UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko I.V., senior teacher of University of ìèñë³ (Kharkiv-Kyiv)

Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievan National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv)



Among all issues of the day of Ukrainian custom affair a problem of history- chronicle division into periods appear most topical what at true its definition able to identify main – point nature of custom affair in our today, to expose out its specific what will allow to line up the national model of custom Ukrainian affair.

         After our conducted work-up there are such history – chronicle periods of becoming of Ukrainian custom affair, legal intelligent and culture [Q.v. 1-2]: first-run periods: VIII-²Õ| of Q.v.- in 1288, second- periods: in 1288 is a sir. ÕVI item, third- periods: sir. A ÕVI item is kitty. ÕVIII item, fourth periods: kitty. ÕVIII item - in 1917, fifth periods: in 1917 - in 1991, sixth periods were begun with 1991

The last period of dissipate of Ukrainian custom affair and Ukrainian custom sense of justice began with becoming of the independent Ukrainian nation-state. On June, 25 in 1991. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine take such elementary legislative acts what put the revival of old historical tradition of Ukrainian custom affair, as | confounding the rend in soviet time real-life Ukraine| tradition of ukraine| of custom affair, but together with it and | of Ukrainian custom sense of justice as a constituent of Ukrainian legal intelligent. It,  first and foremost, is  Law "On custom affair in Ukraine", in what proclaimed, that Ukraine of  a nation-state independently creates the own custom system and performs out custom affair".  On December, 12 in 1991 Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine take Regulation "About input in an act of the Custom code of Ukraine", which|what| is|appear| an operating legislative act and today|.

         On this grow, selecting the whole history - chronicle periods of becoming of Ukrainian custom affair, together with it and Ukrainian custom legal intelligent as systematical| of Ukrainian sense of justice, can note existence of definite succession concretely historical shape of Ukrainian custom affair as evolutional what has wave nature of the sociological becoming of diverse concretely historical rundown of social activity of custom legal intelligent as component portion of Ukrainian legal intelligent, presenting that or other concretely historical succession of Ukrainian legal intelligent.


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. By methodologically legal problems of authentication of leit-motif structure system elements of sense of justice as of principle models her | development of // Philosophical sciences. Receiver of science labors (After fabric of the Allukrainian science conference the "Philosophical problems of synergetic: | transformation of science knowledge, which took place on July, 4-5 in 2003). -  Sumy: SDPU the name of A.S.Makarenko, 2003. - N.. 99-106

2. Dmitrienko Yu.m.  Nonlinear nature structure system elements of |sense of justice of // the Science bulletin. Sere are "Philosophy". Vip. 14. is Kharkiv: OVS, 2003. - Ñ. 79-86