UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008 

Dmitrienko I.V., senior teacher of University of ideas (Kharkov-Kyiv)

Dmitrienko Yu.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv)





It is impossible to remain on the side of a road of those progressive achievements in different industries of sciences,  in particular in philosophy of right and management theory which methodologically world view determines  the and strategic, and  tactical orientations of Ukrainian rules way in world right motion, to orientated on claim of philosophy of right in the direct, effective ideyno-teoretichniy factor of right of transformation. The methodological factor of terminology reflection of problems of legal consciousness, predefined the dialogic substitution of old totalitarian metaphorical terminology "opened", acquires at the posttotalitary  terms  of alteration  of the postmodern Ukrainian state of legal type of conceptual  value, what ideology dominated  in  the soviet covered legal field of "no aristotels"  of socio-political diskurs new "natural" concepts [3].  But "natural" concepts  must be examined in certain natural, proper certain legal space time, methodological fabric of understanding of right.

The Terminology legal mastering of modern requirements of world social development, problems of legal awareness of objective realities is related to the developing change of ideological world view base of legal          instrumentation, full determined, after researches of author, by a specific those right knowable deviation which are carried out in the legal field of ukrainian legislation.  The last acquire form  of deviantion sense of justice [1-2].  Deviantion sense of justice as extraoriginary kvintessention of system awareness of structurally crisis  changes of intransitional, to deviantal legal socium  which develops,  presumably after the laws  of s I -

n e of r gramme of e t I k of I   as to out disciplanary theoretical direction,  to directed on cognition of general ideas and conformities to the law in different industries of sciences,  and also nature of posttotalitary society on the whole akmeology require general in the unique posttotalitary context of philosophical and philosophical-legal  concept thought as active  architectonics of posttotalitary world outlook. Deviantal sense of justice as variety of legal awareness of reality in the unique succession of etnotradition ( =  national consciousness), can have  different cycles of the social activity (the greatest, high, middle, low, crisis) and characterizes paradigm, after researches of author,  the resonance cycle of deviantion of general methodology of right, level of it the proper radicalism, hierarchies of social activity [3].


         1. Podoroga V.A. Philosophical work as event. //   Questions  of philosophy. - 1993. - N 3. - P. 9

         2. Dmitrienko Yu.N.  National idea in the context of spiritual update of Ukraine (to the problem of genesis of postsoviet sense of justice)  of // Scientifically theoretical achievements of Suburb Ukraine:  philosophy, religion, culture. Collection of the scientific articles.- K, 1999.- P. 35-41

         3. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Problem to the succession in national consciousness: monograph. – Kh: Basis, 1998.  -  P. 291-292