Педагогические науки/1. Дистанционное образование  в высшей школе


Олена Марєнко, студентка магістратури

Тетяна Тарнавська, к. пед. наук, науковий керівник

Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України


Using Mobile Internet for Self-learning


Self-training is an integral part of everyone’s personal growth. Self-training is the activity which is directed on self-improvement and broadens our outlook. You perceive information better if you get it on your own. We become more diligent more attentive during self-learning. Certainly, the knowledge we gain at university is very important. But we are not always able to analyze and master it in full. Why can't we remember all the information we get? We rapidly lose the knowledge we have gained, if we do not consolidate it. Self- learning opens new ways to develop your personality.

Edward Deming (1986) wrote: «We must support education and self-improvement of everyone. The organization needs not simply good people, but those who improve themselves in education».

Self-training is the most effective way to develop the mental capacities. When we face an unfamiliar task it expands our knowledge, and we exercise a brain. By the way, elderly people who are engaged in self-education and self-training, remain in sober mind for a more long time.

The inner world is very important. The desire to study with the help of books, from other people or from the nature is the main mover of self-improvement. Self-training is based on the need for knowledge.

Self-training makes our lives much brighter. Learning something new is a great pleasure which can be compared with travelling and new acquaintances. Besides, people who develop their brain are much more interesting and more attractive than people who aren't engaged in it.

The quality of the knowledge depends on the quality and quantity of the information and on the desire of the person to gain the knowledge.

One of the disadvantages of self-learning is that the order and volume of the information is defined by the student.

Until quite recently books were the main source of information. Radio and TV also played a certain part. But now we live in the 21st century, and there are a lot of ways to absorb knowledge. Certainly, the main of them is the Internet. Wherever you are, you can follow the developments, communicate with other people worldwide and learn something new.

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It provides the opportunity to contact anybody you need, to make friends, study, earn money, and just spend your free time with pleasure. It is difficult to imagine our lives without the Internet. You feel helpless without it. Both a child and an elderly person can find something interesting here.

The easiest way of obtaining information is search engines. A huge number of people use them every day. And it is very important to know how to look for the information and how to evaluate it.

Another source for self-learning is electronic courses. You can learn anything you need and even get a certificate online. Many of them are available for free. We can use the open educational resources from these universities to get a high quality education for free. Some of the examples are UNESCO, National Open University (Russia) and «Specialist» Computer Training Center (Russia) online courses. The website BESTUNIVERSITIES.com provides “100 terrific self-learning sites to boost your resume during the recession” [1]. There you’ll find a variety of sites that offer self-learning, including technology, art, and business, many at the university level.

Another advantage of the Internet is that you can discuss any of your ideas with other people, ask for advice, and get opinion of an expert.

Information can also be accessed via the mobile Internet.  It is a wonderful invention of mankind which you can use anywhere you are. 

In spite of all these advantages, there are some negative sides of using Internet. Firstly, a lot of people kill a lot of time in front of it, especially playing computer games. Secondly, spending much time in front of a computer has harmful effect on our health.

There exist six steps to effective self-learning [2]:

1)    get interested;

2)    expect problems and you won’t be disappointed;

3)    cover the same ground from different angles;

4)    anytime is learning time;

5)    be a multimedia learner; and

6)     join learning communities.

So, self-learning has become an incredibly powerful force thanks to online technology. The access to online learning tools (Twitter, online schools, etc) is proving to be a great way for anyone to brush up on, or learn about, any skills they desire [3].




1.    100 Terrific Self-Learning Sites to Boost Your Resume During the Recession. – Retrieved from http://www.bestuniversities.com/blog/2009/100-terrific-self-learning-sites-to-boost-your-resume-during-the-recession/

2.    6 Steps To Effective Self Learning. – Retrieved from http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/6-steps-to-effective-self-learning/

3.    How Self-Learning Is Becoming The New Master’s Degree. – Retrieved from http://edudemic.com/2012/05/how-self-learning-is-becoming-the-new-masters-degree/