UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievan National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv)




         Determining the level of effective actuality of problems of the Russian legislation as a statistical right in the field of ecological safety of vital functions - problems of world view forms of ecological sense of justice as problem of ideological maintenances of ecological sense of justice - dynamic, process, sociological right, accent attention on importance of complex approach in the decision of tasks of actual legal transformation of Ukraine, deviantno reflected in the crisis loop of social activity of positive legal consciousness. Will make an effort designate some important moments of the complex going near actual authentication of tasks methodologically-legal and legislative boundary concepts "System of ecolaw" and "system of ecological legislation" as systems of ecological sense of justice and systems of ecological lawyer, that is necessary legal procedure of clarification of  method functions of ecolaw and ecological legislation as  fountain reflections of legal and legislative status of actual norms of  right and norms of law [See 1]. Suppose that if a paradigmalnaja complexity is characteristic for any institute of right - as methodological status potential of legal idea, - regulative ecological safety, then it quite not means that it automatically on all legal area (legal areas) which border not always can be legal.  It can a legal area be identified then, when as certain normative subdivision, within the framework of operating right on the whole, has a dominant lines main (whole) system eof legal  element consciousness - legal idea which generates  in the acts of modern postatalitarnogo sense of justice  norm of right [ 2].  The row of authors accents attention on a thesis that basic normative subdivisions of right is a group of his functional areas and group complex legal and  educations, formative the functional succession of sociological prosecc of right as functional legal consciousness, which shows  up in conscious or unconscious implementation or non-fulfillment, for example, of ecological legal norms, governed, relations.  These complex legal educations are formed on the basis of the computer-integrated going near adjusting of separate groups of public relations. In complex ecological methodologically represent integration of norms of foundation of legal areas in single on maintenance and to the aims of sphere of ecological activity.  Actually norm of ecolaw of  stryktyra is separated in separate normative legislative acts. They have specific principles,  generals, certain legal methods on ascending moments in a main legal structure, in basic legal areas, the generals of conformable areas of ecolaw spread on them.


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Ukrainian ekological | safety|crashworthiness| of vital functions from ancient | times|time| to beginning|origin| of 90- years of XX centuries (to|by| the statement of a question about sequencing nature of ecological sense of justice)  // Materials|fabric| of scientific|science| seminar|workshop| of the National university of internal affairs "Ecological safety|crashworthiness| of Ukraine centuries". - Khar'kov:NUVd, 2003. - P. 17-22

2. Dmitrienko Yu.N. the Marginal'naya legal norm|standard| as act of | sense of justice the // State and right. Collection|reciver| of the advanced studies. Vyp. 18. is Kiev|Kyiv|: Institute|institution| of the state and right, 2003. - P. 12-17