Педагогические науки/2.  Проблемы подготовки специалистов


Колисниченко А.Ю., студентка магистратуры

Тарнавская Т.В., к. пед. наук, доцент, научный руководитель

Национальный университет биоресурсов и природопользования Украины


Methods of assessing learning


There are two main aspects in the basis of the ideas of many educators and researchers regarding the characteristics of student competence. They are the unity of theoretical knowledge and practical activities, and the results of teaching and learning activities in comparison to the self-learning. The development of information society in the XXI century sets new ideals, values, priorities, among which education is seen as one of the three major indicators in the integrated assessment of the quality of human life.

In the education reform process in Ukraine, the ways to improve human welfare and strengthen Ukraine's prestige in the international arena are defined, and the quality of education is declared a national priority and a prerequisite to national security [1].

Improving the assessment of general education and academic achievements of students in particular is one of the most important tasks of pedagogy and school practice. The development and implementation of innovative models of evaluation of an educational institution is considered to be an important tool for implementing state requirements to ensure the quality of secondary education and educational services.

The process of performance evaluation GEI is carried out in accordance with State standard basic and secondary education [2]. In particular, the International Standard specifies requirements for the education of students and graduates of primary and high schools and state guarantees, providing in this way the target level of educational quality and objectivity of the educational institutions.

Evaluation of student achievements is an integral and important part of the learning process [3]. The assessment is a quantitative expression of the results of student s’ work. It promotes awareness of their achievements, creates a sense of responsibility, creates a desire to learn better, and stimulates their further activity.

Let us consider the basic concepts that define the essence of the evaluation of higher school performance.

Quality of knowledge is an education category. It expresses the amount of knowledge about the object of study, the depth of the knowledge and their efficiency (the ability to use knowledge in similar situations); flexibility (the ability to independently find different ways of applying knowledge under varying conditions); specificity (the ability to expand the knowledge); and generality (the ability to apply specific knowledge in its basic form [4; с. 302-303].

According to Lee Dunn [5], when considering assessment methods, it is particularly useful to think first about what qualities or abilities you are seeking to engender in the learners. He writes that Nightingale et al [6] provide eight broad categories of learning outcomes which are listed below:

1. Thinking critically and making judgements

(Developing arguments, reflecting, evaluating, assessing, judging)

2. Solving problems and developing plans

(Identifying problems, posing problems, defining problems, analysing data, reviewing, designing experiments, planning, applying information)

3. Performing procedures and demonstrating techniques

(Computation, taking readings, using equipment, following laboratory procedures, following protocols, carrying out instructions)

4. Managing and developing oneself

(Working co-operatively, working independently, learning independently, being self-directed, managing time, managing tasks, organising)

5. Accessing and managing information

(Researching, investigating, interpreting, organising information, reviewing and paraphrasing information, collecting data, searching and managing information sources, observing and interpreting)

6. Demonstrating knowledge and understanding

(Recalling, describing, reporting, recounting, recognising, identifying, relating & interrelating)

7. Designing, creating, performing

(Imagining, visualising, designing, producing, creating, innovating, performing)

8. Communicating

(One and two-way communication; communication within a group, verbal, written and non-verbal communication. Arguing, describing, advocating, interviewing, negotiating, presenting; using specific written forms)




1.       Про Національну доктрину розвитку освіти: Указ Президента України № 347 від 17 квітня 2002 р. // Офіційний вісник України. – 2002. – № 16. – C. 860.

2.       Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 14 січня 2004 року № 24 [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/24-2004-%D0%BF

3.       Давыдов В.В. Проблемы развивающего обучения. – М.,1986.

4.       Малафіїк І.В. Дидактика: Навчальний посібник. – К. : Кондор, 2005. – 397 с.

5.       Selecting methods of assessment. Adapted by Lee Dunn from: Morgan, Chris (1999) Southern Cross University, New South Wales, Australia. (Unpublished material for Southern Cross University booklet 'Assessing Students'). Retrieved from http://www.brookes.ac.uk/services/ocsld/resources/methods.html

6.       Nightingale, P., Te Wiata, I.T., Toohey, S., Ryan, G., Hughes, C., Magin, D. (1996) Assessing Learning in Universities Professional Development Centre, University of New South Wales, Australia.