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Baimakhanova G.M., Shagrayeva B.B., Karakulova A.M.

International Kazakh-Turkish University (Shymkent, Kazakhstan)

Problem  approach in Organic Chemistry teaching


         Problem teaching is becoming a dominant paradigm in Organic Chemistry teacher education programs worldwide. Problem teaching refers to teachers subjecting their beliefs and practices of teaching to a critical analysis. However, the concept of problem teaching is not clearly defined, and a plethora of different approaches with sometimes confusing meanings have been pushed in teacher education programs. This article reviews some current approaches to problem teaching and then suggests a method of providing opportunities for Organic Chemistry teachers to reflect on their work. The article seeks to examine: teaching skills of lecture classes,  laboratory and individual  work

One of the most improving method of teaching process in high school is creating the classes in problem character. Such classes are built on problem situations and discovery work of students. Now we are examining the questions concerning with the problem teaching of organic chemistry. There are several variants of problem lectures and laboratory work which are based on the principle of methodological games.

Among all the forms and methods of pedagogical work organization just the lecture classes take the dominant place. The main goal of teaching and students’ bringing up are realized on lecture classes. Students’ work outlook training, scientific point of view and professional interests, deep systematic and stable knowledge basis are formed exactly on lecture classes. Contemporary lectures are flexible management of cognitive knowledge level of students. Contemporary lectures set the aim to engage the students’ interest in their future profession, to inspire the positive establishments and scientific, theoretical, critical thinking formation. The lecture has to interact the teacher and the students (T <=> S) and the students with the teacher (S<=> T). In other words the lecture should be the instrument of intellectual cooperative work of students and teachers. We offer the 5 subdivided stages of the lecture course “Acetylene hydrocarbon”.

1.     Oriented stage: The definition of “Acetylene hydrocarbon”.

The formula of acetylene hydrocarbon. The discovery history of acetylene.

2.     Presentation stage. Problem situation. The chemical properties of acetylene hydrocarbon.

a)     General chemical properties with ethylene hydrocarbons – reaction of electron seeking  connection, oxidation, polymerization. The leader of the lecture can use the tables on chemical properties of ethylene hydrocarbon.  .

b)    Chemical properties for Acetylene hydrocarbons are the reaction of              connection and metallization.

c)     General conclusion on chemical properties of Acetylene hydrocarbons:

-         low-active in reaction Ad Å

-         low oxidized than alkenes

-         high-active in reaction Ad N

-         capable to the reaction of metallization with acid properties

d)    The problem situation is forming

How to explain that high-saturated Acetylene hydrocarbons    CnH2n-2  are low-expressed than CnH2n    in the properties of low-saturated connections?

3.     Discovery stage: Analysis of the created situation. It’s known that:

- The quality structure of a molecule. Acetylene hydrocarbons as well as ethylene hydrocarbons contain atoms and hydrogen.

- Structural formulae of molecules: Acetylene hydrocarbons–CnH2n-2 

                                                         Ethylene hydrocarbons – CnH2n

            That  is both include to the low-saturated hydrocarbons.

- Chemical properties. Common and differential properties of alkynes and alkenes.

Hypothesis: contradiction between chemical properties of Acetylene hydrocarbons and Ethylene hydrocarbons consists of the differentiation of double and triple C-C connections.


4.     Operational Reconstructive stage: Solving the problem situation.

The differentiation of chemical properties of Acetylene hydrocarbons and Ethylene hydrocarbons are explained with the peculiarities of triple building of C-C connections, exactly in hybridization and space situation of the both    p- connections.

5.     Evaluation stage: Solving the task.

Thus, we have said that  the   problem teaching  is subdivided into several forms of work  it is important to note that the laboratory work plays the significant place in creating the problem situation teaching. Just at the laboratory work  the students have the opportunity to set the problem themselves and find the ways of solving and find the connection between the lectures and the practical classes.  

The goal of the laboratory work is to deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge, got on the lectures; test the scientific theoretical points by the practical experiments; to introduce with the special equipment and materials; research the methods of scientific explorations in practice. Exactly in the process of the laboratory work the students get the opportunity to convince that the practical experiments are the criteria of the truth; the students gradually get the ability to choose the methods and ways of research themselves without the teachers’ instruction.

There is shown the plan – technological cycle of didactical game.


Table 1

Table of different Approaches to the Problem teaching in Organic Chemistry



Work types

Content of Stage tasks on literary synthesis


Preparation to the laboratory work

Working out the tasks into the literary synthesis. Formulation of the problem situation. (the stage is worked by the teacher)


Setting the main problem

Giving the task


Imitation model of research object

3.1 Engineering of the strategy of synthesis – (plan of synthesis)

a)     synthetically planning

b)    retrosynthetically planning

3.2 Engineering the synthetically tactic – choosing the method of synthesis


Solving the main problem

Calculation of  theoretically available exit of intermediate and final products


Checking and correction the tasks

Evaluation the students’ literary synthesis strategy and tactic


Formulation of the task

Synthesis process description of exit of intermediate and final products


Realization of the task point

Pre-working out of the literary synthesis stages till getting the final product. Identification of intermediate and final products


Evaluation of the point results

Comparison of real and theoretically available exit of intermediate and final products


Analysis of result and synthesis

Comparison of physical chemical constants with the inquiry one



Using the problem teaching we can engage the active, creative and discovery work of students. In epoch of wide volume of different information it is the effective way of achieving the students’ stable, deep knowledge and skills. Especially in credit technology system the type of Problem teaching helps to form the independence of students’ position; improve the ability to the creative and critical thinking; to use the background knowledge in active life position.


1.     Lerner I.Y. Problem teaching. – Moscow, 1974

2.     Arystanov M.Zh., Garunov M.L., Haidarov Zh.G. - Problem teaching in High School. – Almaty, 1979

3.     Archangelsky S.I. Lectures on teaching theory in High School. – Moscow, 1974

4.     Nizamov R.A. Didactical basis of students’ study activation. –Kazan, 1975

5.     Vergasov V.M. Problem teaching in High School. –Kiev,1977

6.     Garunov M.G.  Problem teaching in High School. ¹ 4, 1976