A.K.Temeshov (11-NBM-1)




        The market economy functioning in Republic Kazakhstan can't do without capital estimations any more – real estate, business, the earth and its bowels, cars and the equipment, etc.

The market economy is based on market which essence for today in Republic Kazakhstan everyone understands in own way.

The Kazakhstan appraisers in the works use the international standards of an estimation and methods of definition of various kinds of cost, thus often actually meaning so-called «inventory cost».

The objective, well-founded conclusion about size of market cost of real estate is necessary at purchase and sale or tenancy operations,  the enterprises and redistribution of property shares, at attraction of new shareholders and additional issue of actions, at the taxation and real estate insurance, at crediting on the security of property and attraction of investors, including foreign, at execution of rights of succession, the adjudication and other operations connected with realization of property rights.

Crediting development makes essential impact on economy and social sphere of the country since the mortgage for the state is a convenient and simple way to provide the people a living space, for financial institutions is a favourable operation of means, for the building companies - a way of enrichment, as well as for set of the accompanying small organizations (realtors, notaries, appraisers, contractors).

Crediting – one of the most effective ways of attraction of investments.

As it is known, at realization of credit activity one of the primary goals, facing bank structures, – minimization of credit risks.

One of classical ways of minimization of credit risks is entering by the borrower of pledge.

However such way doesn't guarantee success to the credit policy of bank. One of the reasons of it is arising at management of credit risks the reflective interrelation between the credit and pledge.

The basic complexity at definition of true cost of pledge consists that its market price is floating size and depends on a business cycle phase.

So, the strong economy with high credit activity, as a rule, lifts estimations of actives and increases volumes of the arriving incomes serving for definition of credit status of the borrower.

On a trajectory of economic recession value of mortgaging actives can promptly fall. For adequate estimation of cost of pledge it is necessary to consider a great number of factors, including the future dynamics of an economic and legal conjuncture, i.e. acceptance of microeconomic decisions depends on a macroeconomic situation.

As it is known, delivery of the credit in economic growth under the pledge estimated at the price of this period, and its repayment by means of realization of pledge in depression lead to financial losses of the credit organization.

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It is necessary, that the price of pledge at the moment of credit repayment wasn't too low, otherwise the risk of a non-return of the credit sharply increases.

However even at comprehension of necessity of the account of effect of reflexivity in a chain «the credit – pledge» completely to eliminate financial risks of crediting it is not possible.

It is connected with following problems: complexity of forecasting of the price of pledge as the ideal knowledge of development of the corresponding commodity market for this purpose is necessary; impossibility of exact forecasting of periodicity and a business cycle condition; uncertainty of inflationary dynamics which depends on state regulation measures.

The solution of a problem of uncertainty of the price of pledge by overestimate of its current size over the sum of the given out credit can seem natural, however in practice it appears poorly realized as demand for credits in this case falls that is equivalent to "reduction" of the credit market and blasting of financial positions of bank.

Besides direct distortion of the true price of pledge inflation renders a great influence on profitability, that is why and on solvency of the borrower.

The basic problems which appraisers usually urged to solve, are connected with estimation of cost.

It has great value for the buyer or the seller at definition of a reasonable price of the transaction, for the creditor at decision-making on mortgage loan granting, for the insurance company at damage compensation.

Absence of the debugged and settled system of an estimation leads to occurrence of numerous disputes and questions between participants of market relations.

It, first of all, concerns conditions of the conclusion of transactions on property alienation, granting of property for execution of obligations (pledge, a mortgage) and definitions of efficiency of investment in manufacture and reference spheres.

As a whole, the problem of a choice of those or other approaches and methods at a real estate estimation depends on specificity of these objects, character of a solved problem and corresponding requirements to an estimation, characteristics of the accessible information and resources which can be used for an estimation.

The qualified and well-founded conclusion about cost characteristics of object of an estimation probably only on the basis of the initial data systematized and confirmed in one way or another.

Summing up, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the correct credit policy at a real estate estimation will promote more effective functioning of market economy at all stages of its development.