UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko I.V., senior teacher of University of Idea(Kharkiv-Kyiv)

Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievan National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv)




The modern period of human history is characterized the unprecedented strengthening of the production affecting environment. Especially perniciously industrial catastrophes, attended with large fires, influence on a biosphere. Natural and anthropogenic fires conduce to contamination of atmosphere, hydrosphere, earthly surface, exhaust natural resources, that create a tense ecological situation and render considerable influence on development of the so-called ecological crisis. Now all greater number of scientists and specialists predisposed to opinion, that overcoming of ecological crisis is possible only on the basis of increase of ecological culture central idea of which: joint harmonic development of nature and man and attitude toward nature not only as to material but also as to the spiritual value. The end-point of increase of ecological culture will be become by the високий cycle of social activity of legal consciousness of both primary subjects of legal consciousness (physical persons) and second (legal entities) simultaneously, that will become the cored condition of forming of civil society as foundation of the legal state [1-2].

Therefore strategic direction of complex ecological education in fire prevention presently appear purposeful | of ecological culture. So one of not unimportant problems of the professional training of engineerings personnels of fire prevention was become by the ecologization of education|formation|, because preeminently|exactly| an ecological culture is|appear| the higher|excelsior| stage of ecologization of legal consciousness under which understand all complex of legal awareness  of life in touch with a natural environment. Activity of fire prevention is varied and plugs in itself the questions of warning and extinguishing of fires|conflagration|, and also liquidation of consequences from fires|conflagration| and decline|lowering| of their influence on an environment Experience|tentative| of the last years|Hecht| shows that fire prevention quite often comes forward as basic|main| force|strenth|, in-use for the removal|sublation| of consequences of ecocatastrophes, I.e. defence|protection| of environment is|appear| inalienable part of work|wrk| of firemen. At extinguishing of fires|conflagration| they must have certain|definite| theoretical knowledges in area of ecology, able to estimate|evaluate| noci-influences of one or another possible|possibly| dangerous factors of fire|conflagration| on an environment and aim|seek| in the practical activity to decrease these influences. Purpose of ecological and legal education of personnel|staff| of fire prevention as bases|backing| of professional safety|crashworthiness| it is possible to define as follows:

- perfection|triming| of knowledges in the system of intercommunications|relationship| between nature and society and global|worldwide| problems of contemporaneity;

- arming with of specialists concrete recommendations, directed|ducted| on optimization of relations in the system «fire|conflagration| safety|crashworthiness| — natural environments|Wed|;

- forming of, without|senza| which realization of knowledges and skills is impossible in practice of activity of fire prevention;

- education of legal consciousness as cored | of professional activity of firemen.


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N.  Nonlinear nature structurally|structure| system elements of deviantnoi | sense of justice  // The Scientific|science| announcer|bulletin|. Series|sere| are "Philosophy". Vip. 14. is Kharkiv: OVS, 2003. - N. 79-86

2. Dmitrienko Yu.N. the Actual|topical| aspects of theoretical socialization of posttotalitarnoi sense of justice in the context of legal education // Right and safety|crashworthiness|. Vip. 3003/2'2. - Kharkiv:NUVs, 2003. - N. 12-16