ability of PE and SAS compositions, are presented in table 1. In table 1 results of tests of water solutions of polymers and the distilled water, and also WSP and SAS compositions during dehydrochloric of oil of Kumkol’s of a deposit are resulted. From the table it is visible, that the optimal parity of PE and SAS cjncentration at which value of a dehydration degree and degrees of dehydrochloration are maximal, is 0,25.  In table 2th the data describing the PE deemulsifier ability, where results of tests of water solutions of polymers and the distilled water, and also WSP and SAS compositions during dehydrochloration and dehydration of artificial oil emulsion are resulted are presented.


Table 1 -Deemulsifier ability of PE and SAS compositions depending on a parity of concentration (initial content of chloride salts – 200 mg/l, water – 9,2%)




Residual maintenance of chloride salts CCI-, mg/l

Residual maintenance of a water phase, %






















Table 2 – Results dehydrochloration and dehydration artifical oil emulsion ( the initial maintenance of chloride salts – 176 mg/l, water – 6,1%)



The name of a reagent

The residual maintenance of chloride salts CCI- - in oil after processing, in to initial, mg/l

The residual maintenance of a water in oil after processing, in to initial


Hydrolized polyacrylonitril




Processing by water




Hydrolized polyacrylonitril/OlNa




On the respective ways of rising of superficially –active polymers it is an interfering of water-soluble SAS, which possesses a superficial active. It is releaved, that at introduction of SAS in system WSP there is decrease in value of a superficial tension.

Besides, the WSP in composition with SAS after destruction of oil emulsion it stayed in this water phase, and that is make condition of clear oil.

Thus, results of experiment testify that application of water-soluble polymers in compositions with SAS provides a high degree of dehydrochloration and dehydration, than the components taken separately.


         1. Satayev I.K., Zainutdinov S.A., Rahimov U., Ahmedov K.S., Tillabayev R.M.  Receiving of new stabilizator of clay solutions K-9 and its use in chisel engineering.//Materials of Second scientific-technical conference on the oil chemistry. – Alma-Ata: “Science”, 1971. – P. 108-109.

         2. Bekturov E.A., Bimendina L.A., Mamytbekov G.K. Water-soluble polymers and gidrogels complexes. Almaty. SRC “Gylym”. 2002. – P. 219.

         3. Chemistry of oil. Management to laboratory researches: Ed. textbook for HEE/ Diyarov I.N., Batueva I.J., Sadykov A.N., Solodova N.L. L.: Chemistry. 1990.