Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Nikiforova L.O., Kryshtal V.S.

Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine



The key question of the effective staff usage is motivation, in particular strengthening of encouragement which causes changes in the behavior in the right direction and also correspondence of the encouragement system structure to the structure of the staff motive system. Outer and inner human needs are the basis of the motivation. Human needs are divided into acquired ones and the ones which carry genetic memory [1], in other words the biological needs which are examined with the help of neuroeconomic tools. The nature of the physiological needs has been understood long time ago and is attributed to genetic-defined but mental needs are the source of riddles. But needs do not always form motivational stimulation of the body. Sometimes they are satisfied by the motivational mobilization of the inner power of the organism. A great amount of biological needs is satisfied in the result of regulatory homeostatic mechanism activity [2]. As the inner medium has accurate constants, the divergence from them may damage human life activity or it may even cause death. That is why homeostasis, as a rule, is supported with the help of self-regulation mechanism [2]. From the medical point of view when the glucose level of the organism diminishes and some need borders lead to growth of the motivational excitement which directs the behavior to the satisfaction of need in glucose increase in blood. So this occurs due to outer sources.

For the management of the living systems (which are able to make decisions independently) only reflexive forms of management are used [1]. The reflexive management is taken to provocation of man on those or other acts. Provocation consists in the change of environment and terms of existence of man thus, to cause the necessary proper reaction of behavior. However this method is not authentic, because one cannot always succeed in guessing correctly a reaction [1]. Motivational excitement which has inert characteristics induces the human or animal organism to certain actions. It is called a dominant motivation. After the theory of O.Ukhtomskogo [2], motivation, predefined by a more major necessity, dominates constantly. It means that the dominant motivation overrides all other motivations. However in extreme situations the motivational dominant of self-preservation is capable to cause aggression as a result of action of larger and stronger irritants. Therefore psychologists advise to treat the careless employee more loyally, enabling him to avoid a disgraceful situation. Yet prof. S. Bogomazov proved that specialization of cerebral hemispheres of man influences the formation of dominant motivational states [2]. After completion of one motivational conduct an organism seizes next motivation, a more meaningful one. And exactly leading motivation overrides all the others.

As well as all of animals, man gives birth with the set of behavior genetic programs. In their number there is a program of family continuation, recognition of sexual partner, aspiring to leadership, confession and encouragement. And also curiosity, sense of the covey, fight for a place, sense of proprietor, territory and other [1]. Hunger and thirst are homoeostatic drives which belong to inherent ones. However depending on an environment they can change during the life course.

According to the theory of the functional systems of P. Anokhina [3], unmotivational conduct does not exist. Since exactly motivation provides readiness of organism to the origin of certain activity due to activating of afferent synthesis and acceptor of action results. Meanwhile the motive system activates, tone of sympathetic nervous system rises, different emotions arise.  Motivation is saved during the whole act of conduct: determines the initial and next stages. For a man, unlike animals there is a subjective value of a motive. For persons with the high index of motivational «value» part of cortices of large hemispheres is in the activated state, and with low motivational availability the indexes of the cerebral activating are expressed poorly.

The social necessity of organism is considered to be a requirement in a game. The reason for its forming is feeling pleasure from a game, and small doses of morphine strengthen the playing conduct. Very often there are personalities especially in business who have a requirement strong enough in a game. For example, Bill Gates, who first made his reputation as a poker drug addict and an eccentric man [2]. In the process of socialization a man obtains the great number of other conduct programs. All the aggregate of the programs comprises a considerable part of human psyche. The genetic programs of conduct are fixed somewhere in the unexplored depths of cellular kernel [1]. The programs of studies are located in the structures of cerebrum. However all of the programs are aimed for support of homoeostasis of human organism through satisfaction of its necessities. The set of the programs for different people has different «activity». For genetic leaders the aspiring program works actively to leadership (it can be identified as early as child's garden). The program of family continuation also works not identically for different people.

Activity of the programs can change depending on many factors. In opinion of the authors the most influential factors are: age, vital experience, domestic position, presence of children, education, financial material well-being, desire to be a leader, aspiration of power. Authors also support an opinion, that primitive pre-conditions which provoke a man in the future on given actions and which a man is unable to change [1]. These may include the following: sex, temperament, emotionality, social stratum, in which a man was brought up, sign of zodiac, year of birth and others like that.

Consequently, every program of conduct of an individual has the reason, which declares about itself, «sounds» in a subconsciousness strongly or poorly. Reasons can be genetic or purchased in the process of contact with society (traction to the alcohol, smoking, drugs and habits). The programs show up in the subjective feelings as motives. «Sounding» of reason is a signal about the necessity of actions for the purpose of necessity satisfaction, and motivation is an important, genetically underlying component in the long system of human behavior.

1.  Nikiforova L.O. The Primitive Sources of Human Motivation /Nikiforova L.O.// The Lvov State Academy Bulletin - 2007 - ¹ 12 - p. 244 - 250.

2.  Baeva O.V. Biological Principles of Motivation: Physiology Mechanisms of Motivation Development / Baeva O.V. // Staff - 2008 - ¹ 1 - p.14 - 21.

3.  Anokhin P.K. The Central Issues of the Functional System Theory. - M.: “Science” 1980 - p. 196.