UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko I.V., senior teacher of University of Idea ( Kharkiv-Kyiv)

Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievan National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv) )




       Sense of justice as specific form  of social consciousness of presents in ideological psychical kind legal conduct (activity) and national legal system on the whole, subjectively determines a role and place of right (legal culture) in the structure of general culture as objective individually public life, estimating from this positions all aggregate of social information, shown in legal categories. The sociallegal options of the normative field of legal consciousness not only reproduce public life in his legal form as directly legal (law keeping) norms, whether values of legal culture, but also represent the legislative matter of the moldbaked (civilization) social standards of economy. Thus, as see, contradiction between a formal right  (by a law) and publicly regulative, in social space, valued-rich in content in  their  aspect during homogeneous interorganization of public information always give a right sense  of justice potentially “deviantnogo”, and  to fact – ambivalentnogo character.. After the conclusions of separate researchers, the historical process of proceeding in natural legal relationships and becoming of law and order and, accordingly, effective compromise in the process of sense of justice and legal cultures takes place as purposeful development of legal morality, that, as known, carried out on a background the public forming of new man (or theoretical socialization  it  legal consciousness . In the process of socialization of sense of justice, that, as we discovered, has  nature, the special role is played  by the state function of right, as, in our view, the problem of natural (and - nationally socializing) legal socialization of sense of justice is contained in legislative socialization of national sozuim. In fact, after the ideas of our researches, character of sense of justice of legislator (what directly influences on all industries of processes of national raght action and  is primitively mentally mediated, creating these the possibilities of transferrableness of natural world view soil for forming of national consciousness and integral sense of justice, and accordingly active good behaviour (to activity).  As professor M.I. Bazhanov marks, the initial institutes of criminal right  is a crime and punishment. This dialectical constrained tegories in relation to sense of justice express possibility, ne of alternative variants of external expression of legal options in the socially meaningful conduct of certain kind.  Because of not in all cases publicly positive character of oriented of legal consciousness, they also provide for to a certain extent, forecast, foresee  both some publicly dangerous acts and their result and legal consequences. Therefore to the criminal right peculiar not so much normative as protective character. The priority accent of right education function of criminal law is put preeminently on warning of especially unfavorable displays of sense of justice, prophylaxis of conduct (and, adequately, to consciousness), prohibition, conviction  of cases of violation of law and order and legality, from the side of  sozuim and state. Accordingly, maybe, that the field of criminal  law, from one side, is priority instrumental  in forming of sense of justice, intervartno   oriented to stopping, implementation and defence, from encroachments of certain dominant norms of national (legal) consciousness as mentally ethics;  from other, provides  individual  authentication  of tasks of national legal ideology, succession, and others like that by the gnosiological understanding (awareness) of negative  variants in the structure of own legal culture [1-2]. 


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N.  Nonlinear nature structurally|structure| system elements of deviantnoi | sense of justice  // The Scientific|science| announcer|bulletin|. Series|sere| are "Philosophy". Vip. 14. - Kharkiv: OVS, 2003. - N. 79-86

2. Dmitrienko Yu.N. the Actual|topical| aspects of theoretical socialization of posttotalitarnoi sense of justice in the context of legal education // Right and safety|crashworthiness|. Vip. 3003/2'2. - Kharkiv:NUVs, 2003. - N. 12-16