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Novikova E.A.,  Grigoreva I.V.,  Ivanova L.A.

Irkutsk State Linguistic University, Russia


To the question of the future teacher’s web-portfolio as a modern tool of the virtual labor market

This article discusses the technology of web- portfolio as an effective way to attract employers to the personality of the future teacher. The problems causing the relevance of using this technology in modern universities are indentified. The basic types of the web - portfolio are presented, the structure of the career  web-portfolio is allocated, allowing to the future teacher successfully present itself on a virtual labor market.

Key words: employment; cooperation with employers; career; web –portfolio, virtual labor market.

For years modern mass media acted as mechanisms of formation and translation negative media - image of the teacher. This factor influenced a choice of young generation of future profession not towards pedagogical specialties that, in turn, should remain unnoticed in dynamics of development of all state as a whole.

With passage  to the informative  society on a labor market of the Russian Federation it is accurately traced tendencies to the expansion of interaction technologies  of all subjects on the  labor market, involvement of competitors, formations of a personnel reserve, search of candidates, cooperation of employers with educational institutions. Intensively developing Internet caused a gain of new information technologies in  all spheres of human activity, including in business, education. [4]. Today higher education institutions of a pedagogical orientation still experience difficulties in questions of employment of the graduates, ensuring complete realization of their professional and personal potential, and also search and involvement of the employer.

The carried-out analysis of works of such authors as: Volgin A. I,         Kosmynin A.V., allows to conclude that ensuring knowledge of both parties of the labor relations, became possible at the expense of visualization on the Internet of a virtual labor market that considerably optimized access to banks of vacancies. This  format of a labor market allows the employer successfully find the stuff in short terms.

The employer searches the candidates possessing not only the base knowledge, but also a set of the competences necessary for fast adaptation in constantly changing world. It is necessary to note that the centers of assistance to employment of students and graduates still search the employer, using old technologies, rather monotonous and often don't answer new conditions and tendencies. Our days it becomes obvious that standard curricula vitae of graduates can’t reflect its educational and professional results created competence and stages of their formation [4].

Search of means of involvement of the employer, interaction with it, leads higher education institutions to use - web – a portfolio.

Thus, the actuality  of our research is defined, on the one hand, by existence of essential reserves and potential possibilities of application of technology of a web portfolio of students - future teachers in educational process of higher education institutions, and, on the other hand, the fragmentary use of these possibilities guarded with the relation of the pedagogical public to need of refusal of traditional technologies of involvement of the employer.

The  actuality  of a problem of our research forces to incur the  potential of technology of a web portfolio in questions of involvement of the employer to the identity of future teacher on a virtual labor market to a scientific and pedagogical reflection.

First of all, we will a definition of a web – portfolio. So, I.V.Grigorieva is marked out that, attempts «interpretations of the concept "web portfolio" is made much, in each of them the details are emphasized, but as a whole it is possible to tell that it is a question of  on-line collections of works of a certain author (the individual, group, the organization) and the related comments (as author, and others) and estimates. [1] Due to  the definition opening essence, and also specifics of considered means, it is necessary to conclude, what exactly web – the portfolio of career advance will help future teachers, actively to position on virtual labor market, and process its design will force the owner to trace development and improvement of necessary competences, thus, constantly increasing competitiveness.

As the proof of our point of view, we will address to authoritative opinion of scientist-researcher L.A.Ivanova which so writes about a web portfolio of future teacher: «… it is interesting as means allowing to position to the graduate  in virtual space before the potential employer and the consumer (i.e. parents) since in fact, is peculiar «the passport of competences and qualifications» [3].

Having carried out the analysis of structures of web – the portfolio of career growth developed by Mogilevkin E., Zagvozdkina V. K., Monarchic I.B., the structure offered by chair of pedagogic ISLU seems to us  full, and includes such data, as: information on the owner, the professional biography , the composition introspection, the self-characteristic, official documents confirming victories at competitions, the termination of courses, representation of research activity of the owner, the analysis of its training in Higher education institution and plans and the future; methodical box [2]. At such web –  portfolio various mission - on the one hand, an assessment educational success and scientific achievements, with another - an assessment of readiness for professionally career.

Thus, the technology web - portfolio is on the one hand - an effective remedy of self-presentation and positioning, and with another – a way  of involvement of the employer to the identity of future teacher on a virtual labor market, at the expense of a saturated content of data for the employer. The professional and full web portfolio of career allows the employer: define level of preparation and all range of abilities of the candidate, and take an optimum decision in favor the graduate.

Today the higher education institutions which have counted on a web portfolio of students, enter the virtual market, actively forming positive media - image on the Internet, solve difficulties in a question of employment of graduates.

It is possible to assume that systematized on a site of higher education institutions of the web base - portfolios of students - future teachers will allow the employer to select perspective shots for the enterprises. Selection of the best students for inclusion is more expedient for carrying out to base on a competitive basis. The web portfolio of the successful students who have proved in research, educational, professional activity, actively taking part in social, educational, educational projects of university, and also public life of the city, the region, edge can enter into base of web-portfolio.

Such approach will allow to visualize the most objective picture of ideas of candidates on a virtual labor market for the employer, to higher education institutions to solve problems of employment of students and graduates of pedagogical specialties. A number of higher education institutions of Russia conducting preparation of future pedagogical shots for "new" school already have wide and successful experience in this area.



1.        Grigor'eva I.V. Put' k tehnologijam pokolenija web 2.0: web-portfolio v mediaobrazovatel'nom prostranstve vuza (iz opyta raboty kafedry pedagogiki GOU VPO IGLU) / I.V. Grigor'eva // Magister Dixit: elektronnyj nauchno-pedagogicheskij zhurnal Vostochnoj Sibiri.  – 2011, ¹1, URL: http://md.islu.ru/sites/md.islu.ru/files/rar/statya_grigoreva_0.pdf

2.        Grigor'eva I.V. Soderjaniye web-portfolio obrazovatel’no-professional’nih dostijeniy studenta pedagogicheskoy special’nosti IGLU/ Grigor’eva I.V. – Virtual’niy metodicheskiy cabinet IOT IGLU URL: http://mediateacherxxi.ucoz.ru/load/uchebno_metodicheskie_posobija_dlja_studentov_pedagogi/vsjo_dlja_web_portfolio_novoe/soderzhanie_web_portfolio_obrazovatelno_professionalnykh_dostizhenij_studenta_pedagogicheskoj_specialnosti_iglu/20-1-0-26  

3.        Ivanova L.A. Autentichnoye ocenivanie s pomosh’yu web-portfolio budushih pedagogov v kontekste perehoda na Federal’niye gosudarstvenniye obrazovatel’niye standarti novogo pokoleniya / L.A. Ivanova // V mire nauchnih otkritiy. – 2011.- ¹ 5. – p.399-410.

4.     Novikova, Å.À. Web-portfolio on the virtual labor market as technology of effective attraction of the potential employer to the personality of the future teacher / E.A. Novikova // Magister Dixit: elektronnyj nauchno-pedagogicheskij zhurnal Vostochnoj Sibiri.  – 2012, ¹1, URL: http://md.islu.ru/sites/md.islu.ru/files/rar/statya_magister_diksit__no_4_avtor_novikova_evgeniya_aleksandrovna_grigoreva_i.v..pdf