
History/2. The general history


doctor of historical sciences Koroljevà L.À.

doctor of historical sciences Koroljev À.À.


Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Russia




With the Great Patriotic War beginning fragile enough design of socialist national relations has reeled. Certainly, main destabilizing factor in the given direction were mass reprisals. «Great resettlement of the people», initiated by Stalin I.V., has mentioned 12 ethnos. On the basis of decisions of the supreme bodies of the government all of them have been violently moved from the historical places of residence and dispatches and on special settlements in areas of the Central Asia are sent in references, to the Given measures of violence have undergone partially about 55 people and nationalities. The aggregate number of the citizens who have suffered as a part of the subjected to repression people and ethnic groups, makes 5,2-5,5 million people [State and the right. 1994. ¹ 12. Ð. 12].

The people deported in limiting deadlines, doomed to live on a mode of special settlements, for runaway with which were punished by punishment in 20 years of penal servitude, became people of the second grade. Discrimination of the deported people proceeded and after the status of special settlers has been removed from them. So, at reception in party the German nationality represented itself as «the burdening» factor, homecoming wasn't authorized, etc. [Russian State archive of contemporary history (RSach). F. 5. In. 3. B. 122. L. 32]. Besides, during resettlement some nations have lost to half of number. So, the Crimean Tatars, by the informal calculations, considered that was lost about 46 % of their number whereas the Soviet management resulted figure in 17,8% (from 183155 to 191044 people) [History of the USSR. 1991. ¹ 1. Ð. 153]. Violent measures from the authorities, naturally, caused reciprocal negative reaction of the deported population. If the Crimean Tatars made the protest runaways and distribution of verses and songs about tragedy Germans of the Volga region already on the new place of residence - in the Pavlodar area have created the underground organization for carrying out of «povstanchesko-terrorist activity» [RSach. F. 4. In. 16. B. 128. L. 78]. Up to the end of 1940th the authorities had to spend considerable efforts to struggle against the armed underground in mountains of Groznensky area [RSach. F. 5. In. 31. B. 56. L. 219]. The question on removal of charge in «change» of the deported people and possibility to return home wasn't considered.

In the territories which were in occupation during almost all period of the Great Patriotic War, national movements against the Soviet system, rendering serious armed resistance, especially in the Western Ukraine, Moldova, Baltic were generated. The nationalist underground leaned against support of a considerable part of local population. Firm methods of planting of the Soviet mode promoted increase in number of the dissatisfied. In this case it is necessary to agree with Misiunasom Ð. and Taageperom Ð. asserting that prosecutions of the National commissariat of internal affairs of the USSR and the National commissariat of state security of the USSR in 1944-1945th have mentioned practically everyone: «Any who complained of any parties of the Soviet bureaucracy or couldn't adapt to its requirements. Became such target. A combination casual and negligent in actions of repressive divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the state security Ministry, absence of a due order actually did everyone by a potential target, especially that Councils regarded everyone, who has worried the German occupation, the German helper» [Misiunas R., Taagepera R. The Baltic States: Years of Dependence. 1940-1980 th. Princeton, 1980. 81]. The western Ukrainian areas which were a part of the USSR only in 1939 th also created many problems for an allied and local Soviet management. Tendencies to creation of sovereign Ukrajny were still strong.

In 1948 th the decree forbidding to Germans, and also other deported people (to Kalmyks, Ingushs, Chechens, Finns has been accepted and etc.) to leave areas of deportation and to return home. Those who broke this decree, were sentenced to camp works for 20 years.

War was the strong factor of folding of national oppositional movements in the USSR which has become later by a part of dissident movement in the country. The subsequent rehabilitation had vague character. In 1957-1958 th national autonomies of Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingushs have been restored; it was authorized to these people to return on the historical territories. Returning of the subjected to repression people was carried out not without complexities which and then, and subsequently have led to national conflicts.

However and haven't been returned at this time a considerable part of the subjected to repression people national autonomies (if such were), the rights to return on the historical native land.

in 1964, that is 23 years later after the deportation beginning, the Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR has cancelled restrictive certificates concerning the deported German population, and the decree removed completely restrictions in a freedom of movement and confirming the right of Germans on returning in places, whence they have been sent, has been accepted in 1972 th.