
Getman V.A.

National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI"


New concepts and definitions in the direction of innovation sphere "Human Health" - "Antropoetika health"

Need to introduce new concepts and definitions in the field of "Human Health" - "Antropoetika health", associated with a number of objective conditions caused by the demands of the modern world and the problems they generated. The first thing to note the fact that the health, still, as an object of study has the objective of system performances. This is confirmed by, for example, may be the presence of currently more than 350 health concepts. Secondly, the increasing diversity on the one hand, natural disasters have a significant impact on holistic health, on the other side - the man himself produces all the more increases the number of "traps" absorbing his own health. V- third, the new paradigm of pictures of health requires forming of new world view and on principle other mechanisms of forming, construction and main tainance of individual health of man. In connection with the resulted short-story ground it appears us necessary to acquaint with the glossary of «Antropoetiki of health»:

1. Antropoetika, from the Greek "anthropos" the health, on the other hand - the man himself produces all the more increases the number of "traps" absorbing his own health. Thirdly, the new paradigm concepts of health requires the formation of a new world and a fundamentally different- A man and "etikos" - morals, manners, character and temperament. Antropoetika health is human activity, expressed in his be heavier, emotions, culture, thought and action, a high level of responsibility for their thoughts and actions. "Antropoetienie and conservation of all World of the Living on Earth. Antropoetika health as a concept in the use of: moral, ethical and moral standards that reflect national cultural values ​​and features are aimed at understanding the need must formation of mental balance, physical health and harmony of coexistence with the surrounding wildlife. Antropoetika health as an innovative and unconventional direction, the build system to human health on the nature of its habitat. AZ does not directly relates to the field of humanities and may be used in education and education rights, as well as public institutions, systems of building the nation's health and the environment.

2. Health - balance and harmony with the inner worlds of human diversity of its external worlds. For the first time in "Antropoetike health" was introduced by the difference: healthy lifestyle - sample, samples, the external form manifestations of all forms of human activity. HLS - the answer to the question - what do we do? A healthy way of life - how, technology, and ultimately the formation of technology content and form of samples of human life. ZSZH - the answer to the question - how do we do?

3. Fitness - readiness – “obschefunktsionalnaya» readiness of all systems of the human body to his life.

4. Potential - the resources and reserves. Resources - information on the nature and types of energy purchased, designed for the natural life of man. Reserves - determine the nature of special types of energy supply as persistence and strength of the Soul, Spirit and body, designed to overcome the disease, artificial influences and old age.

5. Rational physical activity - individually tailored, in accordance with the internal feelings and sensations, and intelligently organized forms, kinds and types of psycho-physical stress.

 6. Anticulture - a lack of genuine human values ​​and their substitution to be false. Demonstration of the cult of violence, lack of spirituality. The desire to be assigned all at once. Achieving the goal by any means, using any means.

7. Biosphere - the area of ​​life.

8. Noosphere - is composed of the Greek words "HOOC" - intellect and "sphere" - meaning the shell of the Earth.

9. Psychoemotional dominant - the state of a positive attitude is always, in everything and anything. With all the positive emotional, must respect the basic rules of the golden mean - a psychosomatic balance anytime, anywhere and everywhere. Dynamics of change of the dominant positive based on the natural conditions of people, such as - a healthy passion (emotional lift), the natural struggle for their rights and desire to win by improving personal skills and techniques.

10. Balance - the interaction of opposites in balance.

11. Harmony - integer, single, integrity.

12. Psychological and emotional balance of the dominant - match the desired and obtained as a result of human activities, its sense of purpose is achieved by using self-organization mechanisms.

13. Wildlife - all that is created in all its complexity and diversity, as a single whole and the great works of life with its purpose.

 14. Inner Worlds - mental, spiritual, psychological, should consist of good and pure thoughts, creative, and pure desire, pure and good deeds, pure words, spoken with love.

15. Outer worlds - the natural-natural and artificial - created. Emerging from a natural source, we settled ourselves in an artificial, created by mental images and thought forms the world, and have subjected themselves to its laws, which are thus themselves created.

 16. Logos - fixing the unity of the concept, meaning, and words.

 17. Egregor - energy-substance generated by the thoughts and emotions of the people and has an inverse relationship and influence on the shaping of its objects.

18. Choice - individuals are free to choose targets and strategies for life. He is born and "embedded" in the world - the Universe as a whole. From that, the idea of ​​the world (natural or artificial) chooses for himself a man will determine whether it build and build, providing «zdravostroitelstvo» its path and the future, or regarded ¬ assume that this path is defined by whom - is and take no effort to save themselves and the health of the wildlife.

 19. Phantoms - humanity lives and works in accordance with the basic canons of that for themselves and create. These dogmas, postulates are often phantom samples, images of human activity that often leads us to a sad result - the mindless destruction and barbaric destruction of the health of the living.

20. Spirit - Faith, given soul to soul can live in the body. Spirit, spirituality, the human soul appear fundamental principle of health.

21. Soul - Love is not thoughts and actions, and our inner feelings, hunches and feelings based on faith and love.

22. Feelings, hunches, intuition - inner feelings of man, forming his condition and determine the result of the activity. Modern man almost lost the ability to understand them, that is so necessary to exit from the complex artificial pitfalls of modern life.

 23. Ontology - from the Greek. ón (óntos) - exists and logos - the notion of the mind. Ontology - the basic entity. "Snapshots" of the past.

24. Intelligence - the ability of knowledge and understanding.

25. Phenomenon - from the Greek. "Is", "phenomenon" - that appears. Unusual, rare, a fact that is difficult to comprehend. Inner experience, which is realized.

26. Spiritual health - a purpose for their lives. It consists of - a person of high morals, the meaningfulness of life itself, a creative attitude to life, in harmony with himself and the world, love and faith.

27. Holistic Health - nothing more than a state of harmony and balance

 three main areas: the planet Earth as a living organism, biosphere,

 as an area of ​​life and all life as the supreme manifestation of it -


Health itself consists of holistic health - the health of the three main areas, and health of the person directly. But what is the principal health - a phenomenon, or simply we are not yet fully understood natural area of ​​expertise? To understand the problem and find ways to solve it is necessary to form a man a new outlook, attitude and mentality.


 1. Getman V.A. Antropoetika health / Monograph - K.: Medkniga, 2009.

 2. Getman V.A. Ontologies Antropoetiki health / Monograph - K.: Osvita Ukraine, 2011.