Zhumatayeva B.K. Senior teacher

 Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilev, Astana Kazakhstan





Last years more often the question on application of new information technologies in high school rises. It is not only new technologies, but also new forms and methods of teaching new approach to process of training. The basic purpose of training to foreign languages is the formation and development of communicative culture of the pupils, training to practical mastering by foreign language.

The task of the teacher is to create conditions of practical mastering by language for each pupil, to choose such methods of training, which would allow each pupil to show the activity, his/ her creativity. A task of the teacher - to make active more cognitive activity learning during training to foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such, as training in cooperation, design technique, use of new information technologies, Internet - resources help to realize the individual-guided approach in training, provide an individualization and differentiation of training in view of abilities of children, their level knowledge, propensities etc. 

The forms of job with the computer training programs at lessons of foreign language include:

-         study of lexicon;

-         improvement of a pronunciation;

-         training dialogic and monologic speech;

-         training to the letter;

-         working-off the grammatical phenomena.

The opportunities of use the Internet - resources are huge. The global network creates the Internet of a condition for reception of the any information which is taking place in any point of globe necessary to the pupil and teachers: regional geographical material, news from life of youth, articles from the newspapers and magazines, necessary literature etc.

One of the most revolutionary achievement for last decades, which considerably has affected educational process all over the world, became creation of the world computer network which has received the name the Internet, that the international network " ( literally means ". international net). Use of cybernetic space (cyberspace) in the educational purposes is an absolutely new direction general didactics and individual technique, as the occurring changes mention all parties of educational process, beginning from a choice of receptions and style of job, finishing change of the requirements for an academic level of the trainees.

The basic purposes of study of foreign language in high school - formation of the communicative competence, all other purposes (educational, pedagogical, and developing) are realized during realization of this overall objective. The communicative approach means training to dialogue and formation of ability to intercultural interaction that is a basis of functioning of the Internet. Outside of dialogue the Internet is not meaningful is an international multinational, cross-cultural society, whose ability to live is based on electronic dialogue of millions people all over the world, speaking simultaneously - hugest on the sizes and amount of the participants conversation, which ever occurred. Inscribing in it at a lesson of foreign language we create model of real dialogue.

The Internet supplies communication in true language environment, the pupils appear in the present vived situations. Involved in a wide circle of important decision, realistic, interesting and achievable tasks, the pupils are trained spontaneously and adequately on them to react, that stimulates creation of the original statements, instead of sample manipulation with the language formulas.

The paramount importance is given to understanding, transfer of the contents and expression of sense, that motivate study of structure and dictionary of foreign language, which serve of this purpose. Thus, the attention of the pupils concentrates on use of the forms, rather than on them, and the training to grammar is carried out by an indirect image, in direct dialogue, excepting pure study of grammatical rules.

The computer is loyal to a variety of the student's answers: he does not accompany job of the pupils laudatory by the comments, that develops their independence and creates a favorable social - psychological atmosphere at a lesson, giving them reliance of itself, that is the important factor for development of their individuality.

The development of education is connected to increase of a level of its information potential. This characteristic feature in many respects determines both direction of evolution of the education, and future of all society. For the most successful orientation in global information space the mastering by the pupils by information culture is necessary, and also computer-screen culture, as the priority in search of the information ever more and is more given back the Internet.

The mastering by the communicative and intercultural competence is impossible without practice of dialogue, and use of resources the Internet at a lesson of foreign language in this sense is simply irreplaceable: virtual environment which the Internet allows to leave for temporary and spatial frameworks, giving its users an opportunity of authentic dialogue with the real interlocutors on urgent for both parties of a theme. However it is impossible to overlook that the Internet - only auxiliary mean of training, and for achievement of optimum results is necessary competently to integrate its use in process of a lesson.

Practically all significant newspaper in the world have the web-pages. To find out where are newspapers, it is possible to offer to the pupil to visit a page MEDIA LINKS (< http: // www.mediainfo.com/emedia / >), offering the references to set of the editions. 

On the way of mastering by the intercultural competence the on-line newspaper is the irreplaceable assistant. She will allow the pupil to plunge in global events occurring practically at the current moment, to see occurring with the various points of view.

It is possible to offer to the pupils to work till in pairs, to investigate articles covering all parties of life: leading articles, sports, weather, culture... The advantage of such work consists in complete involving of all class in a combination to differentiation of the tasks: the strong pupils can engage in research of more difficult articles, while weak can charge with the report on weather conditions or something from area of culture.

In addition to job above skills of reading and speaking, it is possible to fill up a dictionary stock. For this purpose it is necessary to offer to the pupil to make entries, basing on the information. The purchase of new grammatical skills is possible, which examples have met in articles.

The Internet can and should be used not only in passive way, but also in active. The pupils can try themselves in a role not only as consumers, but suppliers of the information. The site THE YOUNG VOICES OF THE WORLD (< http: // www1.fukui-med.ac.jp/kuzuryu / >) - open forum representing a certain publishing house, where wishing can be published with the works, having made their property of a multimillion audience and having stated on discussion the opinion. All jobs are accompanied by the electronic address of their founder that the realization of a feedback and setting of discussions allows.

         The dialogue in a virtual reality is carried out with the help of an e-mail, which for mastering by the intercultural competence can be used as follow:

 Establishment of friendly correspondence.

The international exchange of the letters can be carried out in any class and at any level of possession of language. Besides purposeful use of investigated language, establishment of friendly contacts and studying thus culture, the electronic correspondence has the advantages in comparison with paper: it is faster, it is more convenient and more cheaply.

The primary interest quickly passes, also pupils fall within inconvenient situation, not knowing about what to write. In avoidànce to prevent disappointment it is necessary necessarily correlate the given kind of work with the general educational plan and it is impossible to start up it on drifty. For example, it is possible to offer to the pupil to ask the friends on correspondence on this or that theme and on the basis of the received results to make the report in a class. The pupils are not simply divided by the information with the partners from the different ends of globe, and in common work above any project: the theme gets out, the methods of research are developed, the stand is created, where the received results are located. The theme of the project can be chosen from already offered by someone on a sheet - server or to place there and to wait for answer-back contacts. Undoubtedly Internet can be used as the effective application for development of grammatical, lexical skills. The tests for reading, grammar here enter every possible practical lexical, grammatical, phonetic exercises, the IQ-tests etc.

Thus, using information resources of a network the Internet, is possible, integrating them in educational process, more effectively to solve a lot didactic tasks at a lesson of English language:

à) To form skills and skills of reading, directly using materials of a network of a different degree of complexity (http: // www.washingtonpost.com /, http: // cnn.com/world, http: // www.abcnews.go.com/index.html, http: // www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice, http: // www.washtimes.com /);

b) To improve skills listening on the basis of the authentic sound texts of a network the Internet also accordingly prepared by the teacher (http: // www.bell-labs.com/project/tts/index.htm l);

c) To improve monologic and dialogical skills of the statement on the basis of problem discussion submitted by the teacher or someone from learning, materials of a network;

d) To improve skills of written speech, individually or in writing making the answers to the partners, participating in preparation of the abstracts, compositions, others epistolary of products of joint activity of the partners;

e) To fill up the dictionary stock, both active, and passive, lexicon of modern English language reflecting a certain stage of development of culture of the people, social and political device of a society;

f) To get acquainted with cultural knowledge including speech etiquette, feature of speech behavior of the various peoples in conditions of dialogue, feature of culture, traditions of the country of learning language;

g) To form steady motivation other lingual of activity of the pupils at a lesson on the basis of regular use of "alive" materials, discussion not only questions to the texts of the textbook, but also urgent problems interesting all and everyone.

At work with computer technologies the role of the teacher varies also, which basic task - to support and to direct development of the person of the pupils, their creative search. The attitudes with the pupils are under construction on principles of cooperation and joint creativity. In these conditions the reconsideration of the usual today organizational forms of educational work is inevitable: increase of independent individual and group work of the pupils, withdrawal from a traditional lesson with prevalence of an explanatory - illustrative method of training, increase of volume of practical and creative works of search and research character. In the given kind of cooperation of the Internet and lesson the design form of educational activity often is used. The project assumes independent research job of the pupils, during which they search for a way of the decision of some complex multilevel task.

The cybernetic space contains huge cultural and didactical potential, which is already used in training all over the world. However for optimum and effective utilization of cybernetic network resources in the educational purposes the huge research work is required, which results will allow to determine general and individual principles of job, criterion of selection of network resources, sites and materials, and also it is essential to update an arsenal of methodical means and receptions of training.











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