Педагогические  науки/2.Проблемы подготовки специалистов.


k.t.n  Mikhaylov K.M.

Kherson national technical university, Ukraine


The generalized algorithm
of choice individual trajectory of training


The education is a major kind of human activity. The essential increase of knowledge derivates a plenty of roughly developing specialties. The mastering by modern specialties assumes drawing up and performance of the personal plan of preparation. The educational plan on a specialist includes obligatory disciplines both disciplines at the choice of high school and students can be submitted as a model [1], [2], consisting from varied blocks. In work [3] one of possible ways of the choice of a training trajectory is submitted. It is necessary to note, that the choice of a trajectory is not limited for the sake of a set of disciplines, it can also be carried out within the limits of investigated disciplines by a choice of separate kinds of works in view of their complexity and quantity [4]. As the practice shows, for successful planning and control of training the application of means of automation is also necessary.


Statement of the task.

Using results of researches [1] - [4], it is necessary to develop the generalized algorithm for process of drawing up and control of performance of the individual trajectory of training, both at a level of the educational plan, and at a level of separate discipline. All assumptions are concerned to formation of the educational plans for high schools of Ukraine [1].


General part.

The generalized algorithm of formation of the educational plan consists of the following steps [1].

Step 1. Development of the structural - logic circuit of preparation (bachelor or magister).

As for development of the structural - logic circuit, it is important to break all set of disciplines concerned with the educational plan on three subsets related to the given discipline


so as  D1 - subset of disciplines, studying of which is possible up to the given discipline;

D2 - subset of disciplines, studying which is possible in one semester with the given discipline;

D3 - subset of disciplines, should be studied only after study of the given discipline.

For the first semester priority the disciplines, where subset D1 =Æ, in last semester - discipline, where D3 =Æ will be.

Step 2. Distribution of disciplines with control form "Examination" in semester. As the quantity of examinations in a semester can not exceed five, at presence of eight semester in the plan, it can be presented no more than forty examinations by preparation of the bachelors (all the standards are taken as an example for high schools of Ukraine).

Step 3. Distribution of the stayed normative disciplines of blocks on semester shows that the general week loading is equal to 54 hours (if the week loading will be reduced, the quantity of educational weeks will exceed 140).

Step 4. At for addition of discipline from the stayed blocks on semester, it states that the general week loading is equal to 54 hours.

Step 5. A variation of total amount of disciplines within the limits of the block in view of semester for performance of equality of loading of a semester which equals 54 hours.

Step 6. Having considered the thematic plan of a rate consisting from n to those, it is necessary to accept the decision on inclusion or not inclusion of a theme in the individual plan of preparation (if the given theme is not obligatory) [2].

The initial plan includes disciplines P, consisting from followed topics T:

Pf={Tf1, Tf2,  …, Tfr},


so as f - serial number of discipline in the educational plan;

r – quantity by that concerned by the rate.

Result of a choice by that of a rate:

Pfk={Tfw1, Tfw2, …, Tfwk},


where fwk – embodies the quantity of the chosen themes of a rate, and fn>fwk.

For each chosen theme the duration of study from an allowable interval is defined:


[t1min.. t1max],


[t2min.. t2max],


[t3min.. t3max],




[twkmin.. twkmax].

As for the quantity, duration and forms of the control, they can be defined: as self-checking, testing, control works, final control.

General time of control measures:



so as  tki - time i of a kind of the control;

n – quantity concerned by the rate.

Total time of training:


and Tfwi Î Pfk.

Step 7. For development of a trajectory of performance of a laboratory practical work is created and the following algorithm is applied [3].

1.  The obligatory quantity of carried out laboratory works is also defined.

2.  For each work depending on a degree, complexity where the weight factor is defined.

3.  The level of preparation of the student is defined according to observed the purpose of the recommendation of a level of complexity of chosen laboratory works.

4.  The individual preferences of the student can be defined.

5.  The order of performance of works (consecutive, parallel, any) is observed.

6.  The intermediate and final levels of control of a practical work performance both estimation of result of performance and completeness of the achieved purposes is carried out.

For performance of the specified algorithm the criteria of a choice of laboratory work in dependence of a level of preparation of the students and their individual needs to form the practical skills on educational discipline are offered.

Criterion 1. A level of preparation for performance of the practical work.

Before realization of a laboratory practical work the estimative levels of preparation of the student are possible by testing on the disciplines investigated earlier (control of residual knowledge), which are previous for investigated discipline, analysis of a final estimation on them.

On the basis of the carried out work each student can be referred to one of three groups:

- insufficiently prepared student;

- student with a sufficient level of preparation;

- student with an excellent level preparation.

Depending on the specified class preparations to the student offer levels of complexity of a practical work.

Criterion 2. A significance value of work during preparation of the expert.

The teacher estimates the developed laboratory works from the point of view of importance for purchasing of skills ensuring performance of functional duties of the future expert in a scale [0,1; 1]. The more in detail given approach is stated in work [2].

Criterion 3. Individual preferences of the student.

The given question is considered in work in detail [3]. The procedure of definition of individual preferences is reduced to the answers to test questions with their subsequent analysis. As a result of performance of the specified procedure the weight desire factors of performance of laboratory work are defined.

Step 8. An estimation of quality of performance of a laboratory practical work.

The chosen trajectory of performance of a laboratory practical work at once is necessary for estimating from the point of view achievable of the purposes of investigated discipline.

1.  For each laboratory work the method of expert estimations defines weight factor, where ai, j - coordinate in space of a laboratory practical work.

2. For a laboratory practical work the scale of conformity to estimations is defined: "perfectly" - S5, it is "good" - S4, is "satisfactory" - S3.

3. For all laboratory works including in a trajectory, the sum of weight factors is defined:


so as  pi,j =1, if the laboratory work is included in the trajectory, and pi,j =0 otherwise.

4. The interval is defined to which belongs Smax.

5. After realization of a laboratory practical work for each work the level е ё of performance - Ri,j is defined(determined). Application of the several approaches in this case is possible. For example, the work is protected, (Ri,j=1), or is not protected (Ri,j =0). Or other approach: Ri,j [0,1].

6. Final estimation of performance of the practical work:


It is necessary to note, that .         

7. On a scale (see item 2), is defined an accessory Sitog to an estimated interval and the estimation for the laboratory practical work is exposed as well.

Step 9. The control of presence of repetitions in investigated disciplines.

The further perfection of the generated individual trajectory consists in the analysis of disciplines, which are included in the educational plan at a level by that.

Let's consider the ideally generated educational plan. In such plan for any two disciplines Di = {Ti (1), Ti (2).. Ti (Ni)} and Dj = {Tj (1), Tj (2).., Tj (Nj)} the conditions are carried out:

Di(1) Ç Dj(1)=Æ;

Di(1) Ç Dj(2)=Æ;


Di(Ni) Ç Dj(Nj)=Æ.

Previous for investigated discipline, analysis of a final estimation on them.

However for the really designed educational plan there will be disciplines, for which

Di(А) Ç Dj(B)=Tk.

Three strategies of modernization of the educational plan are possible.

Strategy 1. To remove the specified theme Tk from discipline Di.

Strategy 2. To remove the specified theme Tk from discipline Dj.

Strategy 3. To generate new discipline from two, and:

Dk= Di(Ni)  È Dj(Nj)- Tk.

The conclusion. The offered approach will allow to generate an individual trajectory of training of the student both at a level of the educational plan, and at the level of separate discipline, that provides high flexibility and comfort at development of a trade.




1. Михайлов К.М. Моделирование учебного плана подготовки бакалавров по специальности экономическая кибернетика //Вестник ХГТУ. – 2003. - №2(18). – С. 468-471.

2. Михайлов К.М. Моделирование процесса выбора программы курсовой подготовки методом анализа иерархий //Вестник ХГТУ. – 2005. -№1(21). –С.568-572.

3. Ефимов О.Н., Михайлов К.М. Способ выбора траектории обучения студента//Вестник ХНТУ. – 2007. -№ 4(27). – С.561–564.

4. Михайлов К.М., Михайлова В.В. Критерии выбора траектории обучения студента при выполнении лабораторного практикума//Вестник ХГТУ. – 2006. -№1(24). – С. 464–466.


Mikhaylov K.M.

The generalized algorithm of choice individual trajectory of training

The algorithm is offered which allows to individualize a trajectory of training. The features of algorithm consist in formation of such trajectory, both at a level of the educational plan, and at the level of separate discipline. The described approach allows to take into account individual features of the person, which is trained.


Mikhaylov Konstantin Mikhaylovitsh - k.t.n, senior lecturer, doctorant of faculty of information technologies of the Kherson national technical university.

Scientific interests: modeling of educational processes and structures and progressive information technologies.