UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko I.V., senior teacher of University of Idea (Kharkiv-Kyiv), Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievan National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv)



The diverse points of view on the structure of sense of justice, duration of diskass|,  testify that cognitive mindset (identification)  of complex right transformation |  processes|Carbro|  to the end of 90th  of XX century did not have concept-based philosophical-methodological among|, world view - ideological bu| and syslding tematization, and also proper senza what,  think,  it is impossible finally to define nature of sense of justice, her ideological phenomenal see today, those concentrated| discursive - the polemic reasonings of researchers 60-70 years|Hecht| about natural|real-life| essence of sense of justice describe the | origin of making on the home walk of life of philoso – domiantnoi judgements  what direct subsequent|consequent| creation|making| functionally|function| terminology  definitions of legal consciousness|intelligent| as philosophical the orientated parameter of deep|plunge|,  difficult|complex| rightlegislative transformations of evolutional standards|model| and orientations|orintation| preeminently|exactly|. After general|common| presentations of researchers from  1960th  to the end of 90th - legal consciousness|intelligent| is traditionally comprehended as a variety of public consciousness|intelligent| which|what| comes forward structurally|structure| inalienable the element of more general|common| system of social reflection and is|appear|  refleks| the «variety of social reflection» (V.O.Chefranov) of,| in the spiritual|spirit| sphere of society. It will be also the heirs  of consideration of fenoman|  sense of justice in two aspects: wide and narrow|narrow-width|.  In narrow|narrow-width| sense of word|wd| is sense  of justice -  it one of varieties of public consciousness|intelligent|, which|what| removes|reflects| the objective necessities|need| of development of public life. Will add, world view structured|structure-forming| and | incarnate  a l s o  in the spiritual|spirit| sphere of society. Under sense of justice in wide sense of word|wd| evolutional orientated on the mental walk of life |  power of legal  subjects ideological to use|utillize|  in  legal  relations homogeneously legal  and|but| in oh in and) offenses|insult|, | from of the è (experienced and real)   articles of the legal adjusting|adjustment| of public relations  which|what| existed and exist in the rightcultural|gracious| field them legal adjusting|adjustment| and dissociated from any|some| direct|immediate| legally legal contacts between legal subjects (by the subjects of sense of justice). Examine|consider| this offenses|insult| (copulas|truss|) as attributive terms (environment|Wed|)  of facilities, measures|step| and find one”s way| of forming of proof|firm| good (legislatively - homogeneous) behaviour of legal subjects (sense of justice, legal relationships). In this plan then examine|consider| deviantny| sense of justice as a variety of sense of justice,  or in narrow|narrow-width| sense of word|wd|,  that |  ability|power| of legal subjects is evolutional orientated on the mental walk of life ideological to use|utillize| in legal relations heterogeneously legal and) offenses|insult|, from | from ( real) articles of the legal adjusting|adjustment|,  which|what| really exist in the rightcultural|gracious| field of the legal adjusting|adjustment| and not dissociated  from  any|some| direct|immediate| legally legal contacts between legal  subjects (by the subjects of sense of justice) [1].   Examine|consider| this offenses|insult| (copulas|truss|) both condition|COND| (environment|Wed|) of facilities, measures|step| and forming  of and and as | (legislatively homogeneous) and illegal (legislatively heterogeneous) conduct of legal subjects  ( sense of justice, legal relationships). Hope  that the modern becoming of Ukraine as requires the legal state serious study of postotalitarnoi|  legal intelligent, his|its| maintenance, as function form|shape| of right (I.A.Il'in).



1.       Afanas'ev V.G. Oh systems| come under| in social democrat // Of Voprosy of philosophy|. - 1973. - N 6