
Medical sciences / public health services
As. prof. Dubitskiy A.A.
Medical university Astana, Kazakhstan



The first help takes a special place in structure of the organization of medical aid. From that as quickly sick medical assistance will be rendered the forecast of disease and life of the patient depends. Organizational approaches available for today don't allow authentically and to carry out in a complex the analysis and an estimation of existing system and to carry out synthesis of more perfect system of rendering of emergency medical aid.

In the decision of this problem the great value is given to information technology in service of the first help as these technologies give to the given kind of medical aid mobile and urgent character [1].

Now in the advanced countries have received acknowledgement of the practical importance and following programming-technical decisions are actively applied in activity of service of the first help:

- The information systems automating work of station of the first help;

- Navigating systems;

- The elements of television medicine applied in work of brigades of the first help.

Integration of the listed directions into a uniform technological component of work of establishment of the first help promotes management efficiency increase, facilitates realization of functions of planning.

Complex automation of work of station of the first help.

As complex automation of object, as a rule, understand transfer of the majority of business processes of object into computer technologies. Complex automation unites systems of planning, control, management and the account. With reference to work of station of the first help of means of automation should support all work cycle of work: from reception and distribution of calls before statistical processing of the information, and also formation of the schedule of dresses, the account of medicines, and automation of auxiliary sites.

The information system should have functions of quality assurance and the analysis of activity of station and its divisions for any time interval, to form the data for answers to inquiries of establishments and the population concerning first aid rendering.

Within the limits of uniform system problems are solved:

- Reception and registration of calls arriving from the population (the fast and urgent help, planned and emergency transportations);

- Automatic arrangement of the accepted calls is perfectly in order приоритетности their service;

- Operative processing of all accepted calls in a mode of real time;

- Tracking a site and a rolling stock condition, time control;

- The account of the filled cards of a call;

- Automatic closing of change;

- Reception of a statistical report for days;

- Scheduling of work and registration of deviations from it;

- The account of the expense of medicines and dressings;

- Conducting the special documentation;

- The account of fuel consumption of ambulances;

- Formation and the press of the regulated statistical reports;

- Formation of any analytical reports for planning and management problems.

With a view of increase of efficiency of interaction, both in a usual mode, and in a mode of emergency situations, integration with information systems of services of emergency reaction (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Measures, the Center of medicine of accidents etc.) should be provided.

The automated system allows to obtain the concrete data about work of each doctor, a brigade, change, substation and station in whole, in any time interval (month, quarter, year) and gives the chance to heads of all levels and ranks to estimate dynamics of indicators of work and corresponding division and a link to establish the reasons of undesirable deviations from specifications, operatively to influence those links where it is revealed or the deviation from target indicators and indicators of use of means is expected.

Application of technologies of satellite navigation.
Means of satellite navigation take root in our country everywhere. In particular, one of popular directions of work is equipment by receivers GPS of ambulance cars. It brings not only economic benefit, but also is irreplaceable system at rescue of life and health of people. Integration of satellite system with the automated system of station of the first help allows dispatchers to supervise a site of brigades of first aid, a direction of movement and a stock of fuel of each sanitary motor vehicle of  "first aid" at level of all regions. Introduction of the navigating decision allows optimizing time of decision-making of sending of a brigade for a call that, in turn, gives the chance to cut operational and budgetary expenses and also even more to reduce time of arrival of brigades of medical aid to the patient or the victim.

Also important advantage of the given system is optimization of charges of a motor pool by means of the account and control of all economic indicators. The decision allows defining a site of brigades of first aid in a mode of real time, to lay movement routes to the specified address and to form the electronic file of departures with instructions of time of their arrival on a call and departure. Automatic selection of the ambulance cars being most close to a place of a call and having corresponding medical specialization thus is supposed. By a tentative estimation of experts, the system can pay off in half a year after installation.

Television medicine and first aid.

In Kazakhstan the television medicine is recognized by one of three basic directions of social application of telecommunication technologies, in many regions the television medical centers are created. Television medical technologies actively take root into system of the stationary help.

Decisions on equipment of ambulance cars by the equipment which allows using in work of brigades of first aid elements of television medicine are interesting [2]. In ambulance car big cities are equipped by communication systems and navigation GLONASS. Among its functions - control of a site and a crew route, and also information transfer about pulse, pressure and other data of the patient on a supervisory console in hospital. Potentially it should give to doctors time for preparation for reception of the patient.

Example of introduction of elements of television medicine in work of brigades of first aid is also use of the telemetering electrocardiograph - the transmitter, capable to combine record of several cardiograms of the patient with an immediate signal transmission on mobile communication in the remote diagnostic center for consultation in not clear cases and decision-making on transportation of the patient in medical institution. The operative exception of a cardiological pathology by means of the record of the electrocardiogram transferred on mobile communication allows to carry out correct differentiated diagnostics and to accept the right decision on rendering of medical aid to patients without a call of a specialized cardiological brigade. Thereby, the considerable economy of means is carried out, cardiological brigades don't go on unreasonable calls and have possibility of more time to give to heavy cardiological patients.

Thus, modern information technology, a level of development of communication facilities allow to realize new algorithms of work of service of the first help in practice, considerably to improve the basic indicators of activity, such as efficiency, quality and level of rendering of medical aid.


1. Materials of VIII All-Russia scientifically-practical conference on theoretical bases of designing and working out of the distributed information systems. Moscow, 2010. - With. 196-206.

2. Materials of  VII International conference «Television medicine - Experience and prospects» (Donetsk. - 2011).