Martynov V. L., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrogradsky National University, Ukraine




Abstract. The method of definition of optimal proportions for houses with squared shape planning  concerning the minimal heat losses and  maximal heat input from solar radiation through protecting structures has been suggested.

Key words. Energy efficient houses, geometric simulation, optimal proportions of the house, heat losses through protecting structures, heat input from solar radiation, squared shape of designs, architectural design.


1. Introduction

While planning the energy efficient and energy saving dwelling architectural objects which use solar energy for heating and hot water supply, the problem of heat loss reduction due to protecting structures and maximal use of solar energy through windows and protecting structures of the houses arises. It is possible using the selection of optimal proportions of the houses. The definition of proportions according to the different shape of designs provides the substantial reduction of heat loss and solar energy supply  (up to 15 per cents).

2.The analysis of previous researches.

 In the research [1] the shape of body of deflected position which provides minimal heat exchange with close heat source has been determined. In the paper [2] the optimal proportions of the house with its planning in squared shape depending on thermal resistance of the walls, ceiling and floor have been calculated.

In the paper [3] the optimal proportions for the house with squared shape planning have been defined. However, the energy input from solar radiation (SR) was not taking into account.

In the studies [4, 5] the optimal proportions of the house with squared shape planning, round shape, regular hexagon and octagon planning have been determined. Thus, the energy input from solar radiation (SR) was not taking into account.

3.Problem statement.

To suggest the method of the definition of optimal  proportions for energy efficient dwelling houses  with minimal heat losses and  maximal heat input from solar radiation (taking into account the supplemental  indices) for squared shape planning.

4.The material and findings of study.  

One of the most distributed forms of house planning is rectangle (Figure 1). One side is a, and the other – a*m, the height of a house is  h, the house cubic capacity V.

In order to determine  optimal proportions of the houses (squared shape of designs) concerning heat loss, the formulae have been deduced which express the relation of optimal proportions  (side a) on the house cubic capacity V, an average heat transfer resistance of protecting structures (walls Rwall, the ceiling R ceiling, the windows R window, the roof R roof, an average coefficient of the floor R floor ), the number of floors in the house N, the correlation of the square of windows glassing to square of the floor of the storey (coefficient F), angle of slope of a house ceiling to the horizon square (angle α).

                ,                       (1)


where m is correlation of sides in the design.

The height of a house  h is defined as

                                                   .                                                                      (2)


                 Figure 1                                                                    Figure 2


The  optimal proportions of the house concerning heat input from solar radiation without taking into consideration windows and heat losses are defined as:

     a=,                           (3)

The  height of a house h is defined as:


where  I wall1, I wall2, I wall3, I wall4 determine an average intensity of solar radiation during the heating period;

kfloor  - the coefficient of relative intrusion of solar radiation heat on each of the walls (Figure 2) (is determined on the basis of [7, 8]).


                                                   =                                                         (5)

            As a result of studies the analytical dependences of definition of optimal proportions concerning solar radiation input and heat loss though protecting structures of the house have been deduced (Figure 2).

                                            a=                                                (6)







where  Р -  a coefficient of walls glassing of the house ( from 0 to 1), the share between sides 1, 3 and 2, 4;

              E13, E24  a coefficient (0 to 1), share of windows which are located on the opposite planes  of the house;

          =twindow average - t avarage is an overfall of avarage internal and external temperatures during the heating period.



Figure 3


            In order to determine the optimal proportions concerning the protecting constructions of the house and solar energy input (Figure 3),  the formulae (6) (7) (8) (10) (11) (12) may be used:

                               .                                        (11)



Conclusions. The method of definition of optimal proportions for energy efficient dwelling  houses with squared shape planning  concerning the minimal heat losses and  maximal heat input from solar radiation through protecting structures has been worked out  (taking into account the supplemental  indices).



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Information about author


Martynov Vyacheslav Leonidovych

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Associate Professor

Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrogradsky National University, Ukraine

Head of  department “Engineering and Computer Graphics”


Poltava region

Town of Kremenchuk

Pershotravneva 20, room 1506

Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrogradsky National University, Ukraine

Departmeant “Engineering and Computer Graphics”

tel. +38 (0536) 74-33-08, +38(066) 8431774