Pedagogical science/2. Problems of  training of specialists

Nastashchuk N. A.

Omsk State Transport University, Russia


At present progress of automation of management of vehicular process on railway in a large measure depends on success in developmant of tools of information technologies (IT). Therefore, students of railway universities have not only to be able to use IT, but have an idea about base its computer-aided projecting.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is the most popular one in creation of applications, and also for automation of solving railway engineer tasks. An application package Microsoft Office, and especially an electronic spreadsheet Excel, is the most widely-distributed among developers of IT. A programming system Visual Basic for Application (VBA) allows to automate an operation with the electronic spreadsheet Excel and, ipso facto, improves effectiveness of IT, developed in this programming system. Main principles of OOP are realized in VBA, which is a logical development of an object-oriented programming system Visual Basic.

In this connection, a main indication in a process of teaching informatics and following railway engineers’ training is a skill to describe algorithm and develop programms of its realization for automated solving computational tasks on one of OOP languages. Speaking about OOP, it is necessary to say that it is characterized by such fundamental concepts as «class» and «object (an example of a class)», each of these ones is characterized by a defined set of properties, methods and events. Thereby, it is formed a complex of class hierarchy, displaying interrelation of objects, its properties, methods and events. So, students have some troubles in the process of learning bases of OOP, projecting of a plain visual application and writhing a programming code.

In this article it is suggested to use along with other methods of teaching a technology “clustery” for more effective teaching bases of OOP, for example,  a programming language VBA. This technology refers to innovation education technologies and active education methods, that corresponds requirements of standards of the third generation under realization of a competent approach.

Some words about the point of the technology “clustery”. Cluster is a graphic organization of teaching material, displaying semantic fields of this concept or that one. A cluster making allows a student to think about a theme freely and openly. He writes in the centre of a paper a key concept, then from this one draws a ray arrow in different sides, which connected this word with another one, and by-turn from them ray arrows diverge further and further. The ray arrow means an existing logical connection between concepts or terms. Some words of a cluster also may be connected with each other with lines, illustrating the presence of logical connections between them [1].

The technologyclusterywas created in USA. American educators consider that before you learn something you have to build at first your own model based on known conception, after that in the course of the acquisition of new data you have to improve again this model.

The technology “clustery” may be used both in lectures and in labs in the process of railway engineers’ teaching OOP.

On a lecture by means of the technology “clustery” a lecturer can demonstrate to students a set of objects, belonging to a class, in a form of hierarchy, and on the following levels of this hierarchy he can display properties, methods and events of these objects. In the event that if objects of one class have identical properties, methods and events, or there is a possibility to use them in a combination with each other it will be possible to display this logical connection between them with drawing lines.

On labs a student should use the technology “clustery” for a visual constructing a system-information model of a projected visual form of an application with controls, that is objects. It is distinguished a simple object and a container object (used for storing and providing an access to other objects). Then on a scheme image of this cluster it is followed to display properties, methods and events, which will be used in the process of the application projecting and writing a program code. An interaction of objects on the application form can be displayed with drawn lines. Also the using of the properties and methods both in an event of one object and the event of another one can be displayed with drawn lines.

Thereby, a student’s lab report should contain a block diagram of a program algorithm and the cluster, describing the structure and logic of functioning of a projected application. On picture 1 it is presented a generalized model of the cluster, displaying a constructing system-information model of the projected visual application with controls.

Pic. 1. A generic view of a cluster of a projected application form

In conclusion, it is necessary to say that applying the technology “clustery” in railway engineers’ teaching OOP allows to organize their knowledge in the field of OOP, forms skills and abilities about bases of IT projecting by the example of developing of visual applications with a programming language VBA for automated solving computational tasks.



1. Muhina S.A., Solovyova À.À. Untraditional educational technologies in teaching. – M.: Phenix, 2004. – 384 p.