Yakovenko a.v.

Krivorozhskiy technical university





For the comprehensive analysis of efficiency of production of iron-ore raw material there is a requirement in introduction of certain indexes, which will reflect  both the real state of industry and  necessity of his  changes.

Analysis of changes of volumes of booty of iron-stone in the period of 2001 – 2007 specifies on the determining role of the opened method of development. He notedly prevails after production volumes. Middle his growth rate last 6,5% makes for the opened method,  for comparison, on an underground method this index was at the level of 1,5%, and on the whole on industry – 6%.

That, on the face of it, development of industry must be based on distribution and perfection of the exactly opened method of development of iron-stone, but it is necessary to mean that the depth of booty in this way is limited by technological possibilities, expedience of economic charges and size of ecological harm, and the supplies of raw material are found out arrive at more than a 2500 m deepen, that exceeds the mentioned limitation considerably. Thus, the problem of comprehensive economic evaluation of methods of development appears.

For the increase of efficiency and різноплановості of economic evaluation of expedience of methods of working mine of minerals it is useful to enter the indexes of economic meaningfulness, which personify next coefficients.

Consequently,  these indexes represent the structure of industry and degree of influence of enterprises with the underground method of development on providing of market by iron-ore raw material. Thus their use enables to estimate this influence as in quantitative so in a cost relation.

In a table. 1 the results of research of economic meaningfulness are resulted, both separate mines and on the whole underground enterprises of the Krivorozhskogo pool.

Consequently, as a result of research, maybe, that meaningfulness of underground method of development has a high enough level. That, even one mine  by comparison to the middle volume  of booty of raw ore  on combines with an openwork has  meaningfulness from 0,06 to 0,12.  The combine of open corporation  «KZRK» with the underground method of development has meaningfulness on the volumes of raw ore from 0,27 to 0,44.  On the whole comparison of general volume of booty of raw ore by an underground method in the conditions of Krivbasu  with general volumes on the opened method of development specifies on the level of meaningfulness within the limits of 0,15 – 0,17.

Thus,  in the structure of industry of enterprise with the underground method of development have considerable part and perceptible influence on its development.

It is important to mark that indexes of meaningfulness on commodity ore have substantial differences, that on the whole considerably more high from previous. For example, on these indexes of ø. the name of Lenin  small  meaningfulness from 0,1003 to 0,1842 for investigated period, and on raw ore it made only from 0,0579 to 0,0999, meaningfulness of open corporation «KZRK»  in separate years arrived at 1,0593;  1,0002, that volumes of booty of commodity ore  on this enterprise were in these periods higher, than  on the average on ore mining and processing combines.

It is needed to underline that meaningfulness of open corporation  «KZRK» on commodity ore during a period 2001 – 2007рр. it was not below 0,5.  It is explained that ore which is obtained by an underground method does not need considerable processing and additional charges on it. It  is one of main advantages of underground method of development which is soil of prospects of his development in the future.

Thus, influence of enterprises  with the underground method of development on suggestion of ore raw material  is considerable enough. Taking into account the rates of working off beds and passing to the no-bottoms of booty also, the prospects of application of this method will grow and  his economic meaningfulness will be increased.

It is necessary to pay regard to negative dynamics level of economic meaningfulness of enterprises with the underground method of development of iron-stone. Explaining to such tendency consists in that support and growth of powers of these enterprises needs considerable capital investments and observance of clear accordance of terms of their working off and introduction not depending on profitability on the separate intervals of time.

Therefore on a background the high rates of growth of volumes of booty by the opened method, on underground enterprises the rates of growth of volumes below. However saved such tendency of changes can be on the reasons indicated higher, that with growth of depth of development  economic meaningfulness of underground method will be increased, in addition, from point of ecological safety he is let in on the ground also.

There is a necessity as estimations of expedience of underground method of development of iron-stone for previous and present time so prospects of his application in the future.

Thus, taking into account that a dynamics and correlation of the offered indexes remove basic conformities to law of structure and development of iron-ore industry, applications  of indexes of economic meaningfulness will complement additional lines the economic evaluation of expedience of application of different methods of development. Thus indexes must be used only in a complex, as only so give the most picture of structure of industry and its dynamics. Development of going near the estimation of economic meaningfulness can be its indexes on витратності methods of development, and determination of criteria of estimation on the offered indexes.