Sartàeva H.M., Raymberdieva N.A., Korazbekova K.Zh.

Academical innovation university

Biogeochemical inspection of a marsh frog (Rana ridibunda) in some areas of Southern Kazakhstan


In territory of Southern Kazakhstan marsh frogs meet practically everywhere, in all standing, slowly current reservoirs, are rather numerous and adapted enough for a urbanization.

The purpose of the present research is biogeochemical research of marsh frogs, waters, ground and vegetation from the center of Southern Kazakhstan of city of Shymkent and ecologically pure area - gorges Mashat (area Tjulkubas).

The Selected tests of biosubstratums of animals have passed treal preparation and have been investigated X-RSA (the X-ray-spectral analysis) - lead and zinc, ÀÀÀ (àtom-àbsorbtion analysis) - copper and the chemical analysis - photometric definition of phosphorus in laboratory KGTS GP NPTS “Geology of uranium and rare land metals” (Tashkent), on the maintenance in them of following toxic elements - lead, zinc, copper and phosphorus.

Analytical researches of tests of biosubstratums of marsh frogs have shown the following (the histogram-1):

By results of researches average maintenances are calculated, the maximal and minimal values of toxic elements are allocated.

The average maintenance of toxic elements on all investigated tests of biosubstratums of marsh frogs from gorge Mashat makes: on lead of 0,25 mg/kg, on zinc of 94,5 mg/kg, on copper of 11,5 mg/kg and on phosphorus of 13872 mg/kg.

The average maintenance of lead from biosubstratums marsh frogs from city of Shymkent has made 75,8 mg/kg, zinc - 152 mg/kg, copper - 14,2 mg/kg and phosphorus - 19472 mg/kg.

The minimal maintenance of lead - 0,25 mg/kg are revealed in tests of a liver of marsh frogs from gorge Mashat, the maximal maintenance of 75,8 mg/kg is characteristic for a liver of marsh frogs from city of Shymkent. Lead exceeds maximum-permissible concentration in 7,5 times.

Illustration-1.The histogram of the maintenance of toxic elements in tests of frogs (Rana ridibunda)

  For all regions of Kazakhstan lead - the basic anthropogenesis pollutant from group of heavy metals that is connected with high industrial pollution and emissions of the motor transport working on ethylic gasoline.

Ions of metals are indispensable components of natural reservoirs. Many metals form strong enough complexes with organic connections, these complexes are one of the major forms of migration of elements in natural waters.

Therefore, with the purpose of studying of pollution of places of dwelling of a marsh frog we investigated reservoirs where they have been caught.

Tests of water from gorge Mashat have shown following results: an average level of lead of 0,029 mg/l, zinc of 0,02 mg/l, copper of 0,004 mg/l, phosphorus of 0,001 mg/l. Concentration of toxic elements - lead, zinc and copper do not exceed maximum-permissible concentration (the histogram-2). Values on phosphorus correspond 1 maximum concentration limits.

The maximal values on lead, zinc, copper and phosphorus are revealed by us in tests of water of their city of Shymkent: lead of 0,49 mg/l, zinc of 0,18 mg/l, copper of 0,38 mg/l and phosphorus of 0,01 mg/l., that in 2,9 times above maximum-permissible concentration.

As sources of pollution of waters heavy metals sewage of such most important enterprises serve in the city of Shymkent, as Open Society “PetroKazakhstanOilProducts”, Open Society "Energosociety-3", Industrial corporation "Uzhpolimetal" and Open Society "Shymkentcement".

Illustration-2. The histogram of the maintenance of toxic elements in tests of water

Also on presence of toxic elements researches have been carried out in tests of ground from gorge Mashat and city of Shymkent where the investigated kinds of marsh frogs (the histogram-3) have been caught.

Apparently from the diagram, test of ground from gorge Mashat on lead of 22,8 mg/kg, on zinc of 25,2 mg/kg, on copper of 20 mg/kg and to phosphorus of 641 mg/kg.

The natural maintenance of heavy elements in ground is inherited from parent breeds and closely connected with their mineralogical and a chemical compound.

In tests of ground from the above-stated area of research of maximum-permissible concentration of these toxic elements it is not observed.

The analysis of ground from city of Shymkent on the contrary, shows values above normative parameters. So, tests of ground have shown on lead of 529 mg/kg, zinc of 1149 mg/kg, copper of 96 mg/kg and phosphorus of 1145 mg/kg.

High concentration of lead in ground from the city of Shymkent can be connected both with natural geochemical anomalies, and with anthropogenesis influence. At technogenic influence the greatest concentration of an element, as a rule, is found out in the top layer of ground. In some industrial regions it reaches 1000 mg/kg (Saet J.E., etc., 1990).

The high maintenance of zinc in ground from the city of Shymkent is, apparently ethnogeny pollution of city. The basic anthropogenesis sources of its receipt first of all, is industrial corporation "Uzhpolimetal".

On literary given (Saet J.E., etc., 1990) in ground copper is poorly migratory element though the maintenance of the mobile form happens high enough. The quantity of the mobile form of copper depends on many factors: chemical and mineralogical structure of parent breed, ðÍ of soil solution, the maintenance of organic substance, etc.

In tests of ground from city of Shymkent quantity of copper of 96 mg/kg, that in 3 times exceeds maximum-permissible concentration.

The maximal maintenance of phosphorus is connected with initial bioorganic accumulation. In our tests phosphorus exceeds in 1,5 times maximum-permissible concentration (the histogram-3).

Illustration -3. The histogram of the maintenance of toxic elements in tests of ground

The chemical compound of vegetation, as is known, reflects element structure of ground. Therefore, superfluous accumulation of heavy metals by plants is caused, first of all, by their high concentration in ground.

Therefore, with the purpose of definition of toxic elements we investigated vegetation from the above-stated territories. Tests of plants from gorge Mashat show the insignificant maintenance of heavy metals: lead of 0,5 mg/kg, zinc of 71,2 mg/kg, copper of 8 mg/kg and phosphorus of 863 mg/kg (the histogram-4).

Tests of plants from city of Shymkent show following results: lead of 97,5 mg/kg, zinc of 216 mg/kg, copper of 40 mg/kg and phosphorus of 2485 mg/kg.

Surplus of lead in the plants, connected with its high concentration in ground, lower breath also suppresses process of photosynthesis, sometimes leads to increase in the maintenance of cadmium and decrease in receipt of zinc, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur. Therefore productivity of plants decreases and sharply quality of made production worsens.

Concentration of metal above 10 mg/kg of dry substance is toxic for the majority of plants (Pendias, 1999).

Illustration-4. The histogram of the maintenance of toxic elements in tests of vegetation


In our investigated plants from city of Shymkent concentration of lead exceeds maximum-permissible concentration in 9 times. Concentration of zinc exceeds maximum-permissible concentration in 4 time, copper too in 4 time, phosphorus in 2,5 times.

From all investigated toxic metals in plants from city of Shymkent value of lead is maximal. Probably, this kind of metal has acted in plants its not root absorption from air streams. It has place at significant loss of metals from an atmosphere on the sheet device, more often near to the large industrial enterprises.

Place of selection

Object of research






Gorge Mashat

Water of mg/l






Ground of mg/kg






Plants of mg/kg






Marsh frog of mg/kg









 City of Shymkent   

Water of mg/l






Ground of mg/kg






Plants of mg/kg






Marsh frog of mg/kg






Table-1. Results of the biogeochemical analysis of water, ground, vegetation and marsh frogs

Illustration-5. The histogram of the maintenance of toxic elements in tests of water, ground, vegetation and marsh frogs

As a whole, on the basis of the lead researches distinction between the maintenance of toxic elements in tests of water, ground, vegetation and biosubstratums of animals from gorge Mashat and city of Shymkent (table-1) and (the histogram-5) is observed.

In all investigated tests of water, ground, vegetation and marsh frogs the raised maintenance of lead, zinc, copper and phosphorus is revealed by us.

Analytical tests of water are used, ground, vegetation and biosubstratums of animals is recommended to use as bioindicators of environmental pollution.


                                          The used literature:

1. Saet J.E., Revich B.A., Yanin E.P. Geochemistry of an environment. M., 1990.

2. Pendias K. Mikroelementy in ground and plants. Moscow, 1999.