Kondrashova N.V.







Pedagogic sciences




Kondrashova N.V., the candidate of pedagogical sciences,

Associate  professor the Department of  Pedagogy preschool

and Primary  education Mordovian  Teacher Training 

institute named after M.E. Evseveva

Doctor of science, Honoris  causa International Academy of  Natural History


Ashait summary

The importance  of folklore  and the basic contradictions of moral education of the preschool children in polycultural region are present  in the article. The role of  national arts  in the pvoren  of introduction to the structure of the state federal requirements of the basic comprehensive program of pre-school  education is discussed in the paper. The author substantiated the possibilities of oral and complex using of fairy tale problems proverbs, sayings and other means of the fork  pedagogics in polycultural region with the arm of  initiation of preschoolers to the historical and cultural values of their to the factors uniting different cultures.


Keywords: preschool children, moral education, fairy tale, game, proverb, saying, oral national arts


Moral education is directed to formation of the valuable attitude to a life, harmonious progress  of a person providing.

Moral education of preschool children complex ïåäàãîãè÷åñêè the organized process of mastering and acceptance by children of base national and moral values. Pedagogical  staff  of modern preschool  institutions use. The means of national pedagogies for familiarizing children with universal values and mastering by spiritually-moral and cultural-historical abundance of people rather actively. In establishments apply varied forms and methods of work (spend ethical conversations, national proverbs and sayings, introduction of  national holidays (Easter, the Pancake week, Christmas), organizing of  cultural-after-lesson activity and didactic games for reinforcement of knowledge of the national pattern of a  identifying of a experts of national fairy tales or games, etc) [1].

The efficiency of educational work increases, if to take into consideration  modern achievements of the pedagogical theory and practice.  Nonconventional methods and receptions of familiarizing of preschool children to a spiritual ethnocultural heritage and means of national pedagogies are supposed to be realized. It is important to use in complex varied forms and methods of work to form at preschool children the  concepts about norms of morals and their  attitude to at norms, upringing  of humane feelings and enrichment of moral experience of preschool children[2].

The information about the phenomena of a public life, politeness and humanism, patriotism and tolerance, norms of  behaviour, the valid attitude to adults and so forth are the constituents of the moral concepts shaped in the preschool childhood  the Generated moral concepts serve as the basis progresses of motives of  behaviour which induce children to these or other acts. Various forms and methods of work with oral national arts can enrich moral concepts of children: «Saving situations in fairy tales », « Kind use full advice hints», etc.

«Saving situations in fairy tales » (preschoolers should compose every possible plot or ending to familiar fairy tales in view of unforeseen extreme circumstances where heroes are involved : situations of a moral choice between goods and a harm, situations of rescue of the protagonist, requiring displays of the sympathetic, benevolent attitude to associates).

«The expert of national proverbs and sayings » (competition can be used for activization in speech of the senior preschool children of laconic and neat sayings on a moral problematics).

 «Kind advice » (national proverbs and sayings are discussed with preschool children about diligence, friendship, goods and other socially-meaningful qualities; it is focused wisdom saved of the years is brought into the proverbs). And sayings.

«Let's define a proverb according to its beginning» (interesting exercise for enrichment of the children's vocabulary  due to neat laconic sayings, stimulating of memory and voluntary attention).

 «Lovely maiden and a kind good fellow » ( the illustrations or film fragments on motives of several national fairy tales are watched with the preschoolers and then the description about virtues of protagonists with objective of formation of concepts about ideals of courage and feminity is made).

In moral education of a child during the preschool childhood the important seat borrows formation of moral feelings and attitudes. T. Titarenko has revealed the following steps of the development of  emotional children's attitude of to moral situations:

·                        a direct assessment of the concrete  actions of a person,  corrected his behaviour;

·                        an assessment-condition of a person who has got a difficult siluation providing of his  behaviour;

·                        an assessment-anticipation of possible consequences, the further expansion of the situation where emotion has an advancing function.

Is some methods with works of oral folklore help to display emotional responsiveness to analyze vital situations and surrounding people in view of moral values and norms:

"Description" (children should make up a moral portrait of a hero of a national fairy tale and to try to explain in the character is kind to people or not).

Games exercises "Ball", «Good and bad acts», « Mysterious transformations», help to teach children to differentiate bad and good acts, to show goodwill, responsiveness, keenness and so forth

«A book of Fairy tales», is made of children's draiwing with the image of protagonists and can be  used for discussion of variety and importance of kind acts.

«Draw the fairy tale » (preschool children are offered to imagine themselves an  illustrator and to tell what pictures they would draw to their favourite fairy tale as well as to estimate acts of represented heroes).

So, means of national pedagogies play a key role in moral education and formation of basis of personal culture of each person during preschool äåâñòâà. Use of oral national work in pedagogical process ÄÎÓ with objective of moral education of preschool children probably, if: the hand-picked texts assisting spiritual enrichment of preschool children, to formation at them culture of feelings and the valuable attitude to the world; varied nonconventional methods and receptions of use of means of national pedagogies, both on employment, and outside of them are applied; during acquaintance of the senior preschool children with national work the individual and differentiated approach and so forth is carried out.


The literature:

1.   Familiarizing of preschool children with national culture in a context of unity of educational space of Russia / E. N. Kirkina ; Mordov.  Teacher Training  institute, 2010. – 297 with.

2.   Kondrashova, N. V. Spiritually-moral education of preschool children through gaming activity in the conditions of multicultural region / NV. Kondrashova // Polythematic network electronic scientific journal of the Kuban state agrarian University Scientific journal ÊóáÃÀÓ) [Electronic resource]. - Krasnodar: ÊóáÃÀÓ, 2012. - ¹ 07(81). With. 606 - 616. - Mode of access: http://ej.kubago.ru/2012/07/pdf/45.pdf, 0,688 ó.ï.ë.