UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievan National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv)




        Synergetic as a typical nonlinear system is clever  same  to build itself, design, like  till  a man  or  looked  after Universe  builds  itself  all in all, is necessary  it is only  correct  to initiate  the desirable  for  a man  tendencies  of dissipate| of this  system. Thus, initial principles which organization is built on is an openness and  cooperatives  of all systems. Their non-linearity and  development  through |  is the structural origin. Finding  out general  principles  of synergetic, it is necessary  to give  the common  painting  of worldwide  evolution  as  a Carbora  of organization  of fabric. organization can  begin  only  in  the open  system  which  is trade  with  environment  a matter  and  energy. Due to  the entrance  of first time  energy  or  matter, rich  on  energy,  the system  can  under prop    equipped  with modern amenities and  organization, but  another  height  of entropy  would bring    the system  over by  chaos  and  disorganization, what    is exist  in the veil  systems. With  the increase  of entrance  of energy  or  matter  from an external  Wed  increases  in equilibrium  system which  results  in  an origin  unsteady  its  previous  structure. But  it  means that  former  co-operation  of elements  of the system  between  itself  rises.  Flu tats  the systems  (accidental  rejections) from  an equilibrium, which  arise  up in  the non-equilibrium  system, does not relax not only , but  on the contrary, increase, support  to the further  "disking" of previous  equilibrium. In  some  critical  dot-and-dash  there is  coherent, agreed-upon  movement  or  conduct  of elements  systems which  moved  separately. Hereupon  there are  co-operative  Carbora  with  first time  nature  of co-operation  between  the elements  of the system  and  their  co-operative,  or  community, by a conduct. But  with  occurring  of co-operative  Carbora  arises  up and  first time  dynamic  structure  of the system which  changes  its  nature high- quality [1].    From  position  of worldwide  evolutionism  development  of the peace  appeared  as  a Carbora  of constant  differentiation  and  complication  of its  structures  and  shape  on the basis of  organization. Modern science enables    to build  the painting  of worldwide  evolution which  in future  needs  clarification. Nature the features  of this  evolution  confessions  are, at firstly, that  her  must  begin  from  in relation to  simple, |  fortune  of its  movement; secondly, next differentiation  and  complications  of the financial  systems  it is necessary  related  to  destruction  of existent  symmetries; thirdly  worldwide  revolution  can  be carried  out only  as a result of  "co-operation  micro - and  macroevolutions, I.e.  Comes forward as them evolution.    Now there is not other alternative, except for confession of organization as only the mold-baked strength of development of any financial systems. Activity of fabric shows up first and foremost in that is why, that her in the backing, I.e. at the level of organization. This power and potentialities’ of all evolution predetermines, after all, in the world, beginning from inorganic nature from which in there were the living systems motion of long and gradual Carbora, and then - and social. Thus there is conformity to law: what higher than system are on a common hierarchical stair, the more complex there are Carbora of organization in them.


1.     Dmitrienko Yu.m., Dmitrienko I.Â., Chefranov v.o., Orlov I.Î., Orobets' k.m. Magazine “Faith and Mind” in the spiritual|spirit| revival of Ukraine (to|by| the statement of a question) of // Naukovo-teoretichni achievements  of Suburb Ukraine: about a magazine “Faith and Mind”

O: FOLIO, 1999.- S. 47-52