Law /  5. Ñriminal law and criminology

Holder of a masters degree PhD candidate, Police Captain Nasyrova E.

                of the Police Academy of Almaty, The Republic of Kazakhstan

The causes and conditions of juvenile delinquency

        The fight against juvenile delinquency - is a complex social problem, with the accompanying factors and other related phenomena. For many years, this problem has been the object of attention of scholars and lawyers. In recent years, juvenile delinquency tends to grow.

The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan-2030. Prosperity, security and the welfare of all Kazakhs "notes that "the State is unable to reverse the human mentality overnight. But the State is able to accelerate the process of change by explaining the objective trends, bringing important information to the public and, most importantly, the implementation of social and economic policies aimed at self-sufficiency"[1].

The problems associated with a minor crime previously remained in the shadows. Now, juvenile crime is a significant part total crime. In recent years, it grows steadily. It's true that the difficulties of the transition period of social development have noticeable effect on the behavior of the minor, the most sensitive part of society. Social deviations in behavior in these conditions acquire increased danger to the public and directly affect the undermining and weakening of social relations that generate and provide moral and physical health of the younger generation. The drugs usage and offenses committed by juveniles are among the first consequences to be mentioned here [2, p.60].

The qualitative characteristics of crime have changed, which are now characterized by a high degree of organization, latency, and oriented selfish and cruel. In this regard, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev has expressed concern about the increase in juvenile crime at the enlarged meeting of the heads of law enforcement agencies: "The criminalization of teenage environment in the country has reached alarming proportions, while the effectiveness of opposition has not. The schools already have the leaders of antisocial groups of students. Thieves’ traditions are instilled since childhood. The problem needs to be solved ... " [3, p.5].

Juvenile crime is one of the most pressing social problems worldwide. A survey of juvenile offenders found that 75% of perpetrators of the most serious acts of violence were abused by their parents and other people. At the present time of continuing massive and rapid socio-economic, political changes in the society, minors especially face difficulties because of not settled life view and values.

The content side of the causes and conditions of crime is characterized by variety of their manifestations in a modern setting organization of the society. In this case, the causes and conditions of crime are determined by the specific conditions and the development of such areas of social development, as economics, politics, law, philosophy, social psychology, etc. Each of them has their criminogenic features [4, p. 98].

According to the criminology, the main negative processes and phenomena of social reality, that contribute to the occurrence of minor crimes include the following: social differentiation of the population in terms of material security and social status, the violation of wage, differences in the nature and content of the education and child and adolescents labor, processes of destruction of the parental family (burdened with alcoholism), neuro-psychiatric and other diseases of specific groups of population, the low level of legal culture, the deformation of the moral and legal consciousness of the individual groups of minors, their parents, other caregivers, and many others [5].

Our survey of the civilian population has shown the main causes and conditions of juvenile crime:

- The lack of parental control - 8%;

- Ignorance of the law - 3%;

- Difficult financial situation of the parents - 22%;

- Incomplete family - 15%;

- The impact of the media - 11%, etc.

The immediate cause of illegal behavior is in the identity of the person that committed the crime. First of all, the negative elements of everyday cognition are expressed in the form of distorted needs and interests, anti-social attitudes, habits, motivations, attitudes, and so on [6].

Maulenov G. noted that the causes of juvenile criminal phenomena are associated with adverse circumstances forming the offenders’ deficiencies in the educational, moral, and legal work during the recreational adolescents and youth. These causes are connected with the mistakes and errors in the work of state bodies and public organizations and the negative impact of anti-social elements made by the adults [7].

Criminology defines the juvenile crime as "the costs of education" [8] According to scholars, the costs of education in the causal complex include following:

- Criminogenic effects of difficulties and shortcomings of social institutions that are directly responsible for the training, education of minors, their reformation and rehabilitation (continuing use of negative forms and methods of educational influence);

- Criminogenic effects of negative conditions of the microenvironment (long and meaningful negative impact on children and adolescents made by the demoralized people, including their involvement in crime and other anti-social behavior);

- Conditions of life and upbringing, characterized by expression of malice, cruelty, and various kinds of conflict-aggressive behavior of others [8, p.697].

Social factors contributing to juvenile delinquency are: unemployment, neglect (lack of proper parental control), increasing the proportion of children with a delay in the intellectual and volitional development.

Problems of social, cultural, economic circumstances of juvenile delinquency should be descried permanently, because the forecast of changes in juvenile crime depends on the overall socio-economic indicators of state and society.

The fight against crime should be seen much broader and should not be reduced to the identification of specific crimes and those who committed them. This process should involve a more comprehensive and large-scale events, the implementation of which would not only address specific causes and conditions of crime, but would include the impact of a healthy, law-abiding section of society [9, p.84]. Therefore, the state should provide a decent standard of living of children, high quality of health care, education, and protection of children from the negative factors (drugs, alcohol, etc.). Only in the case of criminogenic determinants neutralization the successful prevention of juvenile delinquency is possible.


1. Nazarbayev N., Presidential Message to the people of Kazakhstan, "Kazakhstan-2030. Prosperity, security and the welfare of all Kazakhstan "/ / Kazakhstan Today. - 11.10.1997.

2. Abdirov N., Intykbayev M., Teen drug abuse in orbit: problems we alert: Monograph. Karaganda. 1997. p. 60.

3. Nazarbayev N., law-abiding and law and order - the basis of our stability // Kazakhstan Today. 03/30/2002. P. 5.

4. Dolgova A., role-based approach to the study of offender // Theoretical problems of the theory of the individual offender. - M., 1979. - S. 98.

5. Minkovsky G., Comprehensive study of the factors influencing the change in crime. - M., 1983. - 98 p.

6. Kuznetsova N., Problems of criminological determination. - M. 1984. - 235 p.

7. Maulenov G., The main characteristics of crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Almaty, 1999. - 114 p.

8. Criminology / ed. Dolgova A., - M., 1997. – p. 155.

9. Akimzhanov T., On the problems of combination of humanism and the inevitability of punishment at this stage / / Materials Intl. scientific. Conf., dedicated. 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence. 3-4.12.2011. - Almaty. 275.