Political science/Regional political processes

Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Ibragimova G. E.

L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

The problems of integration processes in Central Asia in the views  of the native researchers

     Integration - is a complex process, it is gradual and natural in difficulties, which can be objective and subjective. The integration of Central Asia in the post-Soviet period has quite a rich historical experience. Let us recall the existence in the past of such integration associations, as the Central Asian Union (CAU), the Central Asian Economic Community (CAEC), and the Organization of Central Asian Cooperation Organization (CACO).  In October 2005, it was decided to merge the CACO with the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) [1]. As noted by A. Zhugan, after the entry of the "Central Asian Cooperation" (OCAC) into the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) in Central Asia, there was a shortage of joint integration projects. In fact, the regions of the country became dependent on Russian integration paradigm [2]. Besides, the potential for integration ideas of Central Asian integration has not subsided. This is evidenced the Message of President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to Kazakhstan people (2005), in which the idea of ​​creating a Union of Central Asian States was announced [3]. This initiative could be an important factor for joint problem solving and social and economic development leveling of all countries in the region. As it is known, the practical implementation of this idea has not occurred. Along with attempts to revive the integration processes in Central Asia, Kazakhstan's leadership is doing the recent emphasis on Eurasian integration.

          What are the causes of the integration process inhibition in Central Asia? The problems existing in the integration process of Central Asia in the scientific and analytical literature are interpreted in different ways.  Some researchers suggest that the States Parties of the integration processes in the absence of objective prerequisites do not determine regional relations as priority ones [4].  Not all researchers share the view on the need for integration in the Central Asian region. A.G.Kosichenko notes that the integration of the region in order to repel the threats and solutions to common problems is less constructive, as associations to eliminate the threats are usually temporary. In his opinion, nowadays it is more correct to speak not about the integration, but about the intensification of the cooperation [5, 62]. The opinion of the author about the need to have a positive impetus to the integration causes a positive response. Some researchers suggest that the history of attempts of the Central area to integrate has showed the absence of the integration real factors in the region [1]. Thus, O.G.Zakrzhevskaya produces the following case-based basis of her stated thesis. The five states in the region are still in various stages of transit, at different levels of economic development; the countries of the region are still in the state of political transition. The fact of the incompleteness of democratic transition is an obstacle to integration as significant as the development of multi-vector and levels of economic systems. The factor in the development of the political will of the integration is missing. Cultural-historical community, which is most often referred to, is in doubt. There is no any notion of regional interest full of concrete content in the states of Central Asia. Based on the above, the author comes to the conclusion that the realities of the current state of the Central Asian countries indicate that the CAR does not correspond to the notion of the region, and, therefore, cannot yet be a space of economic and especially political integration.

         According to R. Alshanov and A. Ashimbayeva,  in the global economic and political space the states of CAR are not collective, but rather independent, even on an individual basis [6].  A similar point of view was expressed by G. Saidazimova, who believes that the Central Asian countries do not coordinate issues of domestic and even foreign policy with each other; are not the «united front» with any «third party», but rather, are competitors for the speedy and more profitable entry into the world's political, economic, financial, military community, and for investment of the developed countries [4]. We consider this factor also as an obstacle to the creation of a geopolitical unit. It is obvious that the Central Asian countries show a clear unwillingness to consolidate their efforts to repel external challenges and threats. The logical question is if it is possible to create a geopolitical bloc only on its own, without the involvement of the regional security of the powers with a stronger potential than the combined military capabilities of CA countries.

     The processes of creating geopolitical bloc of countries of Central Asia in the studied region are adversely affected by external forces. For example, Pakistan has paid much attention to creating a unified energy system with Tajikistan and is not interested in the fact that this country is integrated with other Central Asian countries. Russia, solving the problem of security in the region, holds the policy of CAG connection to the integration processes in the CIS structures, where the leading role belongs to Russia.   Therewith, D.B.Malysheva notes «... Having been embroiled in the complex process of geopolitical balance, post-Soviet states of Central Asia tried to distance themselves from the possibility of binding to a single global or regional center, to maintain good relations with all the parties of the ongoing regional competition. The «multi-vector» also prevents the establishment of a, much needed for CACs, intraregional cooperation on a range of key issues - from border protection and security to trade and the distribution of water resources» [7, 15].

       Among the obstacles to integration it is necessary to identify the differentiation of approaches to integration, distancing of Turkmenistan on issues of regional integration, some kind of Uzbekistan’s isolationism.  The prevalence of the political aspect of the integration process should be noted; countries prefer to protect their sovereignty and independence, but not to unite. The Central Asian countries have a fear of supranational bodies, at the same time the integration involves the transfer of responsibilities to supranational bodies.

     The catalyst for the negative processes on the whole has been caused by the position of potential leaders in the region - Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, vying for leadership in the region. This prevents a unified position on the major issues of domestic and foreign policy in the region. In addition, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have no real interest in intraregional cooperation and integration as their main trading partners are located outside of Central Asia. The formed mechanisms of regional integration were important to them only as one of the means for potential rivals in the spheres of influence.  Moreover, the systematic denial of the economic interests of the weaker partners in the region - Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan has played the negative role [8].

       The studied literature also identifies the following obstacles to the integration of the countries of Central Asia: an inefficient mechanism for the implementation of decisions or lack of it, the competition of integration projects, the economic crisis, the lack of financial resources, the undeveloped state of the correspondence overall integration of Central Asia with the realities of variable-tiered development of economic systems of the region.  Along with this, one more obstacle to the integration of the Central Asian states is their economics’ uniformity (they are mostly raw). To reach the level of close cooperation between the raw material economics is not easy [9].

     Many other problems that have a negative effect on the development of the integration process in Central Asia have been remained. In particular, the problem remains the issue of rational use of water and energy resources in the Central Asian region; the common transport policy in Central Asia has not been formed; the transit potential is not effectively used. States of the Central Asian region have multilevel and multispeed economy, which is a limiting factor in the deepening of integration cooperation of Central Asian countries. The most stable growth rate of the economy is observed only in Kazakhstan, which up to the last years and in the current period is one of the leaders among CIS countries in terms of GDP growth. There is a poor development of mutual trade between Central Asia states as a result of differences in the pace and extent of economic liberalization, the low level of economic cooperation in Central Asia. You can also note the problem of irregular migration of CA [10].

        At the current stage, the researchers suggest the real mechanisms for implementing the economic dimension of integration in Central Asia [11, 10], indicate the prospects of integration in Central Asia [12].

      Taking into account M.S. Ashimbayev’s and M.Sh. Gubaidullina’s approaches, we want to note that the integration within Central Asia may be a part of other integration processes, in particular in the framework of the CIS, EurAsEC; contrasting of regional integration and related integration is illegal. As N.A. Nazarbayev notes, it is important to build the capacity of all Eurasian associations, gradually promoting the convergence of their format and content [13]. The practical realization of this idea is shown by Kazakhstan's participation in organizations such as the CIS, CSTO, EurAsEC, the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

     Geo-political, geo-economic, historical and cultural background of the Central Asian integration can become effective factors only in the presence of the political will of the leaders of the region. Also, the indispensable condition is in the existence of common strategic objectives of the region.



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2. Жуган А. Центральная Азия объединяется // http://www.eurasianhome.org/xml/t/expert.xml?lang=ru&nic=expert&pid=1136.   

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4. Саидазимова Г. Интеграция в Центральной Азии: реалии, вызовы, возможности//http://www.analitika.org/article.php?story=20060330062059854.

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10. Look here: Ешаманова Е.Ж. Реалии и перспективы интеграции стран Центральной Азии// http://www.ia-entr.ru/archive/public_details5e11.html?id=442. 

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12. Губайдуллина М.Ш. Интеграционный процесс в Центральной Азии // http://www.ia-centr.ru/public_details.php?id=324).

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