Erkin S. Ayagan, Assiya B. Abilova,   Ruslan S. Duvanbekov

Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Karaganda





One of the processes that fully prove early history of Kazakhstan government that Bokei  Orda, situated on the west of Kazakh land, at the head of  Zhangir khan determined legally with Russian empire mutual frontier. That is concerned to be one of the primary requirements of modern times that were met thank to Zhangir khan some centuries ago. It was he who determined national border of  Bokei Orda and reached settlement with Russian empire and processed the document.        

In 1828 by instruction of  Zhangir  khan S.A. Rayevskey and Tarayev charted the geographical and surface contour maps of  Bokei Orda [1].

Zhangir khan after his appointment to a post he wanted to chart the territory. He plunged into realizing national missions that his father hadn’t managed at his post.  One of such kind of missions is to strengthen the influence of power through determining the territory of khanate by appointing new staff of specialists for realizing these ideas.  Finally this idea was realized under his command; Bokei Orda charted the map determining its territory. The sample of the map resides at “Bokei Orda” museum and regional Astrakhan archive today. The statement that none of Kazakh khans had a national map fails to be true. Therefore Zhangir khan was the first who determined national map of  Bokei Orda in Kazakh history and amid Kazakh khans. On the whole territory of Bokei khanate lands, waters, namesa of settlements were defined and investigated on the geographical and surface contour maps. The nature and rivers, climate, area were examined and measured, Zhangir khan himself determined the territory and took the national agreement from the part of Russian Empire.  By determining the national territory of  Bokei Orda, Zhangir khan he protected his people from external and internal enemies. 

On the map of  Bokei  khanate, external borders with Tatarstan, Bashkurstan, Kalmakiya, the regions of Russian empire were in safe from boundary collisions.  And he hadn’t left any chance to his neighbors to intrude to the territory. But the conquering of the lands belonging to Bokei Orda somehow failed to succeeded. The policy of Russian empire ruined after Zhangir khan charted and determined the national territory of  Bokei Orda.  Later Russian empire did not intent to give back Orynbor  to Kazakhstan. At that time the empire still considered “Bokei khanate” in its possession and so in this posed some obstacles in leading own national policy. Otherwise the modern territory of Kazakhstan had been smaller if Bokei  Orda would have been left to Russian empire. Thanks to Zhangir khan’s successful policy national territory of  Bokei  Orda was charted on the map which must be considered as his ability to appreciate the highest national values and the individual with great patriotic education with endless love to his nation and motherland.       

Nowadays when the matter deals with determining the national border the government should be taken into account and referred to the experience of  Zhangir khan in charting the national map of  Bokei  orda.

The most cultivated lands among conquered ones shown on the map had to be given to Russian and Kazaks.  This process was legalized and certificated since 1830. The lands along small rivers given to private property in 1830 were left with any changes. This fact must be taken into consideration while determining the border with neighboring governments.    

It is known fact that in XVI - XVIII centuries the lands given on Bokei Orda property were settled by other nationalities. But lands along the rivers Edil (Volga) and  Zhayik  (Ural) sooner were deserted  [2]. The reason of that lays on those lands from ancient times belonged to Kazakhs.  

The west Kazakh lands were settled by bashkurts and Oral soldiers and their families along “Edil” (Volga) as well.   

Kazakhs were settled in Samar province and the southern part of  Oral, and Tatars and  Kalmaks migrated from the west the coasts of the sea to the northern coasts of  Volga. Northern lands were inhabited by Bashkurts which had borders with Saratov and Samara provinces.  Nowadays the cultivated lands of  Bokei  khanate have been vested to Russian provinces.

When Kalmaks in 1771 run away to Chinese empire the Kazakhs lands left deserted. Sooner Kurgyz and Kaisaks (Kazakhs) settlements were seen at those places.  At the head of Bokei sultan 10 000 families of small zhuz inhabited these lands with the agreement of Russian government in 1801, and were named as Bokei Orda [3].   

According to the key information, the lands of  Bokei Orda were legalized and the map charted, geographical position was defined with reference to its specific climate. The lands of Orda on the geographical features were determined and charted on the map as  fertile and semi fertile, pasturages and meadows, valeric and sagebrush, saltbrush types. After the land were legalized to Bokei Khanate  the khan started to give to private property to Kazakh people. When the national border was determined  Zhangir  khan without fear started to pass the lands to private property to the people of  Orda. The reason of   holding such kind of policy could be explained by the fact that Russian empire started to inhabit Russians and Kazaks and were given to private property especially to rich ones.  (according to Abdrakhmanova B., “kazaks  belong to one of the social groups, it is comprised from different nations”). In the result when Bokei  Orda worked at charting the map, the kazaks  were not fond of idea to abandon their land, so in this case they assisted in this new policy of the government. While establishing new diplomatic relations with Russian empire, to prove that Edil  and  Zhayik lands belonged to Kazakhs from ancient times the idea of determining the national border had appeared and a new map was charted due to this situation.  The map strengthened its independence and its power was delivered for generations to modern times.  

The map of Bokei Orda charted by Zhangir khan should be taken onto consideration in the process of dividing the border with Kazakstan and Russian territories.   Zhangir  khan succeeded in determining the borders of Kazakh lands with Russia which is still relevant nowadays.

After the ÕVI-XVIII centuries in the coasts of Edil and Zhayik rivers situated on the Bokei khanate  were inhabited by different nations as Kazakhs, saks, huns, kupshaks. These facts were extracted from the book of  Tereshenko A., “Sledy Desht-Kinchaka i Bnutrenya Kurgyz - kasakskaya orda” published in 1893, in Moscow, N22. In this work the author proved that kazaks are being the only heir of Kupshak lands. Within the time the lands of kazakhs inhabited by the tribes in different historical periods turned into the kazakh nation.   In XVI-XVIII century other nations tended to move back in their permanent settlements [4].  Zhangir  khan legally proved that all these land belong to Kazakh ancestors and charted them on the map.  

According to the national map of  Bokei Orda all the borders with Russian provinces, Tatars,  Bashkurts  were defined. The  kalmaks at certain historical periods for the sake of their souls were moving with Kazakhs. According to the key information that was given above, Kalmaks was defeated by Kazaks. When kalamks were dismissed from their settlements the half of them run away to Zhongaria near China territory,   the other half escaped in Kalmakya in Russia.

Bokei khan built Bokei Orda to return Kazakh lands in the coasts of  Edil and Zhayik rivers from Russian empire. Zhangir khan legalized these lands, chrted the map, the national border determined. So in this way Zhangir  khan made Russian empire to recognize the power of Kazakh nation.  It is one of the greatest contributions made for his people and further generations.



1.  Bokei Ordasy tarikhi musei keshen³ (Tarikhi Materialdar қorynan). 2005 Orda.
2. Bukeevskoy Orde 200 let. Kniga 6. Almaty "Өlke" 2001. P. 38-159
3. G.K.
Mukataev, Khan Zhangir. Velikiy preobrazovatel  steppi. Sant Petersburg 2001.p143.
4.  RGVIA (Ros.Gos.voen.istor.archive) ph. 400, op.1, d.153, ch. 3, l. 7.