UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko I.V., senior teacher of University of Idea( Kharkiv-Kyiv)

Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kievan National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv)




|intelligent| AND CULTURE


       Sistemno–strukturna model of study of Ukrainian | legal consciousness|intelligent|, culture, in international discipline| (sinergistical)  authentications of essence of |consider|think|, conceptually|concept-based| and hereditarily resounds with  methodological directions of scientific|science| secret services 70 - õ years|Hecht| on the domestic|home| walk of life. To|by| the number of actual|topical| necessities|need| and requirements|claiming| of our time of secret services which|what| probed|explore| system structural|structure| copulas|truss| of scientific|science| theory-practice|  constructions of matter|fabric| in different|diverse| relations, will reckon,  foremost|first and foremost|, the methodical ideas of V.I.Sviderskogo and R.A.Zobova, till| and functionally|function| assertion in  scientific|science| concept|notion| working category "| structure".  In  theory | different|diverse| copulas theory-practice|  |truss| realities of the objective world|peace| of sign|signum| matter|fabric| of natural|real-life| processes|Carbro| in different|diverse| functional|function| relations,  predefined character|nature|  and qualities of | elements both structural|structure| maintenance relations and system their rate fixing. Researchers characterized functional|function| possibilities|potentialitie| of different|diverse| structures and systems  ( in our context are the structyra-sestems of -Y.M.) after in number high-quality|quality| by the parameters of influence on any|some| processes|Carbro| and phenomena|phenomen|. That structyra-sestems which|what| was able to execute|do| |  (but   and  both in the homogeneous  and in heterogeneous, terms of creation|making| of certain|definite| maintenance be a | function - what motion|movement| of systems|(structura |) of formative character|nature|. Yes, above all things “deviantny”| sense of justice as specific legal nature - transgressive variety of sense of justice in the structure of family|hereditary| legal nature, after the idea of V.I. Sviderskogo and R.A. Zobova,  will examine|consider| as structurally|structure| system, which|what| inherent | morphology. Namely:  after the world view  construction such definitions of terminology units are definitions in number high-quality|quality| descriptions of the noted polyphonic connections in different|diverse| relations  - have difficult|complex| | essence,  can light up maximum qualities of natural|real-life| things|business|, phenomena|phenomen| and processes|Carbro|, or things|business|, phenomena|phenomen| and processes|Carbro| nature of which|what| is not got|identified| to know from different|diverse| sides|side|, to be different|diverse| characteristics, but presence at least of the form main point|  phenomenon  of every   | structure, presumably|perhaps|, is for it|her|  t y p i c a l|model||. After such differential definition of the noted polyphonic structure of “deviantnoi”| sense  of justice it|her| structural|structure| and system elements close|near| by traditional (mental) forms|shape| view-legal norm measuring|, but depending on that dominant|leit-motif| untwist|  deviation  of legal awareness of legal  and  | reality which|what| is characterized|describe| by the proper legal culture, it|her| spiritual|spirit| and financial of right - | reflections of legal life  [|q.v.| 2].

At marginalnomy | and deviantnomy| |  the subjects of sense of justice incompletely|stub| realize the social value|importance|  of the phenomenon of legal culture as a legal environment|Wed| for creation  and  development of the legal state and public society.  At the standards|model| of transitional, crisis society, with the "| spots of totalitarianism",  as author and other researches|work-up|, traditional, mentally structured|structure-forming|, logic of authentication and legmitazasija| of national,  legal culture,  structured|structure-forming| in legal tradition, testify, as a rule, absent|non-available|, it|her| is created.


         1. Dmitpieinko Yu. N. History of domestic|home| polituco| idea|opinion|. - Kh:Kupsop, -  2001. - 145 s.

         2. Dmitpienko Yu.N. Deviantna sense of justice as form essential| phenomenon of transitional life of right is a //Announcer|bulletin|.Series|sere| are "Philosophy". - Õ: HDPY|. - S. 131-134